This is a starter template which you can use containing multiple installed libraries for quick setup. This template uses pnpm
for installation instead of yarn
or npm
for performance and space benefits. You can read more about pnpm here
npx @startertemp/nextjs-hardhat-ts my-app
stands for npm init@startertemp/nextjs-hardhat-ts
is the package namemy-app
is the folder name
cd frontend
to go into the frontend folderpnpm dev
to run the next js project.
- Hardhat/Soldity
- Hardhat-Toolbox
- Chai
- @nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers
- @nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers
- @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan
- typechain
- @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle
- @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers
- hardhat-gas-reporter
- solidity-coverage
- @OpenZeppelin/Contracts
- dotenv
Any type of contributions are welcome into Github Repository.