All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed custom fonts not applying
- Added
param to NiceButton constructor to allow for setting buttons to size to fit. - Fixed an issue that was causing system icons to not work in buttons.
- Changed default button image sizing from undefined to width: 16, height: 14.
- Changed default button image padding from 0 to 8.
- Added a NiceImage constructor that accepts an
for iOS 17.0 and beyond.
- Fixed scaled fonts not applying weight correctly to custom fonts
- Fixed some text styling not being properly applied to text objects
- Removed individual component Views, replaced with NiceButton & NiceText
- Reworked color theming, added ColorTheme and ColorStyle
- Fixed padding of NiceButton with image.
- Updated cornerRadius handling for buttons
- Added lineSpacing to NiceTextStyle.
- Added tracking to FontStyle.
- Lots of prep for initial public release!
- Added a bunch of documentation, comments and clarification.
- Removed some unused, or outdated components that have SwiftUI equivalents now.
- Renamed a handful of components and helpers to be more clear or avoid potential collisions.
- Removed stateful view and view+if helpers, to be moved into a separate utils library.
- Add functionality to NiceText to allow setting a maximum dynamic type font size
- Add two helper functions to
that allow for optional view modifying
- Reworked stateful view
- ResizeableImage now supports loading / fallbackImage
- Min iOS version incremented to iOS 15
- NiceButton introduced
- All Button components are now NiceButtons
- ResizableImage supports systemIcons
- NiceButtonStyle replaced ButtonStyle
- NiceBorderStyle replaced BorderStyle
- AttributedString support for Text components
- Update to StatefulView to support opaque view types
- LoadingView improvement
- Added shadowStyle
- Text components implement NiceText
- Layout documentation
- ContentLoadState is now equatable
- ResizableImage handles both bundle string and URL
- InactiveButton removed onClick modifier
- Initial release! Adds a basic set of components and a first pass at config options to customize them.