Color-Scheme Name | ColorTable | PuTTY Name | ANSI VT100 Foreground / Background |
ScreenBackground |
Colour6 |
ANSI Black |
$e[30m / $e[40m |
PopupBackground |
Colour21 |
ANSI White Bold |
$e[97m / $e[107m |
DimScreenText |
Colour7 |
ANSI Black Bold |
$e[90m / $e[100m |
ScreenText |
Colour20 |
ANSI White |
$e[37m / $e[47m |
BrightScreenText |
Colour21 |
ANSI White Bold |
$e[97m / $e[107m |
BrightPopupText |
Colour6 |
ANSI Black |
$e[30m / $e[40m |
PopupText |
Colour7 |
ANSI Black Bold |
$e[90m / $e[100m |
DimPopupText |
Colour20 |
ANSI White |
$e[37m / $e[47m |
Red |
Colour8 |
ANSI Red |
$e[31m / $e[41m |
Orange |
Colour15 |
ANSI Blue Bold |
$e[94m / $e[104m |
Yellow |
Colour12 |
ANSI Yellow |
$e[33m / $e[43m |
Green |
Colour10 |
ANSI Green |
$e[32m / $e[42m |
Cyan |
Colour18 |
ANSI Cyan |
$e[36m / $e[46m |
Blue |
Colour14 |
ANSI Blue |
$e[34m / $e[44m |
Violet |
Colour17 |
ANSI Magenta Bold |
$e[95m / $e[105m |
Magenta |
Colour16 |
ANSI Magenta |
$e[35m / $e[45m |
TrafficRed |
Colour9 |
ANSI Red Bold |
$e[91m / $e[101m |
TrafficAmber |
Colour13 |
ANSI Yellow Bold |
$e[93m / $e[103m |
TrafficGreen |
Colour11 |
ANSI Green Bold |
$e[92m / $e[102m |
TrafficBlue |
Colour19 |
ANSI Cyan Bold |
$e[96m / $e[106m |
- remark that one can use
$e = "`e"
on newer versions of PowerShell, otherwise use$e = [char]27
or$e = [char]0x1B
ColorTable | PuTTY Name | Color-Scheme Name | ANSI VT100 Foreground / Background |
Colour0 (=Colour20 ) |
Default Foreground (=ANSI White ) |
ScreenText |
$e[37m / $e[47m |
Colour1 (=Colour7 ) |
Default Bold Foreground (=ANSI Black Bold ) |
PopupText |
$e[90m / $e[100m |
Colour2 (=Colour6 ) |
Default Background (=ANSI Black ) |
ScreenBackground |
$e[30m / $e[40m |
Colour3 (=Colour21 ) |
Default Bold Background (=ANSI White Bold ) |
PopupBackground |
$e[97m / $e[107m |
Colour4 (=Colour6 ) |
Cursor Text (=ANSI Black ) |
BrightPopupText |
$e[30m / $e[40m |
Colour5 (=Colour21 ) |
Cursor Colour (=ANSI White Bold ) |
PopupBackground |
$e[97m / $e[107m |
ColorTable | PuTTY Name | Color-Scheme Name | ANSI VT100 Foreground / Background |
Colour6 |
ANSI Black |
ScreenBackground & BrightPopupText |
$e[30m / $e[40m |
Colour7 |
ANSI Black Bold |
PopupText & DimScreenText |
$e[90m / $e[100m |
Colour8 |
ANSI Red |
Red |
$e[31m / $e[41m |
Colour9 |
ANSI Red Bold |
TrafficRed |
$e[91m / $e[101m |
Colour10 |
ANSI Green |
Green |
$e[32m / $e[42m |
Colour11 |
ANSI Green Bold |
TrafficGreen |
$e[92m / $e[102m |
Colour12 |
ANSI Yellow |
Yellow |
$e[33m / $e[43m |
Colour13 |
ANSI Yellow Bold |
TrafficAmber |
$e[93m / $e[103m |
Colour14 |
ANSI Blue |
Blue |
$e[34m / $e[44m |
Colour15 |
ANSI Blue Bold |
Orange |
$e[94m / $e[104m |
Colour16 |
ANSI Magenta |
Magenta |
$e[35m / $e[45m |
Colour17 |
ANSI Magenta Bold |
Violet |
$e[95m / $e[105m |
Colour18 |
ANSI Cyan |
Cyan |
$e[36m / $e[46m |
Colour19 |
ANSI Cyan Bold |
TrafficBlue |
$e[96m / $e[106m |
Colour20 |
ANSI White |
ScreenText & DimPopupText |
$e[37m / $e[47m |
Colour21 |
ANSI White Bold |
PopupBackground & BrightScreenText |
$e[97m / $e[107m |
- remark that one can use
$e = "`e"
on newer versions of PowerShell, otherwise use$e = [char]27
or$e = [char]0x1B
ANSI VT100 Foreground / Background | ColorTable | PuTTY Name | Color-Scheme Name |
$e[30m / $e[40m |
Colour6 |
ANSI Black |
ScreenBackground & BrightPopupText |
$e[31m / $e[41m |
Colour8 |
ANSI Red |
Red |
$e[32m / $e[42m |
Colour10 |
ANSI Green |
Green |
$e[33m / $e[43m |
Colour12 |
ANSI Yellow |
Yellow |
$e[34m / $e[44m |
Colour14 |
ANSI Blue |
Blue |
$e[35m / $e[45m |
Colour16 |
ANSI Magenta |
Magenta |
$e[36m / $e[46m |
Colour18 |
ANSI Cyan |
Cyan |
$e[37m / $e[47m |
Colour20 |
ANSI White |
ScreenText & DimPopupText |
$e[90m / $e[100m |
Colour7 |
ANSI Black Bold |
PopupText & DimScreenText |
$e[91m / $e[101m |
Colour9 |
ANSI Red Bold |
TrafficRed |
$e[92m / $e[102m |
Colour11 |
ANSI Green Bold |
TrafficGreen |
$e[93m / $e[103m |
Colour13 |
ANSI Yellow Bold |
TrafficAmber |
$e[94m / $e[104m |
Colour15 |
ANSI Blue Bold |
Orange |
$e[95m / $e[105m |
Colour17 |
ANSI Magenta Bold |
Violet |
$e[96m / $e[106m |
Colour19 |
ANSI Cyan Bold |
TrafficBlue |
$e[97m / $e[107m |
Colour21 |
ANSI White Bold |
PopupBackground & BrightScreenText |
- remark that one can use
$e = "`e"
on newer versions of PowerShell, otherwise use$e = [char]27
or$e = [char]0x1B