- learn to take concepts and abstract them for different situations
- develop further empathy for SE
- ability to program and translate thoughts into code
- think on your feet
- self confidence in engineering capabilities
- not be an idea guy
- you get jobs like this
#CODECHEF - DS & ALGORITHMS - https://discuss.codechef.com/questions/48877/data-structures-and-algorithms ##Binary Search
- requires that object is sorted.
- different predicates can be adjusted to binary search
#HACKEREARTH - CodeMonk - https://www.hackerearth.com/codemonk/ ##Arrays & Strings
- Necessary to define size array compile time i.e. int array[6];
- initialize array : int Arr[] = {2,3,4,5,6,7};
- concatenation: s1 += s2;
- comparison: strcmp(s1, s2), s1 == s2;
- reverse ->
##Number Theory - 1
- Euclid: B == 0 ? A : return GCD(B, A % B);
#debugging void pause() { int x; cout << "Paused... Please enter a key to continue"; cin >> x; return; } system("PAUSE"); #dynamic programming The idea behind dynamic programming is that you're caching (memoizing) solutions to subproblems, though I think there's more to it than that. given: 1000 * 1340 solve by first finding 1000*1000 then doing 1000 * 340 and then adding the two #backtracking algorithm - finding all or some solutions to some computational problem
In backtracking algorithms you try to build a solution one step at a time. If at some step it become clear that the current path that you are on cannot lead to a solution you go back to the previous step (backtrack) and choose a different path. Basically once you exhaust all your options at a certain step you go back. The classic example for backtracking is the Eight queens puzzle. In this backtracking solution you place queen i on row i in some column j and check that it does not threaten a queen in the i-1 rows.
#greedy algorithms
Always takes the highest values first. Making locally optimal solution.
#strings use stoi to get an int islower isupper
#numbers in computers ##constants to remember 0xA = 1010 = 10 0xC = 1100 = 12 0xF = 1111 = 15 255 = 11111111 = 0xFF
##binary to hex
- split into groups of 4 bits
- convert each group of 4 bits into a hex char
##binary to decimal just use powers of two to calculate
##hex to binary reverse of binary to hex process take each hex digit and change it into binary then string them together
##hex to decimal take every hex digit and times it by the appropriate hex power e.g. 7DE (7 * 16^2) + (13 * 16^1) + (14 * 16^0) 7DE = 2014
##decimal to binary (large) for smaller numbers just find the first 2^x that is greater than the whole value and work down from that point
for larger numbers, continuously divide by 2 and count the remainders up. stop when needed i.e. 13 to binary 13%2 = 1 6%2 = 0 3%2 = 1 1%2 = 1 quotient = 0
##decimal to hex same process as decimal to binary but using base 16 and converting all characters to hexadecimal representation i.e. 1128%16 = 8 70%16 = 6 4%16 = 4 reading bot to top = 468
##negative number and twos complement and ones complement the role of 1s and 0s are reversed in twos complements 0000 = 0 1111 = -0 the most significant bit indicates sign ###ones complement just flip the bits ~ to get the negative value of the positive value. ###twos complement original value, to get the negative
- flip bits
- add one allows addition and nice calculation of numbers
#bitshifting (note order of operations) ##order of operations ~, << >> , &, ^, |, &&, || toggle: number ^= 1 << x; setting bit: number |= 1 << x;
clearing a bit: number &= ~(1 << x)
multiply by 2: number << 1
##Logic NOT NOR is AND --> draw it out
##Setting ALL bits! x = x | x >> 1; x = x | x >> 2; x = x | x >> 4; x = x | x >> 8; x = x | x >> 16; return x; invaluable