- Date: Sep 10, 2021
- Date: Sep 17, 2021
- Presenters: Yilei, Divyaratan
- Reading: PCA chapter of History and geography of human genes (mattermost)
- Reading: https://liorpachter.wordpress.com/2014/05/26/what-is-principal-component-analysis/
- Reading: Novembre et al., “Genes Mirror Geography within Europe.” [@Novembre2008]
- Date: Sep 24, 2021
- Presenters: Stephan, Thiseas
- Tools: smartpca,
- Data: HGDP, thinned down (?)
- Topics: PCA, F2, MDS, connections between them
- Date: Oct 8, 2021
- Presenters: Luca, Thiseas
- Reading: Meisner, Jonas, Siyang Liu, Mingxi Huang, and Anders Albrechtsen. 2021. “Large-Scale Inference of Population Structure in Presence of Missingness Using PCA.” Bioinformatics , January. https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btab027.
- Reading: Agrawal, Aman, Alec M. Chiu, Minh Le, Eran Halperin, and Sriram Sankararaman. 2020. “Scalable Probabilistic PCA for Large-Scale Genetic Variation Data.” PLoS Genetics 16 (5): e1008773.
- Date: Oct 15, 2021
- Presenters: Clemens, Ben V.
- Tools: softImpute
- Tool: least square projection
- Approaches
- mean imputation
- projection
- EM-imputation
- MDS-projection?
- Date: Oct 22, 2021
- Goal: Try out various missing data techniques
- Date: Nov 5, 2021
- Presenters: Leonardo A., Ke
- Reading:
- Pritchard et al. 2000
- Alexander et al. 2009 (Admixture)
- maybe some review (for example Falush "Badmixture")
- Date: Nov 12, 2021
- Presenters: Sandra, Laura, Joscha
- Tasks: Run admixture
- Run admixture in supervised mode
- Comparison with PCA
- PCA on Admixture components (?)
- Dystruct?
- Date: Nov 26, 2021
- Presenters: Stephan, Federica, Alba
- Reading: Engelhardt and Stephens, “Analysis of Population Structure.”
- Reading: McVean 2009
- Date: Dec 10, 2021
- Presenters: Leonardo I., Arev
- Tool: msprime
- Tasks
- Simulation with sample sizes / coalescence rates
- Task: Predicted PCA vs Simulations
- Date: Dec 17, 2021
- Presenters: Ben Peter
- Reading: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.13.452141v2
- non-linear projections
- tSNE
- Diffusion maps
- other linear projections
- Trees
- Admixture Graphs
- Treelets
- Comparison of tools
- Detailed discussion of MDS vs PCA
- F-statistics and PCA
- qpADM and PCA
- Selection and SNP outliers
- PCA based on other matrices such as Fine-Structure
- Interpretation of PCA-plots