All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Redirect can now be sorted by match type
- Fixed an error when sorting 4O4's
- Automatically created redirects now take the full path into account, not just the slug (#105)
- Pages withouth a Schema type now default to WebPage
- Removed Sprig dependency
- Fixed missing behaviour for categories (#95)
- Fixed missing behaviour for categories (#95)
- Fixed an error with fields that don't use "seo" as a handle (#94)
- Fixed an error where meta description would never be rendered
- Updated Craft 5 release with the latest fixes from Craft 4.
- Initial Craft 5 support 🚀
- Fixed an issue for sites that use a database column prefix
- Fixed support for Commerce Products (#92)
- Change schema version to fix an issue with migrations from 4.0.0 not being applied correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the "Allow sitename to be hidden" option would not work (#90)
- Fixed a permissions issue on sites with multiple users and user groups
- Fixed getting schema data for multi-site setups
- Fixed on issue on the schema settings screen, when no settings had been defined yet
- Initial Craft 5 support 🚀
- Fixed a twig syntax error (#88)
- Redirects and 404's now works for users that only have access to 1 site. (#87)
- Fixed an issue where page title wouldn't be used as fallback meta title (#86)
- Final fix for pagination on redirects & 404's (#85)
- Temporary fix for incomplete pagination on redirects (#85)
- Fixed an error where deleted sections were still shown in the sitemap settings (#82)
- Fixed an error when using a custom meta template (#81)
- Fixed an issue where sitemaps couldn't be saved for different sites
- Permissions for defaults are now really fixed (#77)
- Canoncial urls now take into account pagination and multsite subfolders (#78)
- Overview of 404s and redirects are now using Craft's internal adminTable, making them much more performant.
- Fixed a permissions issue where users would never get to see the "Default" menu (#77)
- Removed the self-referencing canonical on 404 pages (#71)
- Use full path for canonical URLs (#78)
- Fixed an error in the sitemap query where we were checking an incorrect collumn and not all items would be returned
- Fixed issue where redirect would always get a ? appended
- Fixed issue where query parameters would be discarded on redirect
- Fixed issue where 404's wouldn't always be saved.
- Fixed issue where elements weren't included in sitemaps in some cases (#70)
- 404's can now be filtered by All, handled only, not handled only
- Regex matching for redirects
- Imported redirects are assigned a valued sourceMatch again #67
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect return type
- Fixed an issue where users with limited permissions would still be redirects to the defaults tab (#65)
- Redirects can now be site to ignore query parameters in the source url
- Fixed an issue with canoncial urls when the site isn't running on the root url.
- Fixed missing class in SeoFieldModel
- Fixed an issue with Twitter share images
- Fixed a type error in the Robots & Sitemap controllers (#60)
- Fixed a error with plugin permissions
- Fixed a PHP error when added a field
- Craft 4 🚀
- Craft CMS 4 compatibility
- Removed dump
- Query parameters are no longer included in canoncial urls
- Fixed in issue where
properties in sitemap.xml could in incorrect.
- Fixed an error when deleting a section (#48)
- Beter fix for the 404 overview page when referral urls are really long
- Fixed a layout issue on the 404 overview page when referral urls are really long
- Better handing for redirects that apply to all site ids
- Fixed an issue with redirect imports and league/csv
- 404 tracking
- Redirects
- The plugin label in the sidebar can be changed in settings
- Defaults is now renamed to "Meta" in the CP sidebar
- Fixed issue with alternate links
- Allow league/csv 8.2 or 9.x
- Added self-referencing hreflang tag
- Fixed hrefland links for homepages
- 404 tracking
- Redirects
- The plugin label in the sidebar can be changed in settings
- Defaults is now renamed to "Meta" in the CP sidebar
- Fixed an issue with disabled entries showing up in sitemaps (#30)
- Fixed an issue with sitemap querries on installed that use a tableprefix.
- Fixed an issue where deleted sites were still included in queries
- Added support for 3.5's option to disable sites #28
- It's now possible to overwrite each SEO file in template. Docs can be found here
- Fixed an issue with the meta querries in Craft 3.5
- Fixed an issue with the sitemap querries in Craft 3.5
- Fixed an issue with installs that use a table prefix
- Fixed an issue with date formats in the sitemaps
- Fixed a crash when a section that was included in the sitemap was deleted. (#21)
- Fixed an issue with rendering robots.txt templates
- Fixed lastmod date format in sitemaps (#17)
- Fixed an issue where sitemaps for section were not being cached correctly. (#14)
- Fixed an issue where sitemaps weren't accessible for anonymous users. (#11)
- Initial release 🎉