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File metadata and controls

213 lines (122 loc) · 5.01 KB


MATLAB FEX Minimum Version

This is a class that simply wraps the functionality of the builtin struct datatype, but adds a number of useful features. The most notable feature, is that a structobj is a handle class and is therefore passed by reference to other functions. This allows you to essentially modify the structure in-place.

S = structobj('Parameter1', 'value');

function addParameter(structure)
    % Simple function that adds a parameter without returned value
    structure.NewParameter = 'differentValue';

Now when we display S, we see that it has been modified despite not being returned from the addParameter function.

S =

    Parameter1: 'value'
    NewParameter: 'differentValue'

Object Creation

You can create a structobj in a number of different ways

Standard Structure Inputs

The typical inputs can be passed to the structobj constructor

Scalar Structure

S = structobj('a', 1, 'b', 2)

S =

    a: 1
    b: 2

Array of Structures

S = structobj('a', {1, 2}, 'b', {3, 4})

S =

1x2 struct array with fields:


Dot Assignment

S = structobj();
S.Program = 'structobj';

Existing struct

If you already have a structure (or array of structures) containing all of your data, you can simply pass that structure directly to the constructor.

S = structobj(existingStructure);

Keep in mind that since the built-in struct datatype isn't passed by reference, any changes made to S will not be reflected in existingStructure.

Additional Features

Events for data change

When the underlying data is changed, an event (Updated) is fired. You can register any callback to listen to this event using addlistener.

S = structobj();

listener = addlistener(S, 'Updated', @(s,e)disp('Updated!'))

S.Name = 'Jonathan';


This is very useful if you use a structobj as a way to store data that underlies a GUI. This way, if any changes are made to the underlying data, you can have a listener that updates the necessary plots.

S = structobj('x', [1,2,3], 'y', [1,2,3]);
hplot = plot(S.x, S.y);
listener = addlistener(S, 'Updated', @(s,e)set(hplot, 'XData', S.x, 'YData', S.y));

Conversion back to struct

If for some reason you need a real struct representation of your structobj object, you can cast it to a struct.

realStruct = struct(S);

Again, remember that realStruct can no longer be passed by reference and any changes made to realStruct will not exist within S.

Update with another struct or structobj

If you want to add many fields to a structobj at once (whether they exist already or not), you can use the update method

toUpdate = structobj('a', 1);
updateWith = structobj('b', 2);

update(toUpdate, updateWith)

toUpdate = 
    a: 1
    b: 2

update(toUpdate, struct('c', 3))

toUpdate = 
    a: 1
    b: 2
    c: 3

Shallow copy of data

If you need a copy of the structobj that is also a structobj but isn't linked to the original data, you can create a shallow copy.

S = structobj('a', 2);
S2 = copy(S);



S2.a = 1;




Other Supported Functionality

  • Dynamic field references

      fieldname = 'a';
      value = S.(fieldname);
  • Concatenation

      S = [structobj('a', 1), structobj('a', 2)];
      S = [S; S]
      S = horzcat(S, S);
      S = vertcat(S, S);
  • Tab completion

      S = structobj('parameter', 'value');
      >> S.<tab>
  • Field ordering

      S = structobj('b', 1, 'a', 2);
      S = 
        b: 1
        a: 2
      S = 
        a: 2
        b: 1
  • Field alteration methods

      S = structobj();
      setfield(S, 'fieldname', 'value');
      tf = isfield(S, 'fieldname')
      value = getfield(S, 'fieldname');
      rmfield(S, 'fieldname');
  • Saving/Loading from file

      S = structobj('field1', 'value1');
      save('data.mat', 'S');
      values = load('data.mat');
      values.S = 
          field1: 'value1'


A suite of unit tests is distributed with this software and can be run using the following command

results = structobj.test()

Bug Reporting

Any issues or bugs should be reported to this project's Github issue page


Copyright (c) <2016> Jonathan Suever.
All rights reserved.

This software is licensed under the three-clause BSD license.