CSE 142
- Announcements
- Class on 11/23 (optional?)
- Friday check-in meetings are in CSE 220 this week
- Do you all read the lecture notes I type up, are those useful?
- Study the BMI case study in the book
- Reminder, re-read the assignment before submitting, read over our style checklist before submitting, check output before submitting; late days!
- I will start assigning points for completing the assigned homework (due at your check-in meeting)
- Next week we will have a mock midterm
- You will have 75 minutes to complete it
- It will be graded and applied to your grade for this class
- Still waiting for response from Stuart about use of quotes and how to indicate spaces
- For A4, you must use the correct structure of if statements to earn full-credit on style
- Any topics you want me to review tonight?
- Style Review (new items)
- Practice-It check-in
- Quiz: 40 minutes, if you finish early turn it in; then you can work on homework for this week
- Whiteboard exercises