- OSPO: Yes
- Personnel: Jeffrey Young, Fang Liu, Ron Rahaman, Alessandro Orso, Susan Parham
- Link: https://ospo.cc.gatech.edu/
- Member of: CURIOSS
The open source programs office (OSPO) raises awareness and capacity for open source software to better develop, manage, curate, and share it for research, education, translation, and broader impact.
Georgia Tech's OSPO aims to build open source capacity on campus and at nearby academic institutions through education on best practices, outreach, and training and engagement of students.
- Develop and share best practices for open source software development at the institute level.
- Create and support a virtual summer internship experience targeted to introduce students to new open source research projects and experiences.
- Build the university’s capacity to curate, manage and maintain open source software throughout the software lifecycle.
- Jeffrey Young, OSPO director and Co-Director of the Center for Scientific Software Engineering
- Fang Liu, OSPO co-director
Georgia Tech's OSPO brings together expertise from the Center for Scientific Software Engineering, the Partnership for Advanced Computing Environments, and the GT Library.