This section is meant to be updated with new Swift Accelerator/Swift Innovators' Summit news mentions.
News links should be ordered in reverse-chronological (newest-first).
February 6: Hardware Zone — Apple's Swift Student Challenge is now opened for applications: Winners get a golden ticket to Apple Park February 6: Geek Culture — Apple’s Swift Student Challenge 2024 Opens With New Distinguished Winners Category
January 11: App Store Story — Behind The Scenes: Meet the next generation of coders
September 22: — Jia Chen Yee: Apple Education Story
June 21: SGEEK News — Swift Student Challenge 2023
June 20: App Store Story — Meet the Swift Student Challenge winners
June 12: Geek Culture — Mental Health Meets Technology In Apple WWDC23 Swift Student Challenge Winner’s App, ‘City Night’
June 12: ELLE Singapore — Meet the 17-year-old Singaporean who is the winner of Apple's WWDC23 Swift Student Challenge
May 29: Hardware Zone — From coding novice to tech mentor: An inspiring journey with Apple's Swift Accelerator Programme
June 19: Hardware Zone — Coding for Apple's Swift Student Challenge: Q&A with two young Singaporean coders
January 11: IMDA — Developing Computational Thinking Skills Among Youths
August 27: Channel 8 — 科技一点通:培养创意思维
July 22: Apple Newsroom — Apple celebrates 40 years of innovation, education, and progress in Singapore
June 17: Hardware Zone — 16-year-old Jia Chen from SG is one of the winners of Apple’s WWDC20 Swift Student Challenge
December 18: Zaobao — 我与库克的20分钟
December 12: Mothership — Apple CEO Tim Cook caught up with PM Lee, met Theresa Goh & other S'poreans in S'pore
December 11: The Straits Times — Apple CEO Tim Cook in Singapore: He urges kids to code to inspire creativity, talks about possible third store here
December 11: Zaobao — 苹果执行长库克:对中美贸易战达致和解表示乐观
December 11: Tim Cook on Twitter
March 13: Vulcan Post — Apple Launches Coding Courses For S’poreans With SkillsFuture, SUTD, RMIT, Pathlight School
March 12: Apple Newsroom — Apple announces expanded coding initiatives in Singapore and Indonesia
December 3: The Straits Times — Apple picks up apps created by SST students