This repository contains Dockerfiles, Gazebo world files and other supporting files to run the ROS Toolbox Examples which involves communication with ROS/ROS 2 Network. The ROS Docker file consists of ROS Installation of Noetic and ROS 2 Installation of Humble along with Gazebo 11 packages. Docker™ is an open platform for developing, shipping and running applications.
Sign Following Robot with ROS in Simulink
Sign Following Robot with ROS 2 in Simulink
MathWorks Products (
Requires MATLAB® release R2022b or higher
- Download and Install Docker Engine:
- To manage Docker as a non root user, follow these post installation steps for Docker Engine:
- Install and setup WSL on your machine following this documentation:
- Open WSL Terminal and install Docker Engine:
- To manage Docker as a non root user, follow these post installation steps for Docker Engine:
- Clone this git repository to your local hard drive.
- Open a Terminal (In linux) or WSL Terminal (In widndows) and navigate to the "Support-and-Docker-Files-for-ROS-Toolbox" folder.
- Build the docker image: docker build -t <preferred_name> ros_noetic/Ubuntu (Ex: docker build -t my_noetic_docker_image)
- The docker image is now created and is ready to use. You can see the image by running the command "docker images" in a Terminal.
- Create a docker container of the docker image: "docker run -it --name <name_of_container> <name_of_image> Ex: docker run -it --name ros_container my_noetic_docker_image bash
- For docker command line options, please refer to this page:
To learn how to communicate with Docker and ROS Toolbox, see Sign Following Robot with ROS in Simulink. To see the docker commands see Docker Commands
The license for this software is found in the license.txt file in this repository
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