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Instructions for Development Process

IMPORTANT: you REALLY want to run the integration tests against a live Solr instance with indexed data. See the section at the end of this document about integration tests and naming etc.

1. Name the new version

Find a suitable name for the new version and branch - an example site is the Release name generator which somehow (sort-of) relates to the release. The next release may very well be called bitter-shadow as there may be some boost terms added to queries.

Other possible version names:

  • raspy-pine
  • twilight-truth
  • quiet-paper
  • lucky-wave
  • young-pine

2. Create a branch

Create a branch from the main branch with the above name i.e. bitter-shadow.

3. Work, work, work

Do the work, run the tests, but don't forget the following:

a. Update the version

See the file src/main/resources/ and update the following properties:

The Synapticloop Panl project uses major.minor.micro versioning, the meaning of which:

  • major - the major version will increment when there is a breaking change to the Panl LPSE URL. Upon increment of the major version, both the minor and micro version number will be reset to 0 (zero).
  • minor - the minor version will increment when there is additional functionality added to the release. Upon increment of the minor version, the micro number will be reset to 0 (zero).
  • micro - the micro version will increment for bug fixes only.

The book version matches the version of the Synapticloop Project version. Any changes to the book without any changes to the codebase will be updated on the main branch and the ghpages based website will be updated.

The Panl releases will not reflect any book updates.

b. Run all tests

NOTE: you must have the Solr server with all data indexed running

This includes both the unit tests ./gradlew test and the integration tests ./gradlew testIntegration

The integration tests are the best tests to run as they will ensure that specific facets will be able to be removed and added, inverted etc.

c. Run the site spider integration tests

NOTE: you must have the Solr server with all data indexed running

This will take a bit of time as it tests a lot of live URLs

./gradlew testIntegrationSpider

This may take quite some time....

d. Update the README file

The following parts need to be updated:

  1. The table of branch release status
    1. remove old branches (leave MAIN, SOLR PANL 9, SOLR PANL 8, SOLR PANL 7)
    2. add new branch hidden-summer and get the circle-ci badges for the build
  2. Ensure that the Section "Why Synapticloop Panl?" is up-to-date
  3. Ensure that the Section "Additional Panl Niceties" is up-to-date
  4. Update the In-built Panl web app images (see src/main/docs for images) and the descriptions
  5. Add in the section for Version History with all details - use previous versions as a template

e. Don't forget the Getting Started With Synapticloop Panl

Update this as you go along.

Create a copy of the file with the previous version number - this is an archive.

3. Merge back the changes

Ensure that you run both unit and integration tests for all branches. You will need to spin up the latest version for each of the Solr release versions (and possibly reindex the data).

1. Merge back to the main branch

Merge all changes to the main version, there should be no conflicts.... but resolve them.

  1. checkout main
  2. merge the branch hidden-summer on to the main branch
  3. test
  4. commit
  5. push

2. Merge into to the solr-panl-9 branch

There should be no conflicts as the main branch is linked to Solr version 9, this will change when Solr releases their version 10.

  1. checkout solr-panl-9
  2. merge the branch main on to the solr-panl-9 branch - there should be no conflicts as the main branch and the Solr version are the same
  3. test
  4. commit
  5. push

3. Merge into to the solr-panl-8 branch

There MOST PROBABLY WILL BE conflicts if any of the individual files that deal with the integration points have changed.

  1. checkout solr-panl-8
  2. merge the branch main on to the solr-panl-8 branch
  3. test
  4. commit
  5. push

The files most likely to conflict are:

  • build.gradle (especially around dependencies)
  • Anything in the com.synapticloop.panl.server.client package
  • Maybe some tests...

3. Merge into to the solr-panl-7 branch

There MOST PROBABLY WILL BE conflicts if any of the individual files that deal with the integration points have changed.

  1. checkout solr-panl-7
  2. merge the branch main on to the solr-panl-7 branch

The files most likely to conflict are:

  • build.gradle (especially around dependencies)
  • Anything in the com.synapticloop.panl.server.client package
  • Maybe some tests...

4. Get ready for release

Create a new release which matches the src/main/resources/ file with the panl.version number.

This is done through the github releases page: Github Releases.

This will also tag the release

The notes should be the same as those as are in the file.

Upload the .zip and .tar files

Upload pdf of the book


5. Update the documentation


  • Page 1 - update the Version
  • Update the Additional Functionality in the Pipeline (page 320 ish)
  • Update the table of contents (including changing the font of the table of contents to Libre Baskerville)

The book can be found Getting Started With Panl although access must be granted to individuals wishing to edit the documentation (Google Drive based document).

  1. Save the book as Web-page/html
  2. Checkout the ghpages branch
  3. Save the HTML file into the src/docs directory (Overwrite the file)
  4. Save all images into the book/images directory (Overwrite any that exist)
  5. Run the src/main/java/com/synapticloop/debookeriser/ file
  6. Commit the files
  7. Push the files


Finding/Naming Them

The source code lives in src/testintegration/java/

All Facets and Facet type options should be tested in conjunction with all other facet types and options.

The Facet Types

  1. REGULAR - keyed on testRegular
  2. REGULAR MultiValued - keyed on testMulti
  3. BOOLEAN - keyed on testBoolean
  4. RANGE - keyed on testRange
  5. DATE Range - keyed on testDate
  6. OR - keyed on testOr
  7. OR Separator - keyed on testOrSep

Depending on which way you want to look at things, a test for a RANGE facet with a Regular Multi facet may be in the RangeTest, or the MultiTest class

Don't forget to test sorting (include multi sort) and query operands

The Default Test(s)

All tests should have the following test method signature

All Tests should extend the abstract TestBase, which defines the following mandatory methods:

@Test public void testDefault() throws Exception; - test the default add/remove/invert etc.

@Test public abstract void testSortDefault() throws Exception; - test one sorting level

@Test public abstract void testSortHierarchy() throws Exception; - test two sorting levels

see the class com.synapticloop.integration.test.facet.TestBase for the full list

Upgrading Solr version

Everything should be smooth... :)

Create new branch

It MUST be named solr-panl-<major_version_number> (i.e. solr-panl-10)

Update gradle properties

In the src/main/resources/ update the property panl.solr.version to the new Solr version

Update the dependencies

In the build.gradle file update the dependencies for:

	// solrj
	implementation 'org.apache.solr:solr-solrj:9.8.0'
	implementation 'org.apache.solr:solr-solrj-zookeeper:9.8.0'

	// HTTP server
	implementation 'org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-server:10.0.22'
	implementation 'org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet:10.0.22'

Especially the jetty server to be in line with the version that SolrJ requires. (although because this serves up the Panl api, there really isn't a need to update this - may as well to ensure compatability with SolrJ)

There MAY be new SolrJ connectors (or ones that have dropped off)

                          ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~

Panl will NOT officially support versions before Solr version 7 (it was released in 2019 - that should be enough time...)

                          ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~