The module provides a default swiper build which you can import via:
<% require javascript('syntro/silverstripe-elemental-slider:client/dist/main.js') %>
<% require css('syntro/silverstripe-elemental-slider:client/dist/bundle.css') %>
The swiper build from this module will automatically attach to
a swiper HTML layout with an data-swiper
attribute. It will expect
the swiper config as a JSON string in this attribute. You can use
this in a template of any Swiper
block like so:
<div class="swiper" data-slider="$Swiper" data-slider-config='{"loop": true, "autoplay": {"delay": 5000}}'>
<!-- Additional required wrapper -->
<div class="swiper-wrapper">
<!-- Slides -->
<% loop Slides %>
<div class="swiper-slide">
<img src="$Image.Fill(1920,1080).URL" alt="$Title" class="img-fluid">
<% end_loop %>
by using the data-slider-config
attribute, you can add a template
specific config (i.e. breakpoints for cards).
You can extend the updateSwiperConfig
hook on any Swiper
to update the rendered config:
public function updateSwiperConfig($config)
$array['loop'] = true;