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AWS IoT - Espressif X.509 MQTT Publisher of MMA8451 Data

This project is setup for performing basic FFT on movements in order to recognise events of high movement magnitude


Create the src/main.h file based on src/main.h.example with the relevant information for your project and save it.

#ifndef MAIN_H

// Wifi Details
const char *ssid = "YourWifiSSID";
const char *password = "YourWifiPassword";

const String thing_id = "YourThingID";

// AWS MQTT Details
char *aws_mqtt_server = "";
char *aws_mqtt_client_id = "YourMQTTClientID";
char *aws_mqtt_thing_topic_pub = "Your/MQTT/Topic";
char *aws_mqtt_thing_topic_sub = "Your/MQTT/Topic";


Uploading Certificates

You will also need to create the cert files based on the output from the CloudFormation deploy of the vending machine

openssl x509 -in aws/certs/certificate.pem.crt -out data/cert.der -outform DER
openssl rsa -in aws/certs/private.pem.key -out data/private.der -outform DER
openssl x509 -in aws/certs/root-CA.pem -out data/ca.der -outform DER

Then upload the certificates using SPIFFS

pio run -t uploadfs

MQTT Providers


You can sign up for and follow along with the setup guides on AWS IoT Setup

Platform IO

This project is build and run with PlatformIO. The library dependencies can be found in the platformio.ini file. Below is the current configuration targetting the FireBeetle ESP32 development board. This can be changed to any variable of the ESP32 chip.

platform = espressif8266
board = nodemcuv2
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200

lib_deps =
  Adafruit MMA8451 Library@1.0.5
