diff --git a/dev-docs/CHANGELOG.md b/dev-docs/CHANGELOG.md index 4e5d26ef9..fef05a460 100644 --- a/dev-docs/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/dev-docs/CHANGELOG.md @@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0 - Runtime `sha256` now work for arbitrary strings with length >= 128: PR [#1626](https://github.com/tact-lang/tact/pull/1626) - Generated code in TypeScript wrappers for contract with `init(init: Init)`: PR [#1709](https://github.com/tact-lang/tact/pull/1709) - Error message for comment (text) receivers with 124 bytes or more: PR [#1711](https://github.com/tact-lang/tact/pull/1711) +- Support overriding constants and methods of BaseTrait: PR [#1591](https://github.com/tact-lang/tact/pull/1591) +- Forbid traits inherit implicitly from BaseTrait: PR [#1591](https://github.com/tact-lang/tact/pull/1591) +- Forbid the `override` modifier for constants without the corresponding super-constant: PR [#1591](https://github.com/tact-lang/tact/pull/1591) ### Docs diff --git a/docs/src/content/docs/ref/core-base.mdx b/docs/src/content/docs/ref/core-base.mdx index 8ccfbfe2e..e23150d18 100644 --- a/docs/src/content/docs/ref/core-base.mdx +++ b/docs/src/content/docs/ref/core-base.mdx @@ -6,7 +6,13 @@ prev: label: "OTP-006: Contract Package" --- -Every [contract](/book/contracts) and [trait](/book/types#traits) in Tact implicitly [inherits](/book/contracts#traits) the `BaseTrait{:tact}` trait, which contains a number of the most useful [internal functions](/book/contracts#internal-functions) for any kind of contract, and a constant `self.storageReserve{:tact}` aimed at advanced users of Tact. +Every [contract](/book/contracts) in Tact implicitly [inherits](/book/contracts#traits) the `BaseTrait{:tact}` trait, which contains a number of the most useful [internal functions](/book/contracts#internal-functions) for any kind of contract, and a constant `self.storageReserve{:tact}` aimed at advanced users of Tact. + +:::tip + + Prior to 1.6.0, `BaseTrait{:tact}` was also implicitly inherited by traits, but now you must explicitly specify `with BaseTrait{:tact}` for your traits to use it. + +::: ## Constants diff --git a/src/stdlib/stdlib.ts b/src/stdlib/stdlib.ts index 4883a8522..b829c24b3 100644 --- a/src/stdlib/stdlib.ts +++ b/src/stdlib/stdlib.ts @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ files["libs/content.tact"] = "fQ=="; files["libs/deploy.tact"] = "Cm1lc3NhZ2UgRGVwbG95IHsKICAgIHF1ZXJ5SWQ6IEludCBhcyB1aW50NjQ7Cn0KCm1lc3NhZ2UgRGVwbG95T2sgewogICAgcXVlcnlJZDogSW50IGFzIHVpbnQ2NDsK" + - "fQoKdHJhaXQgRGVwbG95YWJsZSB7CiAgICByZWNlaXZlKGRlcGxveTogRGVwbG95KSB7CiAgICAgICAgc2VsZi5ub3RpZnkoRGVwbG95T2t7cXVlcnlJZDogZGVwbG95" + - "LnF1ZXJ5SWR9LnRvQ2VsbCgpKTsKICAgIH0KfQoKbWVzc2FnZSBGYWN0b3J5RGVwbG95IHsKICAgIHF1ZXJ5SWQ6IEludCBhcyB1aW50NjQ7CiAgICBjYXNoYmFjazog" + - "QWRkcmVzczsKfQoKdHJhaXQgRmFjdG9yeURlcGxveWFibGUgIHsKICAgIHJlY2VpdmUoZGVwbG95OiBGYWN0b3J5RGVwbG95KSB7CiAgICAgICAgc2VsZi5mb3J3YXJk" + - "KGRlcGxveS5jYXNoYmFjaywgRGVwbG95T2t7cXVlcnlJZDogZGVwbG95LnF1ZXJ5SWR9LnRvQ2VsbCgpLCBmYWxzZSwgbnVsbCk7CiAgICB9Cn0="; + "fQoKdHJhaXQgRGVwbG95YWJsZSB3aXRoIEJhc2VUcmFpdCB7CiAgICByZWNlaXZlKGRlcGxveTogRGVwbG95KSB7CiAgICAgICAgc2VsZi5ub3RpZnkoRGVwbG95T2t7" + + "cXVlcnlJZDogZGVwbG95LnF1ZXJ5SWR9LnRvQ2VsbCgpKTsKICAgIH0KfQoKbWVzc2FnZSBGYWN0b3J5RGVwbG95IHsKICAgIHF1ZXJ5SWQ6IEludCBhcyB1aW50NjQ7" + + "CiAgICBjYXNoYmFjazogQWRkcmVzczsKfQoKdHJhaXQgRmFjdG9yeURlcGxveWFibGUgd2l0aCBCYXNlVHJhaXQgIHsKICAgIHJlY2VpdmUoZGVwbG95OiBGYWN0b3J5" + + "RGVwbG95KSB7CiAgICAgICAgc2VsZi5mb3J3YXJkKGRlcGxveS5jYXNoYmFjaywgRGVwbG95T2t7cXVlcnlJZDogZGVwbG95LnF1ZXJ5SWR9LnRvQ2VsbCgpLCBmYWxz" + + "ZSwgbnVsbCk7CiAgICB9Cn0K"; files["libs/dns.fc"] = "c2xpY2UgZG5zX3N0cmluZ190b19pbnRlcm5hbChzbGljZSBkb21haW4pIGlubGluZV9yZWYgewoKICAgIDs7IFNwZWNpYWwgY2FzZSBmb3Igcm9vdCBkb21haW4KICAg" + "IGlmICgoZG9tYWluLnNsaWNlX2JpdHMoKSA9PSA4KSAmIChkb21haW4uc2xpY2VfcmVmcygpID09IDApKSB7CiAgICAgICAgaWYgKGRvbWFpbi5wcmVsb2FkX3VpbnQo" + @@ -89,13 +90,13 @@ files["libs/dns.tact"] = files["libs/ownable.tact"] = "bWVzc2FnZSBDaGFuZ2VPd25lciB7CiAgICBxdWVyeUlkOiBJbnQgYXMgdWludDY0OwogICAgbmV3T3duZXI6IEFkZHJlc3M7Cn0KCm1lc3NhZ2UgQ2hhbmdlT3duZXJP" + "ayB7CiAgICBxdWVyeUlkOiBJbnQgYXMgdWludDY0OwogICAgbmV3T3duZXI6IEFkZHJlc3M7Cn0KCkBpbnRlcmZhY2UoIm9yZy50b24ub3duYWJsZSIpCnRyYWl0IE93" + - "bmFibGUgewogICAgb3duZXI6IEFkZHJlc3M7CgogICAgZnVuIHJlcXVpcmVPd25lcigpIHsKICAgICAgICBuYXRpdmVUaHJvd1VubGVzcygxMzIsIHNlbmRlcigpID09" + - "IHNlbGYub3duZXIpOwogICAgfQoKICAgIGdldCBmdW4gb3duZXIoKTogQWRkcmVzcyB7CiAgICAgICAgcmV0dXJuIHNlbGYub3duZXI7CiAgICB9Cn0KCkBpbnRlcmZh" + - "Y2UoIm9yZy50b24ub3duYWJsZS50cmFuc2ZlcmFibGUudjIiKQp0cmFpdCBPd25hYmxlVHJhbnNmZXJhYmxlIHdpdGggT3duYWJsZSB7CgogICAgb3duZXI6IEFkZHJl" + - "c3M7CgogICAgcmVjZWl2ZShtc2c6IENoYW5nZU93bmVyKSB7CiAgICAgICAgCiAgICAgICAgLy8gQ2hlY2sgaWYgdGhlIHNlbmRlciBpcyB0aGUgb3duZXIKICAgICAg" + - "ICBzZWxmLnJlcXVpcmVPd25lcigpOwoKICAgICAgICAvLyBVcGRhdGUgb3duZXIKICAgICAgICBzZWxmLm93bmVyID0gbXNnLm5ld093bmVyOwoKICAgICAgICAvLyBS" + - "ZXBseSByZXN1bHQKICAgICAgICBzZWxmLnJlcGx5KENoYW5nZU93bmVyT2t7IHF1ZXJ5SWQ6IG1zZy5xdWVyeUlkLCBuZXdPd25lcjptc2cubmV3T3duZXIgfS50b0Nl" + - "bGwoKSk7CiAgICB9Cn0="; + "bmFibGUgd2l0aCBCYXNlVHJhaXQgewogICAgb3duZXI6IEFkZHJlc3M7CgogICAgZnVuIHJlcXVpcmVPd25lcigpIHsKICAgICAgICBuYXRpdmVUaHJvd1VubGVzcygx" + + "MzIsIHNlbmRlcigpID09IHNlbGYub3duZXIpOwogICAgfQoKICAgIGdldCBmdW4gb3duZXIoKTogQWRkcmVzcyB7CiAgICAgICAgcmV0dXJuIHNlbGYub3duZXI7CiAg" + + "ICB9Cn0KCkBpbnRlcmZhY2UoIm9yZy50b24ub3duYWJsZS50cmFuc2ZlcmFibGUudjIiKQp0cmFpdCBPd25hYmxlVHJhbnNmZXJhYmxlIHdpdGggT3duYWJsZSB7Cgog" + + "ICAgb3duZXI6IEFkZHJlc3M7CgogICAgcmVjZWl2ZShtc2c6IENoYW5nZU93bmVyKSB7CiAgICAgICAgCiAgICAgICAgLy8gQ2hlY2sgaWYgdGhlIHNlbmRlciBpcyB0" + + "aGUgb3duZXIKICAgICAgICBzZWxmLnJlcXVpcmVPd25lcigpOwoKICAgICAgICAvLyBVcGRhdGUgb3duZXIKICAgICAgICBzZWxmLm93bmVyID0gbXNnLm5ld093bmVy" + + "OwoKICAgICAgICAvLyBSZXBseSByZXN1bHQKICAgICAgICBzZWxmLnJlcGx5KENoYW5nZU93bmVyT2t7IHF1ZXJ5SWQ6IG1zZy5xdWVyeUlkLCBuZXdPd25lcjptc2cu" + + "bmV3T3duZXIgfS50b0NlbGwoKSk7CiAgICB9Cn0K"; files["libs/stoppable.tact"] = "aW1wb3J0ICIuL293bmFibGUiOwoKQGludGVyZmFjZSgib3JnLnRvbi5zdG9wcGFibGUiKQp0cmFpdCBTdG9wcGFibGUgd2l0aCBPd25hYmxlIHsKICAgIAogICAgc3Rv" + "cHBlZDogQm9vbDsKICAgIG93bmVyOiBBZGRyZXNzOwoKICAgIGZ1biByZXF1aXJlTm90U3RvcHBlZCgpIHsKICAgICAgICByZXF1aXJlKCFzZWxmLnN0b3BwZWQsICJD" + diff --git a/src/stdlib/stdlib/libs/deploy.tact b/src/stdlib/stdlib/libs/deploy.tact index ff27a53a0..d54d1970e 100644 --- a/src/stdlib/stdlib/libs/deploy.tact +++ b/src/stdlib/stdlib/libs/deploy.tact @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ message DeployOk { queryId: Int as uint64; } -trait Deployable { +trait Deployable with BaseTrait { receive(deploy: Deploy) { self.notify(DeployOk{queryId: deploy.queryId}.toCell()); } @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ message FactoryDeploy { cashback: Address; } -trait FactoryDeployable { +trait FactoryDeployable with BaseTrait { receive(deploy: FactoryDeploy) { self.forward(deploy.cashback, DeployOk{queryId: deploy.queryId}.toCell(), false, null); } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/src/stdlib/stdlib/libs/ownable.tact b/src/stdlib/stdlib/libs/ownable.tact index 907c9ed95..429e36dba 100644 --- a/src/stdlib/stdlib/libs/ownable.tact +++ b/src/stdlib/stdlib/libs/ownable.tact @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ message ChangeOwnerOk { } @interface("org.ton.ownable") -trait Ownable { +trait Ownable with BaseTrait { owner: Address; fun requireOwner() { @@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ trait OwnableTransferable with Ownable { // Reply result self.reply(ChangeOwnerOk{ queryId: msg.queryId, newOwner:msg.newOwner }.toCell()); } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/src/test/e2e-emulated/base-trait-constant-override-1.spec.ts b/src/test/e2e-emulated/base-trait-constant-override-1.spec.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da54f801d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test/e2e-emulated/base-trait-constant-override-1.spec.ts @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +import { toNano } from "@ton/core"; +import { Blockchain, SandboxContract, TreasuryContract } from "@ton/sandbox"; +import { TraitsConstantContract } from "./contracts/output/base-trait-constant-override-1_TraitsConstantContract"; +import "@ton/test-utils"; + +describe("base-trait-constant-override-1", () => { + let blockchain: Blockchain; + let treasure: SandboxContract; + let contract: SandboxContract; + + beforeEach(async () => { + blockchain = await Blockchain.create(); + treasure = await blockchain.treasury("treasure"); + + contract = blockchain.openContract( + await TraitsConstantContract.fromInit(), + ); + + const deployResult = await contract.send( + treasure.getSender(), + { value: toNano("0.5") }, + null, + ); + + expect(deployResult.transactions).toHaveTransaction({ + from: treasure.address, + to: contract.address, + success: true, + deploy: true, + }); + }); + + it("should override constant correctly", async () => { + expect(await contract.getConstant()).toEqual(100n); + }); +}); diff --git a/src/test/e2e-emulated/base-trait-constant-override-2.spec.ts b/src/test/e2e-emulated/base-trait-constant-override-2.spec.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa11ea724 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test/e2e-emulated/base-trait-constant-override-2.spec.ts @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +import { toNano } from "@ton/core"; +import { Blockchain, SandboxContract, TreasuryContract } from "@ton/sandbox"; +import { TraitsConstantContract } from "./contracts/output/base-trait-constant-override-2_TraitsConstantContract"; +import "@ton/test-utils"; + +describe("base-trait-constant-override-2", () => { + let blockchain: Blockchain; + let treasure: SandboxContract; + let contract: SandboxContract; + + beforeEach(async () => { + blockchain = await Blockchain.create(); + treasure = await blockchain.treasury("treasure"); + + contract = blockchain.openContract( + await TraitsConstantContract.fromInit(), + ); + + const deployResult = await contract.send( + treasure.getSender(), + { value: toNano("0.5") }, + null, + ); + + expect(deployResult.transactions).toHaveTransaction({ + from: treasure.address, + to: contract.address, + success: true, + deploy: true, + }); + }); + + it("should override constant correctly", async () => { + expect(await contract.getConstant()).toEqual(10000n); + }); +}); diff --git a/src/test/e2e-emulated/base-trait-function-override.spec.ts b/src/test/e2e-emulated/base-trait-function-override.spec.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a4613b95 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test/e2e-emulated/base-trait-function-override.spec.ts @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +import { toNano } from "@ton/core"; +import { Blockchain, SandboxContract, TreasuryContract } from "@ton/sandbox"; +import { BaseTraitsFunctionContract } from "./contracts/output/base-trait-function-override_BaseTraitsFunctionContract"; +import "@ton/test-utils"; + +describe("base-trait-function-override", () => { + let blockchain: Blockchain; + let treasure: SandboxContract; + let contract: SandboxContract; + + beforeEach(async () => { + blockchain = await Blockchain.create(); + treasure = await blockchain.treasury("treasure"); + + contract = blockchain.openContract( + await BaseTraitsFunctionContract.fromInit(), + ); + + const deployResult = await contract.send( + treasure.getSender(), + { value: toNano("10") }, + null, + ); + + expect(deployResult.transactions).toHaveTransaction({ + from: treasure.address, + to: contract.address, + success: true, + deploy: true, + }); + }); + + it("should override function correctly", async () => { + expect(await contract.getValue()).toEqual(1000n); + }); +}); diff --git a/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/base-trait-constant-override-1.tact b/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/base-trait-constant-override-1.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..76a967093 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/base-trait-constant-override-1.tact @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +trait OverrideBaseTraitConstant with BaseTrait { + override const storageReserve: Int = 100; +} + +contract TraitsConstantContract with OverrideBaseTraitConstant { + receive() { + // deploy + } + + get fun constant(): Int { + return self.storageReserve; + } +} diff --git a/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/base-trait-constant-override-2.tact b/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/base-trait-constant-override-2.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3395fb501 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/base-trait-constant-override-2.tact @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +trait OverrideBaseTraitConstantWithVirtual with BaseTrait { + override virtual const storageReserve: Int = 100; +} + +trait OverrideOverridden with OverrideBaseTraitConstantWithVirtual { + override const storageReserve: Int = 10000; +} + +contract TraitsConstantContract with OverrideOverridden { + receive() { + // deploy + } + + get fun constant(): Int { + return self.storageReserve; + } +} diff --git a/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/base-trait-function-override.tact b/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/base-trait-function-override.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1f39f9c35 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/base-trait-function-override.tact @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +trait OverrideBaseTraitFunction with BaseTrait { + value: Int; + + override fun notify(body: Cell?) { + self.value = 1000; + } +} + +contract BaseTraitsFunctionContract with OverrideBaseTraitFunction { + value: Int = 0; + + receive() { + // deploy + } + + get fun value(): Int { + self.notify(null); + return self.value; + } +} diff --git a/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/traits.tact b/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/traits.tact index f13df02b2..d7851fd8a 100644 --- a/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/traits.tact +++ b/src/test/e2e-emulated/contracts/traits.tact @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -trait Animal { +trait Animal with BaseTrait { abstract fun getType(): String; abstract fun getSound(): String; @@ -33,7 +33,16 @@ trait Laika with Dog { } } -contract LaikaContract with Laika { - // empty contract, we just inherit everything from the traits +trait WithConstant { + virtual const foo: Int = 10; } +trait IWantToOverrideConstant with WithConstant { + override const foo: Int = 100; +} + +contract LaikaContract with Laika, IWantToOverrideConstant { + get fun fooConstant(): Int { + return self.foo; + } +} diff --git a/src/test/e2e-emulated/traits.spec.ts b/src/test/e2e-emulated/traits.spec.ts index 5b43f1d2b..5a2eb4ddd 100644 --- a/src/test/e2e-emulated/traits.spec.ts +++ b/src/test/e2e-emulated/traits.spec.ts @@ -33,4 +33,9 @@ describe("traits", () => { // Check the contract's behavior after deployment expect(await contract.getSay()).toBe("I am a Laika and I say Woof"); }); + + it("should override constant correctly", async () => { + // Check the contract's behavior after deployment + expect(await contract.getFooConstant()).toBe(100n); + }); }); diff --git a/src/types/__snapshots__/resolveDescriptors.spec.ts.snap b/src/types/__snapshots__/resolveDescriptors.spec.ts.snap index 047d27008..133d6e95a 100644 --- a/src/types/__snapshots__/resolveDescriptors.spec.ts.snap +++ b/src/types/__snapshots__/resolveDescriptors.spec.ts.snap @@ -495,6 +495,60 @@ exports[`resolveDescriptors should fail descriptors for native-fun-getter 1`] = " `; +exports[`resolveDescriptors should fail descriptors for override-for-non-existing-constant-in-contract-from-base-trait 1`] = ` +":8:5: Constant "BAR" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier or inherit any traits with this constant + 7 | contract Test { +> 8 | override const BAR: Int = 10; + ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + 9 | } +" +`; + +exports[`resolveDescriptors should fail descriptors for override-for-non-existing-constant-in-contract-with-multi-inheritance 1`] = ` +":13:5: Constant "FOO" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier + 12 | contract Test with T, T2 { +> 13 | override const FOO: Int = 10; + ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + 14 | } +" +`; + +exports[`resolveDescriptors should fail descriptors for override-for-non-existing-constant-in-contract-without-inheritance 1`] = ` +":6:5: Constant "FOO" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier or inherit any traits with this constant + 5 | contract Test { +> 6 | override const FOO: Int = 100; + ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + 7 | } +" +`; + +exports[`resolveDescriptors should fail descriptors for override-for-non-existing-constant-in-trait-from-base-trait 1`] = ` +":8:5: Constant "BAR" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier or inherit any traits with this constant + 7 | trait Test { +> 8 | override const BAR: Int = 10; + ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + 9 | } +" +`; + +exports[`resolveDescriptors should fail descriptors for override-for-non-existing-constant-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance 1`] = ` +":13:5: Constant "FOO" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier + 12 | trait Test with T, T2 { +> 13 | override const FOO: Int = 10; + ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + 14 | } +" +`; + +exports[`resolveDescriptors should fail descriptors for override-for-non-existing-constant-in-trait-without-inheritance 1`] = ` +":6:5: Constant "FOO" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier or inherit any traits with this constant + 5 | trait Test { +> 6 | override const FOO: Int = 100; + ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + 7 | } +" +`; + exports[`resolveDescriptors should fail descriptors for override-for-non-existing-function-in-contract-from-base-trait 1`] = ` ":6:5: Function "foo" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier or inherit any traits with this function 5 | contract Test { @@ -550,7 +604,7 @@ exports[`resolveDescriptors should fail descriptors for override-for-non-existin `; exports[`resolveDescriptors should fail descriptors for override-for-non-existing-function-in-trait-with-inheritance 1`] = ` -":5:5: Function "foo" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier +":5:5: Function "foo" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier or inherit any traits with this function 4 | trait Test with T { > 5 | override fun foo() {} ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@ -3501,40 +3555,7 @@ exports[`resolveDescriptors should resolve descriptors for contract-const-overri "receivers": [], "signature": null, "tlb": null, - "traits": [ - { - "ast": { - "attributes": [], - "declarations": [], - "id": 4, - "kind": "trait", - "loc": trait BaseTrait { }, - "name": { - "id": 3, - "kind": "id", - "loc": BaseTrait, - "text": "BaseTrait", - }, - "traits": [], - }, - "constants": [], - "dependsOn": [], - "fields": [], - "functions": Map {}, - "header": null, - "init": null, - "interfaces": [], - "kind": "trait", - "name": "BaseTrait", - "origin": "user", - "partialFieldCount": 0, - "receivers": [], - "signature": null, - "tlb": null, - "traits": [], - "uid": 1020, - }, - ], + "traits": [], "uid": 6769, }, { @@ -3786,40 +3807,7 @@ exports[`resolveDescriptors should resolve descriptors for contract-const-overri "receivers": [], "signature": null, "tlb": null, - "traits": [ - { - "ast": { - "attributes": [], - "declarations": [], - "id": 4, - "kind": "trait", - "loc": trait BaseTrait { }, - "name": { - "id": 3, - "kind": "id", - "loc": BaseTrait, - "text": "BaseTrait", - }, - "traits": [], - }, - "constants": [], - "dependsOn": [], - "fields": [], - "functions": Map {}, - "header": null, - "init": null, - "interfaces": [], - "kind": "trait", - "name": "BaseTrait", - "origin": "user", - "partialFieldCount": 0, - "receivers": [], - "signature": null, - "tlb": null, - "traits": [], - "uid": 1020, - }, - ], + "traits": [], "uid": 6769, }, ], @@ -4002,40 +3990,7 @@ exports[`resolveDescriptors should resolve descriptors for contract-const-overri "receivers": [], "signature": null, "tlb": null, - "traits": [ - { - "ast": { - "attributes": [], - "declarations": [], - "id": 4, - "kind": "trait", - "loc": trait BaseTrait { }, - "name": { - "id": 3, - "kind": "id", - "loc": BaseTrait, - "text": "BaseTrait", - }, - "traits": [], - }, - "constants": [], - "dependsOn": [], - "fields": [], - "functions": Map {}, - "header": null, - "init": null, - "interfaces": [], - "kind": "trait", - "name": "BaseTrait", - "origin": "user", - "partialFieldCount": 0, - "receivers": [], - "signature": null, - "tlb": null, - "traits": [], - "uid": 1020, - }, - ], + "traits": [], "uid": 6769, }, { @@ -4307,40 +4262,7 @@ exports[`resolveDescriptors should resolve descriptors for contract-const-overri "receivers": [], "signature": null, "tlb": null, - "traits": [ - { - "ast": { - "attributes": [], - "declarations": [], - "id": 4, - "kind": "trait", - "loc": trait BaseTrait { }, - "name": { - "id": 3, - "kind": "id", - "loc": BaseTrait, - "text": "BaseTrait", - }, - "traits": [], - }, - "constants": [], - "dependsOn": [], - "fields": [], - "functions": Map {}, - "header": null, - "init": null, - "interfaces": [], - "kind": "trait", - "name": "BaseTrait", - "origin": "user", - "partialFieldCount": 0, - "receivers": [], - "signature": null, - "tlb": null, - "traits": [], - "uid": 1020, - }, - ], + "traits": [], "uid": 6769, }, ], @@ -5501,40 +5423,7 @@ exports[`resolveDescriptors should resolve descriptors for 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descriptors for trait-with-as-typed-i "signature": null, "tlb": null, "traits": [ - { - "ast": { - "attributes": [], - "declarations": [], - "id": 4, - "kind": "trait", - "loc": trait BaseTrait {}, - "name": { - "id": 3, - "kind": "id", - "loc": BaseTrait, - "text": "BaseTrait", - }, - "traits": [], - }, - "constants": [], - "dependsOn": [], - "fields": [], - "functions": Map {}, - "header": null, - "init": null, - "interfaces": [], - "kind": "trait", - "name": "BaseTrait", - "origin": "user", - "partialFieldCount": 0, - "receivers": [], - "signature": null, - "tlb": null, - "traits": [], - "uid": 1020, - }, { "ast": { "attributes": [], @@ -29889,40 +33466,7 @@ exports[`resolveDescriptors should resolve descriptors for trait-with-as-typed-i "receivers": [], "signature": null, "tlb": null, - "traits": [ - { - "ast": { - "attributes": [], - "declarations": [], - "id": 4, - "kind": "trait", - "loc": trait BaseTrait {}, - "name": { - "id": 3, - "kind": "id", - "loc": BaseTrait, - "text": "BaseTrait", - }, - "traits": [], - }, - "constants": [], - "dependsOn": [], - "fields": [], - "functions": Map {}, - "header": null, - "init": null, - "interfaces": [], - "kind": "trait", - "name": "BaseTrait", - "origin": "user", - "partialFieldCount": 0, - "receivers": [], - "signature": null, - "tlb": null, - "traits": [], - "uid": 1020, - }, - ], + "traits": [], "uid": 10576, }, ], diff --git a/src/types/resolveDescriptors.ts b/src/types/resolveDescriptors.ts index 88ae0169c..f59be7fbd 100644 --- a/src/types/resolveDescriptors.ts +++ b/src/types/resolveDescriptors.ts @@ -588,14 +588,6 @@ export function resolveDescriptors(ctx: CompilerContext, Ast: FactoryAst) { traitDecl.loc, ); } - if ( - traitDecl.attributes.find((v) => v.type === "override") - ) { - throwCompilationError( - `Trait constant cannot be overridden`, - traitDecl.loc, - ); - } types .get(idText(a.name))! .constants.push(buildConstantDescription(traitDecl)); @@ -1519,7 +1511,12 @@ export function resolveDescriptors(ctx: CompilerContext, Ast: FactoryAst) { ); } } - visit("BaseTrait"); + + // implicitly inherit from BaseTrait only in contracts + if (t.ast.kind === "contract") { + visit("BaseTrait"); + } + for (const s of t.ast.traits) { visit(idText(s)); } @@ -1608,14 +1605,40 @@ export function resolveDescriptors(ctx: CompilerContext, Ast: FactoryAst) { ); if (!foundOverriddenFunction) { - const msg = inheritOnlyBaseTrait - ? `Function "${funInContractOrTrait.name}" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier or inherit any traits with this function` - : `Function "${funInContractOrTrait.name}" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier`; + const msg = + contractOrTrait.traits.length === 0 || inheritOnlyBaseTrait + ? `Function "${funInContractOrTrait.name}" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier or inherit any traits with this function` + : `Function "${funInContractOrTrait.name}" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier`; throwCompilationError(msg, funInContractOrTrait.ast.loc); } } + // Check that "override" constants have a super constant + for (const constantInContractOrTrait of contractOrTrait.constants.values()) { + const isOverride = constantInContractOrTrait.ast.attributes.find( + (a) => a.type === "override", + ); + if (!isOverride) { + continue; + } + + const foundOverriddenConstant = contractOrTrait.traits.some((t) => + t.constants.some( + (c) => c.name === constantInContractOrTrait.name, + ), + ); + + if (!foundOverriddenConstant) { + const msg = + contractOrTrait.traits.length === 0 || inheritOnlyBaseTrait + ? `Constant "${constantInContractOrTrait.name}" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier or inherit any traits with this constant` + : `Constant "${constantInContractOrTrait.name}" overrides nothing, remove "override" modifier`; + + throwCompilationError(msg, constantInContractOrTrait.ast.loc); + } + } + for (const inheritedTrait of contractOrTrait.traits) { // Copy functions for (const traitFunction of inheritedTrait.functions.values()) { @@ -1689,10 +1712,17 @@ export function resolveDescriptors(ctx: CompilerContext, Ast: FactoryAst) { funInContractOrTrait.ast.loc, ); } - throwCompilationError( - `Function "${traitFunction.name}" is already defined in trait "${inheritedTrait.name}"`, - funInContractOrTrait.ast.loc, - ); + + if ( + traitFunction.ast.attributes.find( + (v) => v.type === "override", + ) === undefined + ) { + throwCompilationError( + `Function "${traitFunction.name}" is already defined in trait "${inheritedTrait.name}"`, + funInContractOrTrait.ast.loc, + ); + } } // Register function @@ -1755,10 +1785,17 @@ export function resolveDescriptors(ctx: CompilerContext, Ast: FactoryAst) { constInContractOrTrait.ast.loc, ); } - throwCompilationError( - `Constant "${traitConstant.name}" is already defined in trait "${inheritedTrait.name}"`, - constInContractOrTrait.ast.loc, - ); + + if ( + traitConstant.ast.attributes.find( + (v) => v.type === "override", + ) === undefined + ) { + throwCompilationError( + `Constant "${traitConstant.name}" is already defined in trait "${inheritedTrait.name}"`, + constInContractOrTrait.ast.loc, + ); + } } const contractField = contractOrTrait.fields.find( (v) => v.name === traitConstant.name, @@ -1771,6 +1808,18 @@ export function resolveDescriptors(ctx: CompilerContext, Ast: FactoryAst) { ); } + if ( + traitConstant.ast.attributes.find( + (v) => v.type === "override", + ) + ) { + // remove overridden constant + contractOrTrait.constants = + contractOrTrait.constants.filter( + (c) => c.name !== traitConstant.name, + ); + } + // Register constant contractOrTrait.constants.push({ ...traitConstant, diff --git a/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-contract-from-base-trait.tact b/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-contract-from-base-trait.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a63f1117a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-contract-from-base-trait.tact @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait { + const FOO: Int = 10; +} + +contract Test { + override const BAR: Int = 10; +} diff --git a/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-contract-with-multi-inheritance.tact b/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-contract-with-multi-inheritance.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe2ab9154 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-contract-with-multi-inheritance.tact @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait {} +trait T { + const BAR: Int = 10; +} + +trait T2 { + const BAZ: Int = 10; +} + +contract Test with T, T2 { + override const FOO: Int = 10; +} diff --git a/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-contract-without-inheritance.tact b/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-contract-without-inheritance.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5cebcce96 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-contract-without-inheritance.tact @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait {} + +contract Test { + override const FOO: Int = 100; +} diff --git a/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-trait-from-base-trait.tact b/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-trait-from-base-trait.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a3f1f1dd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-trait-from-base-trait.tact @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait { + const FOO: Int = 10; +} + +trait Test { + override const BAR: Int = 10; +} diff --git a/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance.tact b/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..770730c89 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance.tact @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait {} +trait T { + const BAR: Int = 10; +} + +trait T2 { + const BAZ: Int = 10; +} + +trait Test with T, T2 { + override const FOO: Int = 10; +} diff --git a/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-trait-without-inheritance.tact b/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-trait-without-inheritance.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9a13d053 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test-failed/override-for-non-existing-constant-in-trait-without-inheritance.tact @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait {} + +trait Test { + override const FOO: Int = 100; +} diff --git a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-contract-from-base-trait.tact b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-contract-from-base-trait.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..917acd1b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-contract-from-base-trait.tact @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait { + const BAR: Int = 100; +} + +contract Test with BaseTrait { + override const BAR: Int = 100; +} diff --git a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-contract-with-multi-inheritance-from-base-trait.tact b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-contract-with-multi-inheritance-from-base-trait.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..615786bc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-contract-with-multi-inheritance-from-base-trait.tact @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait { + const FOO: Int = 100; +} + +trait T { + const BAR: Int = 100; +} + +trait T2 { + const BAZ: Int = 100; +} + +contract Test with T, T2 { + override const FOO: Int = 100; +} diff --git a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-contract-with-multi-inheritance.tact b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-contract-with-multi-inheritance.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97775035c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-contract-with-multi-inheritance.tact @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait {} +trait T {} + +trait T2 { + const BAR: Int = 100; +} + +contract Test with T, T2 { + override const BAR: Int = 100; +} diff --git a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-contract.tact b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-contract.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3d35974b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-contract.tact @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait {} +trait T { + const BAR: Int = 10; +} + +contract Test with T { + override const BAR: Int = 100; +} diff --git a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-from-base-trait.tact b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-from-base-trait.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dad41adf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-from-base-trait.tact @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait { + const BAR: Int = 100; +} + +trait Test with BaseTrait { + override const BAR: Int = 100; +} diff --git a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-with-deep-inheritance-in-middle.tact b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-with-deep-inheritance-in-middle.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..22173123b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-with-deep-inheritance-in-middle.tact @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait {} + +trait T1 {} + +trait T2 with T1 { const BAR: Int = 100; } + +trait T3 with T2 {} + +trait Test with T3 { + override const BAR: Int = 100; +} diff --git a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-with-diamond-inheritance.tact b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-with-diamond-inheritance.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..61e20ef5e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-with-diamond-inheritance.tact @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait {} + +trait T { + const BAR: Int = 100; +} + +trait T2 with T { + const BAZ: Int = 100; +} + +trait T3 with T { + override const BAR: Int = 100; +} + +trait Test with T2, T3 { + override const BAR: Int = 100; +} diff --git a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance-from-base-trait.tact b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance-from-base-trait.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..afe7a3674 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance-from-base-trait.tact @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait { + const FOO: Int = 100; +} +trait T with BaseTrait { + const BAR: Int = 100; +} + +trait T2 { + const BAZ: Int = 100; +} + +trait Test with T, T2 { + override const FOO: Int = 100; +} diff --git a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance.tact b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1fa9a74c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance.tact @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait {} +trait T {} + +trait T2 { + const BAR: Int = 100; +} + +trait Test with T, T2 { + override const BAR: Int = 100; +} diff --git a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait.tact b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait.tact new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c6e5bafc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-constant-in-trait.tact @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +primitive Int; + +trait BaseTrait {} +trait T { + const BAR: Int = 10; +} + +trait Test with T { + override const BAR: Int = 100; +} diff --git a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-function-in-contract-from-base-trait.tact b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-function-in-contract-from-base-trait.tact index 5850b0948..e8806c325 100644 --- a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-function-in-contract-from-base-trait.tact +++ b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-function-in-contract-from-base-trait.tact @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ trait BaseTrait { fun foo() {} } -trait Test { +trait Test with BaseTrait { override fun foo() {} } diff --git a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-function-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance-from-base-trait.tact b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-function-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance-from-base-trait.tact index 41091c08a..229fd2de4 100644 --- a/src/types/test/override-for-existing-function-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance-from-base-trait.tact +++ b/src/types/test/override-for-existing-function-in-trait-with-multi-inheritance-from-base-trait.tact @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ trait BaseTrait { fun foo() {} } -trait T { +trait T with BaseTrait { fun bar() {} }