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English sentence parsing

Tree-based parsing是以樹為主エ³解析,若是照字面來翻着是樹基解析,伊是一種構文解析エ³技術。Build是起造、構築、構建、建構、建造エ³意思。若ベㇷ¹カ³一个文轉換做解析樹,エ³タㆁ²叫AIカ³ヒッ¹エ⁷文解析做單語アㇷ³是語組,イァコㅗㇷ¹ウ³主語、目的語、動詞、名詞、形容詞、前置詞、副詞等等エ³構文單位(syntactic units)。ラㇴベㇷ¹使用エ⁷提示エ³タㆁ²カ³文轉換做構文單位,コㅗㇷ¹利用構文單位來起構文樹(syntax tree)カㇷ¹依存graph(dependency graph)。アナ³Parsingカㇷ¹起樹エ³過程着無ベㇷ¹詳細解說,イㇴ⁷ㆬ³不是本文エ³重點。使用者需要做エ³カㇴ⁷ナ⁷是輸入一个文,AI着エ³カ³構文樹エ³diagram畫추ッラィㇷ。


## Examples

### Sentence Example 1

**Input**: *"The combination of a pencil and imagination resulted in a story."*

1. **Tree-Based Parsing**:
ROOT: resulted  
  ├── SUBJECT: combination  
  │   ├── MODIFIER: the  
  │   ├── MODIFIER: of a pencil and imagination  
  ├── PREPOSITIONAL_PHRASE: in a story

2. **Stanza (Dependency Parsing)**:
- *resulted*: root  
- *combination*: nsubj (subject of *resulted*)  
- *the*: det (determiner of *combination*)  
- *pencil*: nmod (modifier of *combination*)  
- *imagination*: conj (conjunct of *pencil*)  
- *story*: pobj (object of *in*)  
- *a*: det (determiner of *story*)  
- *in*: case (preposition)

ラㇴ先來看頭一个文,"Take it." 翻做台語着是提키ㇷ。AIエ³産生下腳エ³解析結果:

1. Tree-Based Parsing

ROOT: Take  
  ├── OBJECT: it  

2. Stanza (Dependency Parsing)

- *Take*: root  
- *it*: obj (object of *Take*)  

續ロㅗㇷラィㇷ又コㅗㇷ¹是一个命令文,マ³是一个語組動詞(phrasal verb),"Sit down.":

1. Tree-Based Parsing

ROOT: Sit  
  ├── ADVERBIAL: down  

2. Stanza (Dependency Parsing)

- *Sit*: root  
- *down*: advmod (adverbial modifier of *Sit*)  

續ロㅗㇷラィㇷ是一个複合名詞,"Team Taiwan":

1. Tree-Based Parsing

ROOT: Team  
  ├── MODIFIER: Taiwan  

2. Stanza (Dependency Parsing)

- *Team*: root  
- *Taiwan*: nmod (modifier of *Team*)  


續ロㅗㇷラィㇷ是一个複合動詞,"習い始めました",翻做台語是開始學エ³意思,翻做英語是"I began to learn.",アㇷ³是"I have started to learn.":

1. Tree-Based Parsing

ROOT: 始めました  
  ├── OBJECT: 習い  

2. Stanza (Dependency Parsing)

- *始めました*: root  
- *習い*: obj (object of *始めました*)  


續ロㅗㇷラィㇷ是一个文,"I wrote a mail to her." 翻做台語是我寫一張푸ェホ⁷イ⁷:

1. Tree-Based Parsing

ROOT: wrote  
  ├── SUBJECT: I  
  ├── OBJECT: a mail  
  │   ├── MODIFIER: a  

2. Stanza (Dependency Parsing)

- *wrote*: root  
- *I*: nsubj (subject of *wrote*)  
- *mail*: obj (object of *wrote*)  
- *a*: det (determiner of *mail*)  
- *her*: obl (oblique object of *wrote*)  
- *to*: case (preposition for *her*)  

續ロㅗㇷラィㇷ是一个敘述文,"I am John.":

1. Tree-Based Parsing

ROOT: am  
  ├── SUBJECT: I  
  ├── COMPLEMENT: John  

2. Stanza (Dependency Parsing)

- *am*: root  
- *I*: nsubj (subject of *am*)  
- *John*: xcomp (complement of *am*)  


續ロㅗㇷラィㇷマ³是一个敘述文,"He is coming.",翻做台語是伊ベㇷ¹來エ³意思:

1. Tree-Based Parsing

ROOT: coming  
  ├── SUBJECT: He  
  ├── AUXILIARY: is  

2. Stanza (Dependency Parsing)

- *coming*: root  
- *He*: nsubj (subject of *coming*)  
- *is*: aux (auxiliary verb for *coming*)  

其中"is"是一个助動詞。我叫AIカ³チッ¹エ⁷文做變形,"Can you transform the sentence?"。伊有一クァ形態變化타ㆁ⁷揀。我カ⁷コㆁ我ベㇷ¹띠³否定形,伊無ベㇷ¹來,像下腳アㇴ¹ネ:

1. Negative Form:

  • Input: "He is not coming."

Tree-Based Parsing:

ROOT: coming  
  ├── SUBJECT: He  
  ├── AUXILIARY: is  
  ├── NEGATION: not

Stanza (Dependency Parsing):

- *coming*: root  
- *He*: nsubj (subject of *coming*)  
- *is*: aux (auxiliary verb for *coming*)  
- *not*: neg (negation of *coming*)

續ロㅗㇷラィㇷマ³是一个有歧義性(ambiguity,曖昧性)エ³敘述文,"The man saw the woman with the telescope."。翻做台語是,ヒッ¹エ⁷查甫用ヒッ¹エ⁷望遠鏡看ヒッ¹エ⁷查某,アㇷ³是ヒッ¹エ⁷查甫看着一个查某有ヒッ¹エ⁷望遠鏡:

1. Interpretation 1: The man used the telescope to see the woman.

  1. Tree-Based Parsing:
ROOT: saw  
  ├── SUBJECT: man  
  │   ├── MODIFIER: the  
  ├── OBJECT: woman  
  │   ├── MODIFIER: the  
  ├── PREPOSITIONAL_PHRASE: with the telescope
  1. Stanza (Dependency Parsing):
- *saw*: root  
- *man*: nsubj (subject of *saw*)  
- *woman*: dobj (direct object of *saw*)  
- *the*: det (determiner of *woman*)  
- *telescope*: pobj (object of *with*)  
- *with*: prep (preposition introducing the phrase)

2. Interpretation 2: The man saw a woman who had the telescope.

  1. Tree-Based Parsing:
ROOT: saw  
  ├── SUBJECT: man  
  │   ├── MODIFIER: the  
  ├── OBJECT: woman  
  │   ├── MODIFIER: the  
  ├── PREPOSITIONAL_PHRASE: with the telescope
  1. Stanza (Dependency Parsing):
- *saw*: root  
- *man*: nsubj (subject of *saw*)  
- *woman*: dobj (direct object of *saw*)  
- *the*: det (determiner of *woman*)  
- *telescope*: nmod (modifier of *woman*)  
- *with*: prep (preposition introducing the phrase)

續ロㅗㇷラィㇷマ³是一个有受動態エ³文,"The cake was eaten by the child.",翻做台語是雞卵糕ホ³ギㇴ¹仔食키ㇷ:

  1. Tree-Based Parsing:
ROOT: eaten  
  ├── AUXILIARY: was  
  ├── SUBJECT: cake  
  │   ├── MODIFIER: the  
  ├── AGENT: child  
  │   ├── MODIFIER: the  
  1. Stanza (Dependency Parsing):
- *eaten*: root  
- *cake*: nsubj (subject of *eaten*)  
- *was*: aux (auxiliary verb for *eaten*)  
- *child*: agent (agent performing the action)  
- *the*: det (determiner of *cake* and *child*)  
- *by*: prep (preposition introducing the agent)
