style is not consistent in browser - fix issue #177
- add
option to code chunk - restore
buttons but only shown when hovered.
- ISSUE: MathJax will also update when changing headings.
- update all dependencies.
- seems that
is still of version6.0.0
and class diagram doesn't work as expected.
- seems that
- fix bug #168.
- disable
#167. - fix issue #160
- fix issue #150
- extend
. #171 - remove
button for code chunk. also updated code-chunk.md
reload cached image when necessary. (eg: replace[doesn't work very well; the image will flicker]#cached=false
) - fix one MathJax bug #147
- mermaid class diagram #143 [seem to be mermaid bug]
- pandoc and ebook graph include [implement in next major release]
- better pandoc error notification
- ebook export exception #136
- TOC heading level bug #134
- extend table notation #133
- ERD #128 [might be removed in the future]
ebook glossary like gitbook. [not implemented] - change graph APIs.
- change parseMD function to async function with callback.
- pandoc graph include [may be implemented in next version]
- fix scroll sync bug for code block
- support Code Chunk
- change
Markdown Preview Enhanced: Toc Create
toMarkdown Preview Enhanced: Create Toc
- save
state for each editor.
- support
[not implement] - support
#128 [not implement] - scroll preview to the very bottom when cursor is in last 2 lines. (right now it is the last line)
- fix ebook network image error #129
- support
args option - improve
config - fix
loading preview
stuck bug - remove
Markdown Preivew Enhanced: Config Header and Footer
, usefront-matter
instead. [Might be implemented in next release]
- fix issue #107
- add TOC sidebar #117
- fix issue #121 location save
- add default document export path #120
- fix issue #118 add hint for image paste
- support pandoc
- add vertical slides for presentation #123
- remove
Markdown Preview Enhanced: Config Presentation
, use front-matter instead
- add option to
frontmatter. - change to
license - upgrade APIs to match newest
- solve lagging issue
- header/footer for presentation
- smooth scroll sync
- fix issue #106
- add file extensions support #102
- fix issue #107, now can use MathJax for phantomjs export
- add zoomFactor #93
- image drop to upload like github.
Known issues:
in MathJax are not escaped.getAttribute('data-original')
- refactor parseMD function. (it's too messy now)
- for KaTeX rendering, save rendered results like MathJax.
- split on left side (it seems that
doesn't work as I expected) - typographer #94
- format markdown on save
- modify
#95 - fix #97
- fix #93 specify image resolution when exporting png/jpeg using phantomjs
- support front matter #100
- support hooks #101
- found issue, I might implement phantomjs html2pdf by myself in the future...
- solve issue #85
- merge pull request #86
- presentation print pdf link not working
- epub generation. useful links manual and epub
- viz.js dot language
- customize reveal css
- check custom comment subject
- shield.io
- table formatter
- distraction free writing mode like laverna or zen. useful link.
- presentation mode like marp
- add phantomjs option besides html and pdf.
- fix issue
- fix print to pdf deadlock issue (if I can...) (Update: It seems to be electron related, therefore I can't fix it.)
- print image capturePage function
- right click on preview displays 'print' option on context menu (I decide not to implement this)
- update PlantUML to newest version
- fix toggle bug.
- support mermaid customized init function see this issue
- this is too hard.
- open other files in atom through links see this issue
- let user choose to use local puml jar or through internet by encode (no java required)(I decide not to implement this)
- remove mermaidStyle at markdown-preview-enhanced-view.coffee. (as it is already included in markdown-preview-enhanced.less)
- WaveDrom support?
- preview window copy text.
- mermaid style: three .css file choice.
- preview black color background problem
- support customizable math delimiters
- increase MathJax rendering speed
- fix code block
comment color bug (现在是黑色的。。。) - fix WikiLink #45
- fix TOC header bug #48
- add
support #47 (可能无法完成) - image path config here
- fix image project paths bug here
- TOC numbered list
- support better way for customizing markdown down style.
- change markdown style.
- improve markdown parsing efficiency (use onDidStopChanging function instead of onDidChange).
- TODO: support scroll sync in the future.
- fix image path bug when export pdf and html.
- fix math expression parsing bug... caused by _underscore_.
- add \newpage support.
- Add 'Open in Browser' option.
- Fix $ bug.
- Every feature added.
- Every bug fixed.