feat: console wallet recovery improvements for ledger (#6455) #1605
GitHub Actions / JUnit Test Report
Aug 6, 2024 in 0s
22 tests run, 19 passed, 0 skipped, 3 failed.
Check failure on line 1 in feature:34:3
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
feature:34:3.Scenario: Sync burned output: tests/features/Sync.feature:34:3
Step panicked. Captured output: base nodes not successfully synchronized at height 15, {"NODE": 15, "NODE1": 0, "Node_0": 0, "Node_1": 0}
Raw output
Scenario: Sync burned output
Given I have a seed node NODE
When I have a base node NODE1 connected to all seed nodes
When I have 2 base nodes connected to all seed nodes
When I have wallet WALLET_A connected to all seed nodes
When I have mining node MINER connected to base node NODE and wallet WALLET_A
When mining node MINER mines 15 blocks
Then all nodes are at height 15
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/Sync.feature:41:5
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/node_steps.rs:180:1
Step panicked. Captured output: base nodes not successfully synchronized at height 15, {"NODE": 15, "NODE1": 0, "Node_0": 0, "Node_1": 0}
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"MINER": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER",
base_node_name: "NODE",
wallet_name: "WALLET_A",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {},
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
chat_clients: [],
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {},
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
Check failure on line 1 in feature:142:5
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
feature:142:5.Scenario: Syncing node while also mining before tip sync: tests/features/Sync.feature:142:5
Step panicked. Captured output: Service on port 18490 never started
Raw output
Scenario Outline: Syncing node while also mining before tip sync
Given I have a seed node SEED
When I have wallet WALLET1 connected to seed node SEED
When I have wallet WALLET2 connected to seed node SEED
When I have mining node MINER connected to base node SEED and wallet WALLET1
When I have a base node SYNCER connected to all seed nodes
When I have mine-before-tip mining node MINER2 connected to base node SYNCER and wallet WALLET2
When I stop node SYNCER
When mining node MINER mines 101 blocks with min difficulty 1 and max difficulty 9999999999
Then node SEED is at height 101
When I start base node SYNCER
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/Sync.feature:134:5
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/node_steps.rs:68:1
Step panicked. Captured output: Service on port 18490 never started
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"MINER": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER",
base_node_name: "SEED",
wallet_name: "WALLET1",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
"MINER2": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER2",
base_node_name: "SYNCER",
wallet_name: "WALLET2",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {},
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
chat_clients: [],
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {},
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
Check failure on line 1 in feature:142:5
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
feature:142:5.Scenario: Syncing node while also mining before tip sync: tests/features/Sync.feature:142:5
Step panicked. Captured output: Service on port 18413 never started
Raw output
Scenario Outline: Syncing node while also mining before tip sync | Retry attempt: 1/2
Given I have a seed node SEED
When I have wallet WALLET1 connected to seed node SEED
When I have wallet WALLET2 connected to seed node SEED
When I have mining node MINER connected to base node SEED and wallet WALLET1
When I have a base node SYNCER connected to all seed nodes
When I have mine-before-tip mining node MINER2 connected to base node SYNCER and wallet WALLET2
When I stop node SYNCER
When mining node MINER mines 101 blocks with min difficulty 1 and max difficulty 9999999999
Then node SEED is at height 101
When I start base node SYNCER
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/Sync.feature:134:5
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/node_steps.rs:68:1
Step panicked. Captured output: Service on port 18413 never started
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"MINER": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER",
base_node_name: "SEED",
wallet_name: "WALLET1",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
"MINER2": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER2",
base_node_name: "SYNCER",
wallet_name: "WALLET2",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {},
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
chat_clients: [],
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {},
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,