- Comments: #8
- Initially Proposed by: @djmitche
JSON-e is a language for parameterizing data structures. It should be the standard way that TaskCluster tasks are generated from templates (replacing rudimentary text substitution in YAML or JSON files).
This involves both implementing JSON-e itself, and deploying it for use in a bunch of contexts:
- JS implementation
- TC-Github's .taskcluster.yml
- Mozilla-taskcluster's .taskcluster.yml
- TC-Hooks
- Schedule in response to pulse messages, parameterized on their content (could replace mozilla-taskcluster!!)
- Allow triggerTask calls to include a payload which is used to parameterize the task
- Python Implementation
- Parameterizing Decision, Action, and Cron Tasks (in-tree)
- Re-parameterizing decision tasks in Chain-of-trust validation (scriptworker)
Implementation Tracking: bug 1372600