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Command Reference > share

Sent Shares

Command Description
pv share listSentShares Get list of sent shares in the given Purview account.
pv share createSentShare Create a sent share in the given Purview account.
pv share deleteSentShare Deletes a sent share.
pv share getSentShare Get a sent share in the given Purview account.

Accepted Sent Shares

Command Description
pv share listAcceptedShares List of accepted shares for the current sent share.
pv share getAcceptedShare Get an accepted share with acceptedSentShareName to a particular sent share.
pv share reinstateAcceptedShare Reinstate a revoked accepted sent share.
pv share revokeAcceptedShare Revoke an accepted sent share's access.
pv share updateExpirationAcceptedShare Update the expiration date of an active accepted sent share.

Sent Invitations

Command Description
pv share listSentInvitations List all Invitations in a share.
pv share createSentInvitation Create/Update a sent share invitation in the given account.
pv share deleteSentInvitation Delete Invitation in a share.
pv share getSentInvitation Get Invitation for a given share.

Received Shares

Command Description
pv share listReceivedShares Get a list of received shares.
pv share createReceivedShare Create a received share in the given account.
pv share deleteReceivedShare Deletes a received share.
pv share getReceivedShare Get a received share by name.

Received Invitations

Command Description
pv share listReceivedInvitations Lists the received invitations.
pv share getReceivedInvitation Gets the received invitation identified by name.
pv share rejectReceivedInvitation Rejects the received invitation identified by name.

Asset Mappings

Command Description
pv share listAssetMappings List AssetMappings in a received share.
pv share createAssetMapping Maps a source asset in the sent share to a destination asset in the received share.
pv share deleteAssetMapping Delete AssetMapping in a receivedShare.
pv share getAssetMapping Get AssetMapping in a receivedShare.


Command Description
pv share listAssets List Assets in a share.
pv share createAsset Adds a new asset to an existing share.
pv share deleteAsset Delete asset in a sentShare.
pv share getAsset Get asset in a sentShare.
pv share listReceivedAssets List source asset of a received share.

Email Registration

Command Description
pv share activateEmail Activates the tenant and email combination using the activation code received.
pv share registerEmail Registers the tenant and email combination for activation.

ER Diagram #1

    purviewAccount ||--o{ collections : has
    purviewAccount ||--o{ receivedInvitations : has
    collections ||--o{ sentShares : has
    collections ||--o{ receivedShares : has
    receivedShares ||--o{ assetMappings : has
    receivedShares ||--o{ receivedAssets : has
    sentShares || --o{ assets : has
    sentShares || --o{ sentShareInvitations : has
    sentShares ||--o{ acceptedSentShares : has

ER Diagram #2

Includes properties, data types, and example values.

    purviewAccount ||--o{ collections : has
    purviewAccount ||--o{ receivedInvitations : has
    collections ||--o{ sentShares : has
    collections ||--o{ receivedShares : has
    receivedShares ||--o{ assetMappings : has
    receivedShares ||--o{ receivedAssets : has
    sentShares || --o{ assets : has
    sentShares || --o{ sentShareInvitations : has
    sentShares ||--o{ acceptedSentShares : has
    receivedInvitations {
        string id "/receivedInvitations/0acdde01-bdbd-49e1-b3d8-275d62b9b9bc"
        string invitationKind "User"
        string name "0acdde01-bdbd-49e1-b3d8-275d62b9b9bc"
        string description "This is a description."
        string invitationStatus "Pending"
        string location "northeurope"
        string receiverEmail ""
        string receiverName
        string receiverTenantName
        string senderEmail ""
        string senderName "Taygan Rifat"
        string senderTenantName "Microsoft"
        date sentAt "2022-09-02T13:38:29.3185176Z"
        string sentShareName "NewShare"
        string shareKind "InPlace"
        string targetEmail ""
        string type "receivedInvitations"
    sentShares {
        string id "/sentShares/NewShare"
        string name "NewShare"
        string collection_referenceName "qrzdyx"
        string collection_type "CollectionReference"
        date createdAt "2022-09-01T16:48:25.0489591Z"
        string description "This is a description."
        string provisioningState "Succeeded"
        string senderEmail ""
        string senderName "Taygan Rifat"
        string senderTenantName "Microsoft"
        string shareKind "InPlace"
        string type "sentShares"
    acceptedSentShares {
        string id "/sentShares/NewShare/acceptedSentShares/be2c3f1d-ac06-4aca-a5f8-28b44cad17ef"
        string name "be2c3f1d-ac06-4aca-a5f8-28b44cad17ef"
        string createdAt "2022-09-02T13:28:13.1922869Z"
        string expirationDate "null"
        string receivedShareStatus "Active"
        string receiverEmail ""
        string receiverName "Taygan Rifat"
        string receiverTargetObjectId "095354ff-cae8-44ff-8120-22ec5a941b40"
        string receiverTenantName "Microsoft"
        string senderEmail ""
        string senderName "Taygan Rifat"
        string senderTenantName "Microsoft"
        string sharedAt "2022-09-01T16:48:25.7585096Z"
        string shareKind "InPlace"
        string type "sentShares/acceptedSentShares"
    receivedShares {
        string id "/receivedShares/NewShare"
        string name "NewShare"
        string collection_referenceName "pvdemo52dg4-pv"
        string collection_type "CollectionReference"
        string createdAt "2022-09-02T13:28:13.1922869Z"
        string invitationId "037ac95e-98a4-4b6a-aba7-7f915ab72497"
        string provisioningState "Succeeded"
        string receivedShareStatus "Active"
        string receiverEmail ""
        string receiverName "Taygan Rifat"
        string receiverTenantName "Microsoft"
        string senderEmail ""
        string senderName "Taygan Rifat"
        string senderTenantName "Microsoft"
        string sentShareDescription "This is a description."
        string sentShareLocation "northeurope"
        string shareName "NewShare"
        string sharedAt "2022-09-01T16:48:25.7585096Z"
        string shareKind "InPlace"
        string type "receivedShares"
    assetMappings {
        string id "/receivedShares/MyShare/assetMappings/storagedatashare01"
        string kind "BlobAccount"
        string name "storagedatashare01"
        string assetId "f4a4d0f9-d3db-4c80-944e-fe692705f27f"
        string assetMappingStatus "Broken"
        string containerName "customer"
        string folder "helloWorld"
        string location "uksouth"
        string mountPath ""
        string provisioningState "Succeeded"
        string storageAccountResourceId "/subscriptions/2c334b6c-e556-40ac-a4c0-c0d1d2e08ca0/resourceGroups/pv-7643-rg/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storagedatashare01"
        string type "receivedShares/assetMappings"
    receivedAssets {
        string id "/receivedShares/NewShare/receivedAssets/6408e9cb-273a-49c7-8e2d-c89e928fd197"
        string kind "BlobAccount"
        string name "6408e9cb-273a-49c7-8e2d-c89e928fd197"
        string location "uksouth"
        string receiverAssetName "assetName"
        string receiverPaths "['products.csv']"
        string type "receivedShares/receivedAssets"
    sentShareInvitations {
        string id "/sentShares/NewShare/sentShareInvitations/607c8df07dc82107ccab50bd1b8c792279b1d9fc"
        string invitationKind "User"
        string name "607c8df07dc82107ccab50bd1b8c792279b1d9fc"
        string invitationId "47d63726-9373-417e-94a2-85afad2edd3e"
        string invitationStatus "Pending"
        string provisioningState "Succeeded"
        string senderEmail ""
        string senderName "Taygan Rifat"
        string senderTenantName "Microsoft"
        string sentAt "2022-09-02T13:31:32.6057188Z"
        string shareKind "InPlace"
        string targetEmail ""
        string type "sentShares/sentShareInvitations"
    assets {
        string id "/sentShares/NewShare/assets/assetName"
        string kind "BlobAccount"
        string name "assetName"
        string location "uksouth"
        string paths "[{'containerName':'products','receiverPath':'products.csv','senderPath':'products.csv'}]"
        string provisioningState "Succeeded"
        string receiverAssetName "assetName"
        string storageAccountResourceId "/subscriptions/2c334b6c-e556-40ac-a4c0-c0d1d2e08ca0/resourceGroups/pv-7643-rg/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storagedatashare01"
        string type "sentShares/assets"