This is a port of id Software's DOOM for the Vex V5 Robot Brain, using the PROS kernel.
It's based on floppes' stm32doom port and uses Chocolate Doom's codebase.
Video: (older version)
- Play with the Vex controller
- Load standard doom WAD files
- Saving a game on the microSD card will crash the program
- loading games on the microSD card can't happen as to current testing
- Clone the repo (or download .ZIP):
git clone
- Build and upload to the V5:
cd VexV5Doom
prosv5 make
prosv5 upload
- Format the microSD card to fat32 and copy "doom1.wad" to it
- Insert the microSD card and start the game
This can be changed in src/doom/chocdoom/i_video.c
- right analog x = turn left/right
- left analog y = move forward/back
- left analog x = strafe left/right
- r1 = fire
- b = use
- x = enter
- y = escape
- dpad = arrow keys
- l2 = prev weapon
- r2 = next weapon
Due to hardware limitations, the following is not possible on the V5:
- Sound
- Multiplayer
- Probably other things