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index 0000000000..c5abfd53d3
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+title: Breaking Changes
+page_title: Breaking Changes
+description: This article lists the breaking changes introduced in the RadTreeView for WPF component through the releases.
+slug: gridview-breaking-changes
+tags: breaking, changes, backward,compadibility
+published: True
+position: 4
+# Breaking Changes
+This article lists and describes the breaking changes introduced in the RadTreeView component. For a full list of changes, see the [Release History](https://www.telerik.com/support/whats-new/wpf/release-history) pages of the Telerik UI for WPF product.
+## Q1 2013
+With the Q1 2013 release, the RadioButtons logic implemented in the `RadTreeView` is removed. This means that the __following list of properties are removed__:
+* __RadTreeView properties:__
+ * __ItemsOptionListType__
+* __RadTreeViewItem properties:__
+ * __ItemsOptionListType__
+ * __OptionType__
+ * __IsRadioButtonEnabled__
+Instead, use the [IsOptionElementsEnabled]({%slug check-box-support%}) property of `RadTreeView` or the custom CheckBox implementation shown in the [Implement a Tri-State CheckBox logic using MVVM]({%slug radtreeview-howto-tri-state-mvvm%}) article.
diff --git a/controls/radtreeview/changes-and-backwards-compatibility/backward-compatibility.md b/controls/radtreeview/changes-and-backwards-compatibility/backward-compatibility.md
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-title: Backward Compatibility
-page_title: Backward Compatibility
-description: Check our "Backward Compatibility" documentation article for the RadTreeView {{ site.framework_name }} control.
-slug: radtreeview-backward-compatibility
-tags: backward,compatibility
-published: True
-position: 1
-# Backward Compatibility
-### RadTreeView - Q1 2013
-With the Q1 2013 release, the RadioButtons logic implemented in the __RadTreeView__ is obsoleted. This means that the following list of properties are obsoleted:
-* __RadTreeView__ Properties:
- * __ItemsOptionListType__
-* __RadTreeViewItem__ Properties:
- * __ItemsOptionListType__
- * __OptionType__
- * __IsRadioButtonEnabled__
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3f88257770..0000000000
--- a/controls/radtreeview/changes-and-backwards-compatibility/changes.md
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-title: Changes
-page_title: Changes
-description: Check our "Changes" documentation article for the RadTreeView {{ site.framework_name }} control.
-slug: radtreeview-changes
-tags: changes
-published: True
-position: 0
-# Changes
-This article describes the release history of the RadTreeView control.
-To see the fixes and features included in our latest official release please refer to our {% if site.site_name == 'Silverlight' %} [Release History](http://www.telerik.com/support/whats-new/silverlight/release-history) {% endif %} {% if site.site_name == 'WPF' %} [Release History](http://www.telerik.com/support/whats-new/wpf/release-history) {% endif %}.
-## Q1 2014
-### What's Fixed
-* Fixed: The lines of the control look jagged
-* Fixed: DragDrop operation produces exception when ScrollViewer is removed from the TreeView's ControlTemplate
-## Q2 2013
-### What's Fixed
-* Fixed: AllowDrop is initially set to True
-* Fixed: DropPreviewLine is incorrectly positioned in zoomed browser
-* Fixed: Exception occurs when several DragNDrop operations are performed on static RadTreeViewItems with default Style applied
-* Fixed: Highlighting the RadTreeViewItems is not correct when hosted in a native TabControl
-* Fixed: MemoryLeak when using the RadTreeView with RadContextMenu
-* Fixed: MouseOver is not updated properly when header content captures the mouse
-* Fixed: Selection should not be cleared when selected item is replaced with itself
-* Fixed: The DragCue does not use Nested Item Templates
-* Fixed: The DragCue offset is wrong when the DragActionContent is long
-* Fixed: The DropPreviewLine is positioned incorrectly
-* Fixed: The RadTreeViewItems are expanded if during a drag operation, the mouse hovers over them, even if the drop is outside the item
-* Fixed: When dragging a RadTreeViewItem, if it isn't removed from its original source, its mouseover state isn't changed
-* Fixed: Wrong ItemTemplate is used in the DragVisualCue in certain databinding scenarios
-### What's New
-* Feature: Ability to turn auto-scroll on/off
-* Feature: Allow adjusting the size of the drop zones
-* Feature: Drop line before the first RadTreeViewItem needed
-* Feature: Implement AutoScrolling During Drag/Drop
-* Feature: Refactor Drag Drop logic to use the new API
-## Q1 2013
-### What's Fixed
-* Fixed: Dynamic implicit theme change breaks expand/collapse animations
-* Fixed: Built-in drag and drop does not work in ElementHost
-* Fixed: Does not resize smoothly when placed in RadWindow and has Auto Width
-* Fixed: DragDrop when bound to XML throws a null ref exception
-* Fixed: Drop position is not calculated correctly in winforms window
-* Fixed: Dynamic FontSize bug in Windows8 theme
-* Fixed: Handling PreviewCollasped when the last item is removed does not update state
-* Fixed: Having ComboBox as item header and IsDragDropEnabled=True disallows scrolling in the ComboBox's drop-down
-* Fixed: Multiple selected items are not deselected correctly when single selecting another
-* Fixed: Newly added items can't be selected
-* Fixed: NullRef if SelectedItem is removed in the Selected handler
-* Fixed: Problem when reloading treeview while editting an item
-* Fixed: Setting IsInEditMode in the MouseDoubleClick event handler doesn`t work properly
-* Fixed: The DragTooltip Content doesn't properly update when dragging TreeViewItems in an unpinned pane
-* Fixed: When the control is used in the RibbonView.Backstage menu, its DragTooltip isn't properly updated during drag
-* Fixed: Wrong visualization of the node connecting line
-### What's New
-* Feature: Obsolete TreeView RadioButtons support
-* Feature: Add touch support for scrolling
-## Q3 2012
-### What's Fixed
-* Fixed: Changing the height of TreeViewItem not respected by TreeViewPanel
-* Fixed: Move operation causes exception in the virtualization panel
-### What's New
-* Feature: Touch Support for Scrolling
-## Q2 2012
-### What's Fixed
-* Fixed: Keyboard Navigation Not Relative to Focused Item
-* Fixed: The SelectedItem is not updated after change of the ItemSource collection
-* Fixed: In SL 5, when the CheckState of the RadTreeViewItem is bound via StyleBindings, Null Reference exception occurs
-* Fixed: Opening MessageBox on DoubleClick with enabled drag drop functionality freezes the mouse interaction
->You can examine the Q2 2012 release history in {% if site.site_name == 'Silverlight' %}[our site](http://www.telerik.com/products/silverlight/whats-new/release_notes/q2-2012-version-2012-2-607.aspx){% endif %}{% if site.site_name == 'WPF' %}[our site](http://www.telerik.com/products/wpf/whats-new/release-history/q2-2012-version-2012-2-607-2457892840.aspx){% endif %}.
-## Q1 2012
-### What's Fixed
-* Fixed: PreviewDragStarted fires if you handle PreviewSelected/PreviewUnselected
-* Fixed: In ExpressionDark and Metro Theme, Foreground color is too light when a RadTreeViewItem is first selected and expanded
-* Fixed: Edit mode does not starts when fast clicks are performed over tree items and then F2 is pressed
-* Fixed: The IsDropPreviewLineEnabled property is not shown in the Properties Window
-* Fixed: SelectedItem property description is wrong
-* Fixed: When a RadContextMenu is opened, the RadTreeViewItem behind stays in MouseOver state
-### What's New
-* Feature: Changing the IsDragDropEnabled Should Update Existing Items
-* Feature: Add Double Click Event
->You can examine the Q1 2012 release history in {% if site.site_name == 'Silverlight' %}[our site](http://www.telerik.com/products/silverlight/whats-new/release_notes/q1-2012-version-2012-1-215-271395503.aspx){% endif %}{% if site.site_name == 'WPF' %}[our site](http://www.telerik.com/products/wpf/whats-new/release-history/q1-2012-version-2012-1-215-1506305735.aspx){% endif %}.
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