These instructions will guide you through the installation of Tenstorrent system tools and drivers, followed by the installation of TT-Metalium and TT-NN.
If you are using a release version of this software, check installation instructions packaged with it. You can find them in either the release assets for that version, or in the source files for that version tag.
- Follow the instructions for the Tenstorrent device you are using at: Hardware Setup
Note the current compatibility matrix:
Device | OS | Python | Driver (TT-KMD) | Firmware (TT-Flash) | TT-SMI | TT-Topology |
Wormhole | Ubuntu 20.04 | 3.8.10 | v1.29 | fw_pack- (v80.13.0.0) | v2.2.0 or above | N/A |
T3000 (Wormhole) | Ubuntu 20.04 | 3.8.10 | v1.29 | fw_pack- (v80.13.0.0) | v2.2.0 or above | v1.1.3 or above, mesh config |
Blackhole | Ubuntu 20.04 | 3.10 | v1.31 | fw_pack- (v80.15.0.0) | v3.0.5 or above | v1.1.3 or above, 'mesh' config |
chmod a+x
sudo ./
- DKMS must be installed:
OS | Command |
Ubuntu / Debian | apt install dkms |
Fedora | dnf install dkms |
Enterprise Linux Based | dnf install epel-release && dnf install dkms |
- Install the latest TT-KMD version:
git clone
cd tt-kmd
sudo dkms add .
sudo dkms install "tenstorrent/$(./tools/current-version)"
sudo modprobe tenstorrent
cd ..
- For more information visit Tenstorrents TT-KMD GitHub repository.
- Install TT-Flash:
pip install git+
- Reboot to load changes:
sudo reboot
- Check if TT-Flash is installed:
tt-flash --version
- Download and install the latest TT-Firmware version:
file_name=$(curl -s "")
curl -L -o "$file_name" "$file_name"
tt-flash flash --fw-tar $file_name
- For more information visit Tenstorrent's TT-Firmware GitHub Repository and TT-Flash Github Repository.
- Install Tenstorrent Software Management Interface (TT-SMI):
pip install git+
- Verify System Configuration
Once hardware and system software are installed, verify that the system has been configured correctly.
- Run the TT-SMI utility:
A display with device information, telemetry, and firmware will appear:
If the tool runs without error, your system has been configured correctly.
- For more information, visit Tenstorrent's TT-SMI GitHub repository.
- For TT-Loudbox or TT-QuietBox systems, visit Tenstorrent's TT-Topology README.
Installing from source gets developers closer to the metal and the source code.
Option 2: From Docker Release Image
Installing from Docker Release Image is the quickest way to access our APIs and to start running AI models.
Install from wheel as an alternative method to get quick access to our APIs and to running AI models.
Install from source if you are a developer who wants to be close to the metal and the source code. Recommended for running the demo models.
git clone --recurse-submodules
- (recommended) For an out-of-the-box virtual environment to use, execute:
source python_env/bin/activate
(optional) Software dependencies for profiling use:
- Install dependencies:
sudo apt install pandoc libtbb-dev libcapstone-dev pkg-config
- Download and install Doxygen, (v1.9 or higher, but less than v1.10)
Continue to You Are All Set!
Installing from Docker Release Image is the quickest way to access our APIs and to start running AI models.
Download the latest Docker release from our Docker registry page
docker pull
docker run -it --rm -v /dev/hugepages-1G:/dev/hugepages-1G --device /dev/tenstorrent bash
When inside of the container,
python3 -c "import ttnn"
For more information on the Docker Release Images, visit our Docker registry page.
Continue to You Are All Set!
Install from wheel for quick access to our APIs and to get an AI model running
Navigate to our releases page and download the latest wheel file for the Tenstorrent card architecture you have installed.
Install the wheel using your Python environment manager of choice. For example, to install with
:pip install <wheel_file.whl>
To try our pre-built models in models/
, you must:
Install their required dependencies
Set appropriate environment variables
Set the CPU performance governor to ensure high performance on the host
This is done by executing the following:
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) pip install -r tt_metal/python_env/requirements-dev.txt sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils sudo cpupower frequency-set -g performance
First, set the following environment variables:
- Run the appropriate command for the Tenstorrent card you have installed:
Card Command Grayskull export ARCH_NAME=grayskull
Wormhole export ARCH_NAME=wormhole_b0
Blackhole export ARCH_NAME=blackhole
- Run:
export TT_METAL_HOME=$(pwd) export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
Then, try running a programming example:
python3 -m ttnn.examples.usage.run_op_on_device
For more programming examples to try, visit Tenstorrent's TT-NN Basic Examples Page or get started with Simple Kernels on TT-Metalium
- For more information on development and contributing, visit Tenstorrent's page.