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Releases: tesselode/kira


01 Jun 00:56
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  • Fix sounds stopping after having already started if the clock they were originally waiting on stops
  • Implement Default for Region, EndPosition, PlaybackPosition, and Value
  • Implement Debug for handles, command types, and ResourceController


11 May 19:19
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v0.9.0 - May 11, 2024


ClockTime now has a fraction field, which represents a fraction of a tick. This means sounds and tweens can be scheduled for times in-between ticks.

In addition, ClockHandle::fractional_position has been removed because ClockHandle::time provides that info anyway, and the shape of ClockInfo has changed to hold a ClockTime (this is only relevant if you're creating implementations of one of Kira's traits).

Added configuration for the CpalBackend

(Implemented by @zeozeozeo)

The device and buffer size used by the CpalBackend are now configurable via CpalBackendSettings.

Most param changes are now infallible

Anything that could previously fail because of a command buffer filling up or getting poisoned can no longer fail that way, so you can call functions like Emitter::set_position as frequently as you want.

Updated API for sound start positions and playback regions

v0.8 introduced a playback_region setting for static and streaming sounds which replaced the previous start_position setting. It was meant to serve two purposes:

  • Allow you to play only a portion of a sound
  • Allow setting the start position of the sound

However, these two purposes had an unintuitive interaction. Say you want to play a sound starting 3 seconds in. In v0.8, you would do something like this:

Then let's say you wanted to seek the sound to 2 seconds. The sound would stop because you've set the playback region not to include that part of the sound, when all you really wanted to do was set the start position.

In v0.9, these two purposes are separated. The playback_region setting has been reverted to the start_position setting from versions before v0.8, and to serve the purpose of playing portions of sounds, slice methods have been added to StaticSoundData and StreamingSoundData.

Note that the loop_region option added in v0.8 remains and works the same way in v0.9.


Previously, you could delay the playback of a static sound by setting its start position to a negative number. This only worked with static sounds, however, not streaming sounds or tweens. This is now disallowed, which allows for some minor internal code cleanup. In its place is the more explicit and intuitive StartTime::delayed, which works with anything that has a StartTime.


Previously, if you paused a sound and set the fade-in tween to have a start time in the future, the sound wouldn't become audible until the start time, but it would still be advancing in the background as soon as you called resume. The resume_at method delays playback until the specified StartTime.

Added settings methods to Static/StreamingSoundData

Chainable methods have been added to StaticSoundData and StreamingSoundData to change settings on the sound data. So instead of doing this:

let sound = StaticSoundData::from_file("sound.ogg", StaticSoundSettings::new()

You can use this less verbose code:

let sound = StaticSoundData::from_file("sound.ogg")?

StaticSoundSettings and StreamingSoundSettings still exist and are still fields of the corresponding SoundDatas, so you can still store settings independently of a sound data.

Resource capacities are now u16s

This allows for some performance improvements, but it does mean you are limited to 65,536 of each kind of resource (sounds, clocks, etc.). I apologize to anyone who was trying to play more than 65k sounds.

Remove AudioManager::pause/resume

This feature was thrown into a previous version of Kira as a quick and dirty way to pause/resume all sounds. However, it's the wrong tool for the job, since it pauses and resumes the entire audio system, which is almost never what you want.

Performance improvements

The benchmarks run about 26-29% faster (on my machine) compared to v0.8.7.

Other changes

  • Added android_shared_stdcxx feature
  • Update glam to 0.27
  • Added TrackBuilder::add_built_effect and TrackBuilder::with_built_effect
  • Improve performance when using start_position with streaming sounds
  • Remove RangeInclusive conversions for Regions, as all current uses of
    Regions treat the end bound as exclusive
  • Stop streaming sounds immediately if there's a decoding error
  • Remove all uses of #[non_exhaustive]
  • Add #[must_use] where appropriate
  • Moved some types and modules to reduce excessive nesting
  • AudioManager::main_track now returns &mut TrackHandle instead of TrackHandle


01 Feb 00:25
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  • Fix ClockInfoProvider having poor timing resolution


13 Jan 08:00
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  • Fix a typo in the readme (thanks @fawni!)
  • Add StreamingSoundData::duration (thanks @ikbencasdoei!)
  • Make AudioManagers Sync if the backend is Sync
  • Make the CpalBackend Sync on wasm targets (thanks @zicklag!)
  • Make the MockBackend Sync
  • Update glam to v0.25.0


23 Sep 01:26
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  • Fix kira::spatial::scene::AddEmitterError not being publicly available
  • Fix some typos in the documentation
  • Add the assert_no_alloc feature
  • Fix garbage audio getting sent to surround sound channels


19 Jun 21:32
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  • Add serde feature
  • Implement PartialOrd for ClockTime
  • Implement Default for Volume and PlaybackRate


29 May 01:57
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This release removes reverse playback support for streaming sounds. There's pretty serious issues with garbled audio when streaming an mp3 or ogg file backwards, and based the initial investigation, these issues won't be trivial to fix. This feature may return in the future, but for now, you should not rely on it.


28 May 01:35
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  • Fix errors when streaming some ogg files

Known issues:

  • Seeking can cause errors with short ogg files
  • Reverse playback of ogg files results in garbled sound


26 May 20:45
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  • Added StaticSoundData::from_media_source
  • Added StreamingSoundData::from_media_source


22 May 02:49
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Spatial audio

The main highlight of this release: Kira now supports 3D positional audio! This is a simple implementation of 3D audio that only support volume attenuation based on distance and panning based on direction. Doppler effect and distance-based filtering and reverb are not supported yet.

This is meant to be an MVP of positional audio. Please give it a try and let me know what improvements you'd like to see so I can gauge what expansions to this API should look like.


Modulators are globally available streams of values that parameters like volume and playback rate can be linked to. These are useful for controlling multiple parameters with one value and using more complex modulations, like LFOs.

For anyone who's made implementations of traits in previous versions of Kira, keep in mind that Tweener was renamed to Parameter, and now Tweener is the name of a modulator implementation that comes with Kira.

New effects

Two new effects were added: compressor and EQ filter. The compressor adjusts the volume of audio to make louder parts quieter. An EQ filter a single band of a parametric EQ useful for adjusting the volume of frequencies of sound.

Playback region/loop region settings

The start_position setting for static and streaming sounds has been replaced with a playback_region setting which lets you specify an end position for the sound as well as a start position. The loop_behavior setting has been replaced
with loop_region, which lets you specify an end point for the loop. You can now change the loop_region after the sound is created using the
set_loop_region function on the sound's handle.

Other changes

  • StaticSoundData::frames is now an Arc[Frame] instead of Arc<Vec<Frame>>
  • Exposed the Decoder trait for streaming sounds
  • Moved PlaybackState to the sound module
  • Streaming sounds now support reverse playback
  • Added TrackBuilder::with_effect
  • Moved ClockSpeed to the clock module
  • Moved PlaybackRate to the sound module