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Code to Replicate Web Application Experiments

1. Installation

1.1 Manual setup

1.1.1 Install dependencies

Install conda for your system, as well as poetry. Then type:

conda create -n webtestgen python=3.8
conda activate webtestgen
poetry install

If it gets stuck in keyring when poetry install, try to use export PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring.

1.1.2 Build runtime docker container

Install docker for your system. For Linux, install the community edition.

docker build -t webtestexec:latest .

and compile the Java projects inside the apps folder with

docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/apps",target=/home/apps --name runtime webtestexec:latest bash -c 'for app in $(ls /home/apps); do cd /home/apps/$app; mvn clean compile; done'

1.2 Vagrant setup

Install vagrant and an hypervisor, e.g., Virtualbox. Then, from the root of the repository type:

vagrant up # this sets up the virtual machine with all the required dependencies
vagrant ssh # to access the machine
exit # to exit the machine 
vagrant halt # to stop the machine

All the commands below should be prefixed by vagrant ssh if using this setup. Use either of the two setups, as the vagrant up command will fail if Java applications have been compiled with the manual setup (docker writes the target directory when using mvn using the admin user and vagrant tries to delete those directories).

2. Running the experiments

The following command runs all the techniques, namely random, distance, qgrams_sequence and qgrams_input for 1 repetition and 28800 seconds (i.e., 8 hours), considering the dimeshift subject.

conda activate webtestgen
bash -i --app-name dimeshift --num-repetitions 1 --budget 28800 --strategy all

The command starts three docker containers connected through a docker network. The runtime container, built at step 1.1.2, that executes the tests, the chrome container explosing the browser, and the dimeshift container, including the web application. The chrome container and the dimeshift container, will be downloaded the first time the command is executed.

The other web application subjects are: pagekit, petclinic, phoenix, retroboard and splittypie.

A quick smoke test to see if everything is setup correctly is:

conda activate webtestgen
bash -i --app-name dimeshift --num-repetitions 1 --budget 120 --strategy random

If you need to stop all containers and delete the dangling networks type:

docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
docker system prune -f