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JavaScript Frameworks reporter is NodeJS package that can be applied to all popular JavaScript test runners.


πŸ“ When used with Application it is recommended to import automated tests first via check-tests. To create items on the fly set TESTOMATIO_CREATE=1 env variable.

Add plugin to codecept conf:

plugins: {
  testomatio: {
    enabled: true,
    require: '@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/codecept',

Run the following command from you project folder:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx codeceptjs run

πŸ–Ό Screenshots of failed tests and videos (for Playwright helper) will be automatically uploaded as Artifacts

CodeceptJS Parallel Run

If tests run parallel, like workers in CodeceptJS use start-test-run command to get proper reports:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c 'npx codeceptjs run-workers 2'

Specify a command to run with -c option in start-test-run

Use --env-file <envfile> option to load environment variables from .env file. Inside env file TESTOMATIO credentials like TESTOMATIO api key or S3 config for artifacts.

Command start-test-run is used to initiate a single run report before all workers are started. Each worker will report to the same Run, and after all workers and codeceptjs finishes, this will finish the run report.

πŸ“‘ Example Project | πŸ—„ CodeceptJS API Example | πŸ₯’ CodeceptJS Cucumber Example

πŸ“Ί Video


πŸ“ When used with Application it is recommended to import automated tests first via check-tests. To create items on the fly set TESTOMATIO_CREATE=1 env variable.

Add a reporter to Playwright config:

reporter: [
      apiKey: process.env.TESTOMATIO,

Run the following command from you project folder:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx playwright test

πŸ–Ό Screenshots of failed tests and videos will be automatically uploaded as Artifacts

πŸ“‘ Example Project | πŸ₯’ Playwright + Cucumber Example


πŸ“ When used with Application it is recommended to import automated tests first via check-tests. To create items on the fly set TESTOMATIO_CREATE=1 env variable.

For Cypress < 10.0.0 (click to expand) Register `cypress-plugin` in `cypress/plugins/index.js`:
const testomatioReporter = require('@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/cypress-plugin');

 * @type {Cypress.PluginConfig}
module.exports = (on, config) => {
  // `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
  // `config` is the resolved Cypress config

  testomatioReporter(on, config);

  return config;

For Cypress >= 10.0.0 use setupNodeEvents in cypress.config.js(ts)

setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
  return require('@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/cypress-plugin')(on, config)

Run the following command from you project folder:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx cypress run

πŸ–Ό Screenshots of failed tests and videos will be automatically uploaded as Artifacts

πŸ“‘ Example Project | πŸ₯’ Cypress + Cucumber Example


πŸ“ When used with Application it is recommended to import automated tests first via check-tests. To create items on the fly set TESTOMATIO_CREATE=1 env variable.

Run the following command from you project folder:

mocha --reporter ./node_modules/@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/mocha.js --reporter-options apiKey={API_KEY}

πŸ“‘ Example Project


πŸ“ When used with Application it is recommended to import automated tests first via check-tests. To create items on the fly set TESTOMATIO_CREATE=1 env variable.

Add the following line to jest.config.js:

reporters: ['default', ['@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/jest.js', { apiKey: process.env.TESTOMATIO }]],

Run tests:


Warning Do not use bail option in your jest config or testrun script. (It cause issues with updating testrun status).

πŸ“‘ Example Project

πŸ“Ί Video


When used with it is recommended to import automated tests first via check-tests. To create items on the fly set TESTOMATIO_CREATE=1 env variable.

  1. Install Testomatio reporter:
npm install @testomatio/reporter --save-dev
  1. Add Testomatio reporter to vitest.config.ts
// import reporter
import TestomatioReporter from '@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/vitest';

export default defineConfig({
  test: {
    // add Testomatio reporter to reporters list
    reporters: ['verbose', new TestomatioReporter()],

You may also pass your API key

new TestomatioReporter({ apiKey: process.env.TESTOMATIO });

or pass it later via environment variable when running tests.

  1. Run tests:

πŸ“‘ Example Project

Vitest reporter has some limitations:

  • it does not support testomatio functions (but supports adding console.logs and vitest metadata to report)
  • tests can't be uploaded "on the fly", they sent to only after the run is finished (but vitest is supposed to be used as unit test framework, so your run should not take much time)


πŸ“ When used with Application it is recommended to import automated tests first via check-tests. To create items on the fly set TESTOMATIO_CREATE=1 env variable.

Add the following lines to wdio.conf.js:

const testomatio = require('@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/webdriver');

exports.config = {
  // ...
  reporters: [
    [testomatio, {
      apiKey: $ {

For making screenshots on failed tests add the following hook to wdio.conf.js:

    afterTest: function (test, context, { error, result, duration, passed, retries }) {
        if (error) {

Run the following command from you project folder:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c 'npx wdio wdio.conf.js'

πŸ“‘ Example Project

πŸ“Ί Video


πŸ“ When used with Application it is recommended to import feature files via check-cucumber.

Run the following command from you project folder:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx cucumber-js --format ./node_modules/@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/cucumber.js

Note If you use Cucumber with Playwright, Cypress, CodeceptJS, please refer to corresponding framework. This reference is required only if you run tests via cucumber-js CLI.

πŸ“‘ Example Project

πŸ“Ί Video


πŸ“ When used with Application it is recommended to import automated tests first via check-tests. To create items on the fly set TESTOMATIO_CREATE=1 env variable.

Run the following command from you project folder:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx testcafe chrome -r testomatio


To report Newman tests a separate package is required:

npm i newman-reporter-testomatio --save-dev

Note > newman and newman-reporter-testomatio should be installed in the same directory. If you run your tests using globally installed newman (newman run ...), intall newman-reporter-testomatio globally too (npm i newman-reporter-testomatio -g). If you use locally installed newman (within the project) (npx newman run ...), install newman-reporter-testomatio locally (npm i newman-reporter-testomatio). You can verify installed packages via npm list or npm list -g.

Run collection and specify testomatio as reporter:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx newman run {collection_name.json} -r testomatio

πŸ“‘ Example Project


πŸ“ When used with Application it is recommended to import automated tests first via check-tests. To create items on the fly set TESTOMATIO_CREATE=1 env variable.

Run detox tests sptcifying configuration name:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx detox test -c {configuration_name}

Warning Do not use bail option in your jest config or testrun script. (It cause issues with updating testrun status).


πŸ“ When used with Application it is recommended to import automated tests first via check-tests. To create items on the fly set TESTOMATIO_CREATE=1 env variable.

Add the following lines to conf.js:

const JasmineReporter = require('@testomatio/reporter/lib/adapter/jasmine');

exports.config = {
  onPrepare: () => {
    jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new JasmineReporter({ apiKey: process.env.TESTOMATIO }));

Run the following command from you project folder:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c 'npx protractor conf.js'

πŸ“‘ Example Project

Java Frameworks

πŸ“ This section describes reporting into Application

Reporting from Java Frameworks is done via JUnit XML report. Install @testomatio/reporter NodeJS package to process reports:

npm init -y
npm install @testomatio/reporter --save-dev

JUnit XML report can be created by test framework you use:


If you run JUnit tests via Maven you can use Surefire Report Plugin to generate JUnit XML report.

For example, with Surefire Report Plugin in Maven, you can add the following configuration to your project's pom.xml:


In this case JUnit XML will be saved into target/surefire-reports/

So you can import reports to by running:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx report-xml "target/surefire-reports/**.xml" --java-tests

Note If your tests are located in a folder other other than src/test/java, specify a path to test files using --java-tests option: --java-tests="path/to/tests"

This will import test reports into If a reporter can access source code of Java tests, the source code will also be imported into

Test IDS

It is possible to attach reported tests to the current tests in by their IDs. Copy Test ID of a test you want to match, and put it as a comment into a Java test you want to import.

In this example, we added ID as a comment to negativeNumbersCanBeSubtracted test:

  public void negativeNumbersCanBeSubtracted() throws Exception {
      // @T8acca9eb
      assertThat(calc.Calculate(-1.0, -3.0, "-"), equalTo(2.0));

To make this feature work, please ensure that source code of Java tests is accessible to npx report-xml command, use --java-tests option to specify the correct path. To check if source code of tests is available run reporter with DEBUG mode:

DEBUG=@testomatio/reporter:* TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx report-xml "target/surefire-reports/**.xml" --java-tests

Is a source code is not available, test IDs can be set from output. To set Test ID to a test, copy test ID and print it from a test:

System.out.println("tid://" + TID);

For example, if your test id is @T8acca9eb you can print it:



Screenshots or videos from tests are uploaded if test contains output with a path to file of following format:


Use System.out.println to print an absulute path to file that should be uploaded as a screenshot.

System.out.println("file://" + pathToScreenshot);

This will produce XML report which contains path to a file:


When XML report is uploaded, all files from file:// will be uploaded to corresponding tests.

πŸ–Ό Read more how Artifacts work


Please refer to JUnit if you use JUnit as a test runner for Selenide tests. However, it is important to note, that Selenide automatically adds artifacts into JUnit reports printing them as file:// into XML report. This means that no code changes should be made to publish artifacts to

Cucumber Java

If you use Java version of Cucumber Java you should import your feature files first using check-cucumber. Provide a path to directory containing feature files by using -d option:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx check-cucumber -d features

It is recommended to set Test IDs for Cucumber scenarios to make reports match imported tests.

TESTOMATIO_TITLE_IDS=1 TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx check-cucumber -d features --update-ids

We use --update-ids option to write test IDs obtained from into source code Also we use TESTOMATIO_TITLE_IDS=1 to write test IDs into scenario titles instead of scenario tags. This is important so JUnit report would contain test IDs.

To generate JUnit reports, you can use the built-in Cucumber JUnit plugin. When you run your Cucumber tests the JUnit reports will be generated in the default directory (build/reports/tests/test) in XML format.

To submit report to use npx report-xml command from @testomatio/reporter NodeJS package:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx report-xml "build/reports/tests/**/*.xml"

If you want to have artifacts attached, use System.out.println to print an absulute path to file that should be uploaded as a screenshot.

System.out.println("file://" + pathToScreenshot);