The documentation consists of 5 parts:
- DevOps: If you are not a lead engineer in charge of setting up the actual production servers you should never need to look at this. If you ever are in need of setting up the server, this is where you should look though.
- Dev Environment: All the guides for setting up your dev environment. Both the crucial Setting up your Dev Environment guide, which everyone should check out, and more optional but helpful ones such as how to setup debuggers.
- Guides: Useful guides that are good to check out and at least be aware of what are in them. This is for example where we keep our guide for how to develop E2E tests for The Gazelle, and our compendium of learning resources for the libraries we use.
- Miscellaneous: You can never have too much documentation! This is where we keep those things that don't really fit neatly into any other category, but can be nice to have written down documentation about.
- The Gazelle's Coding Style Guide: A must read before contributing to this repository, the style guide we follow when developing code.