Mainly for Google Analytics (using Google Tag Manager).
- Set Goals
- Completed Orders
- Successful Searches
- Successful Carts
- Abandoned Carts
- Set Funnels
- for completed order
- for abandoned cart
- Set Groups of traffic that will be used as Filters
- landing page (eg a category page or a product page)
- device (mobile, desktop)
- day of the week
- hour of the day
- user role (anonymous, member)
- source channel (email, direct, organic etc)
- order status (cart, shipping, billing, review, completed etc)
- Setup conversion Tracking for Orders and Checkouts
- Setup conversion Tracking for sucessful Searches
- Setup custom Google Event Tracking (instead of default pageview tags)
- Create custom Dashboards
- Add Campaign tags (utm) on links and buttons
- Create A/B testing for CTA buttons by Page (eg on Lists of Products, Product page and Checkout)
- Heatmap setup
- Real users UX interviews and surveys
- Acquisition report
- Abandoned Carts
- Add to Cart paths (which paths are the most successful?)
- Adwords PPC reports
- Best Seller Products
- Bounce rates reports
- First Time Buyers VS Returning Buyers completed Orders
- Anonymous VS Member completed Orders
- Revenue/Visit number
- Time to complete an Order
- Count of (same) User visits to complete an Order
- Website traffic
- Referral Traffic
- Conversion Rate
- Bounce Rate
- Time to Purchase
- Repeat Visits
- Cart Abandon Rate
- Cost Per Conversion
- Average order value
- Revenue on advertising spend
- Customer lifetime value
- List growth rate
- Chat sessions
- Product reviews
- Net promoter score
- Churn rate
- Product affinity
- Cost of goods sold