A real time communication web app which allows users to connect through video call and chat with each other.
- peerjs for peer to peer connection where a unique room ID is generated through uuid.
- socket.io for chats.
- nodemailer for sending invitation through mail.
- Auth0 for user authentication.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/thisisutkarsh/XMeet.git
Install dependencies
npm install
Setup .env file
- Create a .env file in the main directory
- Go to Auth0
- Set up your application and get the value of the following-
- BASE_URL= http://localhost:3000
- Put the above values in .env file
Start the server
npm run dev
- Video call
- Chat
- Video On/Off feature
- Mute & Unmute Audio
- Record user video stream
- Full screen feature
- User Authentication
- WhiteBoard
- Invite participants via mail
- Dynamic user profile page
Link to packages and APIs used