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A cli tool to manage executable test cases.


testR is a command-line tool designed to manage and execute test cases. It supports running test cases against different browsers, validating test case definitions, and creating new test case definitions.


The vision of this tool is to have a tool agnostic file based approach to maintain test cases. A common workflow looks like the following:

  1. Team creates Use-Cases
  2. out of the Use-Cases, Test-Cases will be defined (Test-Case type: Definition) - see TC-Login-001 Definition sample
  3. once a feature has been implemented the appropriate Test-Cases can be executed against an environment in an E2E automated manner Sample Run
  4. each run will be historied with Test-Cases known as Runs (Test-Case type: Run) - see TC-Login-001 Run sample

Note: In case of escaping strings please use a backslash \ followed by a double quote " (e.g. Locator=GetByText Text=\"Invalid login attempt for user 'Albert'\" Action=IsVisible)


To install testR, clone the repository and build the project using the .NET CLI:

git clone
cd testr
dotnet build

For local testing purpose run the script.

In case of installing the tool in an official way use the following command:

dotnet tool install -g tomware.TestR


A cli tool to manage and run executable test cases.

Usage: testR [command] [options]

  -?|-h|--help  Show help information.

  man           Displays a man page for helping with writing the Test-Data syntax within a Test Case.
  playwright    Offers Playwright specific commands.
  run           Runs Test Case definitions (i.e. "https://localhost:5001" -tc TC-Audit-001).
  test-case     Creates a new Test Case definition (i.e. test-case TC-Audit-001 "My TestCase Title").
  validate      Validates a Test Case definition (i.e. TC-Audit-001).

Run 'testR [command] -?|-h|--help' for more information about a command.



Runs Test Case definitions.

testR run [domain] [options]

  -tc|--test-case-id            A specific Test Case ID to run.
  -i|--input-directory          The input directory where the Test Case definition is located. (default: .)
  -o|--output-directory         The output directory where the Test Case result will be stored. (default: .)
  --headless                    Runs the browser in headless mode.
  --continue-on-failure         Continues execution even if a test step fails.
  -s|--slow <MS>                Sets the slow motion delay in milliseconds.
  -t|--timeout <MS>             Sets the timeout for awaiting the Playwright Locator in milliseconds. (default: 30000)
  -bt|--browser-type            Sets the browser type to run the Test Case against (Chrome, Firefox, Webkit). (default: Chrome)
  -rvd|--record-video-dir       Records a video of the Test Case execution to the specified directory.


Creates a new Test Case definition.

testR test-case [test-case-id] [title]


Validates a Test Case definition.

testR validate [test-case-id] [options]

  -i|--input-directory    The input directory where the Test Case definition is located. (default: .)


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.