We welcome any contributions from the community. Please make sure your PR follows the rules below:
folders and files name should be lowercase with hyphen.
notebook example should be put inside a folder which name is the notebook's title. This folder should be located under a specific "domain" folder.
entrypoint should be named
README TOC should be updated to link to the new notebook
notebook should have an H1 title, matching folder name and README TOC
- data files name should use snake_case
- data files should be of reasonnable size, not exceeding 50MB, unless programmatically generated
- all data files should be uploaded on data.atoti.io If you don't have access to it, data should be hosted on a public host and an owner will transfer them to data.atoti.io upon review
- variables should follow Google's naming convention
- python files should be formatted with Black
- python methods should be typed
- documentation should follow Google's docstring
Checkout atoti.io for more info!
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