Name | Type | Description | Notes |
countryOfGoverningLaw | kotlin.String | The two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the governing country. | |
name | kotlin.String | The legal name. | |
registeredAddress | Address | ||
dateOfIncorporation | kotlin.String | The date when the legal arrangement was incorporated in YYYY-MM-DD format. | [optional] |
description | kotlin.String | Short description about the Legal Arrangement. | [optional] |
doingBusinessAs | kotlin.String | The registered name, if different from the `name`. | [optional] |
principalPlaceOfBusiness | Address | [optional] | |
registrationNumber | kotlin.String | The registration number. | [optional] |
taxInformation | kotlin.collections.List<TaxInformation> | The tax information of the entity. | [optional] |
vatAbsenceReason | inline | The reason for not providing a VAT number. Possible values: industryExemption, belowTaxThreshold. | [optional] |
vatNumber | kotlin.String | The VAT number. | [optional] |
Name | Value |
vatAbsenceReason | industryExemption, belowTaxThreshold |