Name | Type | Description | Notes |
checkoutAttemptId | kotlin.String | The checkout attempt identifier. | [optional] |
recurringDetailReference | kotlin.String | This is the `recurringDetailReference` returned in the response when you created the token. | [optional] |
storedPaymentMethodId | kotlin.String | This is the `recurringDetailReference` returned in the response when you created the token. | [optional] |
type | inline | The payment method type. | [optional] |
Name | Value |
type | bcmc_mobile, bcmc_mobile_QR, bcmc_mobile_app, momo_wallet, momo_wallet_app, twint, paymaya_wallet, grabpay_SG, grabpay_MY, grabpay_TH, grabpay_ID, grabpay_VN, grabpay_PH, oxxo, gcash, dana, kakaopay, truemoney |