Demo created for demonstrations purposes for re:Invent 2021.
Within this solution, you will learn how to leverage the capabilities provided by HERE Technologies via Amazon Location Service to build your own location-based solutions. The features covered are:
Maps help you visualize location information and are the foundations of many location-based service capabilities. Amazon Location Service provides map tiles of different styles sourced from HERE. The map tiles from HERE are trusted by millions of customers worldwide, and have been continuously fine-tuned over the decades for a wide range of customer applications.
Amazon Location Service Places enables your application to offer point-of-interest search functionality, convert addresses into geographic coordinates in latitude and longitude (geocoding), and convert a coordinate into a street address (reverse geocoding). Amazon Location Service sources high-quality geospatial data from HERE, so you can use them to improve the quality and the versatility of your address database.
With Amazon Location Routes, your application can request the travel time, distance, and directions between a departure point and one or more destinations, with specific travel restrictions such as Truck mode, vehicle dimension, and avoidances. Amazon Location Service provides routing data sourced from HERE. This enables your application to obtain accurate estimates of travel time based on up-to-date roadway information and live traffic information. Amazon Location Service Routes can help you achieve business goals such as faster delivery and reduced fuel consumption.
Amplify Geo provides APIs and map UI components for maps and location search for JavaScript-based web apps. You can add maps and location search functionality to your app in just a few lines of code. Amplify Geo APIs are powered by Amazon Location Service and HERE TEchnologies, having the map UI components from MapLibre already integrated with the Geo APIs. You can quickly get started using Amplify CLI to provision your map and location search resources.
To learn more check out this blog post on the HERE Developer Blog.
The demo uses MapLibre GL JS and AWS Amplify within a React application.
is a set of React components that can be
used to display maps. react-map-gl-amplify
demonstrates how to use
with Amazon Location and AWS Amplify. The demo also uses @aws-amplify/ui-react to build part of the UI.
See src/main.jsx
See package.json
To deploy clone this repo and run:
- Install the Amplify CLI:
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
or later) - Install project dependencies:
npm install
- Create a new Amplify project environment:
amplify init
- Create Auth and Geo resources:
amplify push
To clean up all resources created for this application, run the following:
amplify delete
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.