- 9317588: Adds wallet as an authentication option in the Embedded Wallet Kit components for sdk-react
- 56a307e: Update api to mono v2025.3.0
- Updated dependencies [56a307e]
- @turnkey/http@2.21.0
- 3c44c4a: Updates per mono release v2025.2.2
- bfc833f: Add getOrCreateSuborg server action
- Updated dependencies [3c44c4a]
- @turnkey/http@2.20.0
- 57f9cb0: Update endpoints - surface GetWalletAccount
- 69d2571: Upgrade elliptic
- Updated dependencies [57f9cb0]
- @turnkey/http@2.19.0
- 755833b: refactor stamper out of config object and move it directly onto the client to match @turnkey/http
- 1ebd4e2: Add server actions
- 6695af2: Update per mono release v2025.1.11
- Updated dependencies [6695af2]
- @turnkey/http@2.18.0
- 053fbfb: Update mono dependencies
- Updated dependencies [053fbfb]
- @turnkey/http@2.17.3
328d6aa: Add defaultXrpAccountAtIndex helper
b90947e: Update default account exports, surface WalletAccount type
fad7c37: @turnkey/iframe-stamper - Implemented MessageChannel API for secure communication between the parent and iframe.
@turnkey/sdk-browser - fixed spelling in package.json @turnkey/sdk-server - fixed spelling in package.json
Updated dependencies [2d5977b]
- @turnkey/api-key-stamper@0.4.4
- @turnkey/http@2.17.2
- 538d4fc: Update api endpoints - NEW: User verification, SMS customization params
- Updated dependencies [538d4fc]
- @turnkey/http@2.17.1
- 78bc39c: Add default accounts for various address types
- Add wallet account ID to list wallets endpoint
- Updated dependencies [78bc39c]
- @turnkey/http@2.17.0
- 3dd74ac: Added functionality for constructing and returning stamped requests for all packages
- 4df8914: Version bump corresponding to mono release v2024.10.10. More detailed changelog to follow
- Updated dependencies [4df8914]
- @turnkey/http@2.16.0
- 9ebd062: Release OTP functionality
- Updated dependencies [9ebd062]
- @turnkey/http@2.15.0
- 96d7f99: Update dependencies
- Updated dependencies [96d7f99]
- @turnkey/http@2.14.2
- @turnkey/api-key-stamper@0.4.3
- ff059d5: Update dependencies
- Updated dependencies [ff059d5]
- @turnkey/http@2.14.1
- @turnkey/api-key-stamper@0.4.2
c988ed0: Support activity polling (e.g. for awaiting consensus)
- [Breaking] Update the
parameter for configuring polling behavior - Polling continues until either a max number of retries is reached, or if the activity hits a terminal status
The shape of the parameter has gone from:
{ duration: number; timeout: number; }
{ intervalMs: number; numRetries: number; }
- [Breaking] Update the
- Updated dependencies [848f8d3]
- @turnkey/http@2.14.0
- 93dee46: Add create read write session v2 which allows for user targeting directly from stamp or optional userId in intent
- Updated dependencies [93dee46]
- @turnkey/http@2.13.0
- Updated dependencies [e2f2e0b]
- @turnkey/http@2.12.3
- Fix activity versioning for CREATE_SUB_ORGANIZATION (V5=>V6)
- Updated dependencies [2d7e5a9]
- @turnkey/api-key-stamper@0.4.1
- @turnkey/http@2.12.2
- f17a229: Update to oauth related endpoints to drop jwks uri from oauth providers
- Updated dependencies [f17a229]
- @turnkey/http@2.12.1
- Add Email Auth V2 - Optional invalidate exisiting Email Authentication API keys
- Updated dependencies
- @turnkey/http@2.12.0
- Update to use new endpoints. Including CREATE_READ_WRITE_SESSION which allows one shot passkey sessions (returns org information and a credential bundle) and CREATE_API_KEYS_V2 which allows a curve type to be passed (SECP256K1 or P256)
- Updated dependencies
- @turnkey/http@2.11.0
- Stable Release: Add Oauth integration. New suborg creation version will now require an oauthProviders field under root users.
- updated syntax
- e4d2a84: Update client name
- Ready for 0.1.0
Initial (experimental) release! This is an alpha release and subject to change.