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Install from Source

This page gives instructions on how to build and install the TVM package from scratch on various systems. It consists of two steps:

  1. First build the shared library from the C++ codes ( for linux, libtvm.dylib for macOS and libtvm.dll for windows).
  2. Setup for the language packages (e.g. Python Package).

To get started, download tvm source code from the Download Page.

Developers: Get Source from Github

You can also choose to clone the source repo from github. It is important to clone the submodules along, with --recursive option.

git clone --recursive tvm

For windows users who use github tools, you can open the git shell, and type the following command.

git submodule init
git submodule update

Build the Shared Library

Our goal is to build the shared libraries:

  • On Linux the target library are
  • On macOS the target library are libtvm.dylib
  • On Windows the target library are libtvm.dll
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-dev python3-setuptools gcc libtinfo-dev zlib1g-dev build-essential cmake libedit-dev libxml2-dev

The minimal building requirements are

  • A recent c++ compiler supporting C++ 14 (g++-5 or higher)
  • CMake 3.5 or higher
  • We highly recommend to build with LLVM to enable all the features.
  • If you want to use CUDA, CUDA toolkit version >= 8.0 is required. If you are upgrading from an older version, make sure you purge the older version and reboot after installation.
  • On macOS, you may want to install Homebrew <> to easily install and manage dependencies.

We use cmake to build the library. The configuration of TVM can be modified by config.cmake.

  • First, check the cmake in your system. If you do not have cmake, you can obtain the latest version from official website

  • First create a build directory, copy the cmake/config.cmake to the directory.

    mkdir build
    cp cmake/config.cmake build
  • Edit build/config.cmake to customize the compilation options

    • On macOS, for some versions of Xcode, you need to add -lc++abi in the LDFLAGS or you'll get link errors.
    • Change set(USE_CUDA OFF) to set(USE_CUDA ON) to enable CUDA backend. Do the same for other backends and libraries you want to build for (OpenCL, RCOM, METAL, VULKAN, ...).
    • To help with debugging, ensure the embedded graph runtime and debugging functions are enabled with set(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME ON) and set(USE_GRAPH_RUNTIME_DEBUG ON)
  • TVM requires LLVM for for CPU codegen. We highly recommend you to build with the LLVM support on.

    • LLVM 4.0 or higher is needed for build with LLVM. Note that version of LLVM from default apt may lower than 4.0.
    • Since LLVM takes long time to build from source, you can download pre-built version of LLVM from LLVM Download Page.
      • Unzip to a certain location, modify build/config.cmake to add set(USE_LLVM /path/to/your/llvm/bin/llvm-config)
      • You can also directly set set(USE_LLVM ON) and let cmake search for a usable version of LLVM.
    • You can also use LLVM Nightly Ubuntu Build
      • Note that apt-package append llvm-config with version number. For example, set set(USE_LLVM llvm-config-10) if you installed LLVM 10 package
  • We can then build tvm and related libraries.

    cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j4
    • You can also use Ninja build system instead of Unix Makefiles. It can be faster to build than using Makefiles.
    cd build
    cmake .. -G Ninja

If everything goes well, we can go to :ref:`python-package-installation`

Building with a Conda Environment

Conda is a very handy way to the necessary obtain dependencies needed for running TVM. First, follow the conda's installation guide to install miniconda or anaconda if you do not yet have conda in your system. Run the following command in a conda environment:

# Create a conda environment with the dependencies specified by the yaml
conda env create --file conda/build-environment.yaml
# Activate the created environment
conda activate tvm-build

The above command will install all necessary build dependencies such as cmake and LLVM. You can then run the standard build process in the last section.

If you want to use the compiled binary outside the conda environment, you can set LLVM to static linking mode set(USE_LLVM "llvm-config --link-static"). In this way, the resulting library won't depend on the dynamic LLVM libraries in the conda environment.

The above instructions show how to use conda to provide the necessary build dependencies to build libtvm. If you are already using conda as your package manager and wish to directly build and install tvm as a conda package, you can follow the instructions below:

conda build --output-folder=conda/pkg  conda/recipe
# Run conda/ to build with cuda enabled
conda install tvm -c ./conda/pkg

Building on Windows

TVM support build via MSVC using cmake. You will need to ontain a visual studio compiler. The minimum required VS version is Visual Studio Community 2015 Update 3. We recommend following :ref:`build-with-conda` to obtain necessary dependencies and get an activated tvm-build environment. Then you can run the following command to build

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -A x64 -Thost=x64 ..
cd ..

The above command generates the solution file under the build directory. You can then run the following command to build

cmake --build build --config Release -- /m

Building ROCm support

Currently, ROCm is supported only on linux, so all the instructions are written with linux in mind.

  • Set set(USE_ROCM ON), set ROCM_PATH to the correct path.
  • You need to first install HIP runtime from ROCm. Make sure the installation system has ROCm installed in it.
  • Install latest stable version of LLVM (v6.0.1), and LLD, make sure ld.lld is available via command line.

Python Package Installation

TVM package

Depending on your development environment, you may want to use a virtual environment and package manager, such as virtualenv or conda, to manage your python packages and dependencies.

to install and maintain your python development environment.

The python package is located at tvm/python There are two ways to install the package:

Method 1

This method is recommended for developers who may change the codes.

Set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to tell python where to find the library. For example, assume we cloned tvm on the directory /path/to/tvm then we can add the following line in ~/.bashrc. The changes will be immediately reflected once you pull the code and rebuild the project (no need to call setup again)

export TVM_HOME=/path/to/tvm
Method 2

Install TVM python bindings by

# install tvm package for the current user
# NOTE: if you installed python via homebrew, --user is not needed during installaiton
#       it will be automatically installed to your user directory.
#       providing --user flag may trigger error during installation in such case.
export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9  # This is required for mac to avoid symbol conflicts with libstdc++
cd python; python install --user; cd ..

Python dependencies

Note that the --user flag is not necessary if you're installing to a managed local environment, like virtualenv.

  • Necessary dependencies:
pip3 install --user numpy decorator attrs
  • If you want to use RPC Tracker
pip3 install --user tornado
  • If you want to use auto-tuning module
pip3 install --user tornado psutil xgboost cloudpickle

Install Contrib Libraries

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1


Enable C++ Tests

We use Google Test to drive the C++ tests in TVM. The easiest way to install GTest is from source.

git clone
cd googletest
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

After installing GTest, the C++ tests can be built and started with ./tests/scripts/ or just built with make cpptest.