Releases: tomboy-notes/tomboy-ng
Version 0.36a
This page contains the downloadable files for a binary install on Linux, Windows and Mac
Unless you know exactly what you need, you are far better off downloading the same files from the Wiki Release Page
New in this release -
- New Feature - export as PDF.
- New Feature - insert a symbol or accented character.
- General improvements when using dark theme, especially for Qt5, see man page.
- Bug fix in column mode of calculator.
- Warn user about setting non mono font when mono expected.
- All Tomdroid functionality removed.
- A fix for SWYT not finding some text in a brand new note.
- Can set colour of a link, more suitable default.
- Please see github for further change details
Sometimes this page also contains beta or testing packages, often full of slow debug statements or experimental code, care is needed.
NOTE: OpenSUSE users may need to download and install the new gpg key provided unless they have done so in last 12 months or so (the previous one having expired).
NOTE 2: The pacman package is, of necessity, built on a system that used glibc v2.36 and the binary will not work on systems running glibc less than v2.34. In a pacman world I expect this not to be a problem but if I'm wrong, please let me know.
Version 0.35a
This page contains the downloadable files for a binary install on Linux, Windows and Mac
Unless you know exactly what you need, you are far better off downloading the same files from the Wiki Release Page
A few bugs slipped past me with 0.35 and here they are fixed here. Not much change but the first item below may well bite you so, perhaps consider upgrading ?
New in this release (in addition to v0.35) -
- A fix to a problem where you may have problems searching for content in a new note.
- Added ability to set custom colour of a link.
- Made the Search Window just a touch more intuitive.
- Fixed a but that sometimes might prevent your settings for Auto Snapshot not to be saved.
And, for reference, these are the new thinsg in v0.36 -
- A better Search all notes capability. Search While You Type, its faster, more convenient and kinder on memory. It does however need a certain amount of CPU to respond between keystrokes, especially if you are a fast typist. You can disable SWYT from the Options button.
- A better Find with in the open note capability. Again, faster, more convenient and uses less memory.
- A Ukrainian Translation.
- You can now stop Ctrl-F (ie Find) from toggling or closing the Find windows if you prefer.
- You can, optionally, allow the ESC key to close a note.
- A revised command line with better import capabilities, plain text, RTF and Markdown.
- Export (plain text, markdown and rtf) from the tools button on the Edit Window.
- Ctrl-Z (ie Undo) will now revert an errant Date Stamp
- A number of minor bug fixes.
- A number of speed up tricks that will help, particularly, users with very large note collections.
Sometimes this page also contains beta or testing packages, often full of slow debug statements or experimental code, care is needed.
NOTE: OpenSUSE users may need to download and install the new gpg key provided unless they have done so in last 12 months or so (the previous one having expired).
NOTE 2: The pacman package is, of necessity, built on a system that used glibc v2.36 and the binary will not work on systems running glibc less than v2.34. In a pacman world I expect this not to be a problem but if I'm wrong, please let me know.
Release 0.35 tomboy-ng
This page contains the downloadable files for a binary install on Linux, Windows and Mac
Unless you know exactly what you need, you are far better off downloading the same files from the Wiki Release Page
New in this release :
- A better Search all notes capability. Search While You Type, its faster, more convenient and kinder on memory. It does however need a certain amount of CPU to respond between keystrokes, especially if you are a fast typist. You can disable SWYT from the Options button.
- A better Find with in the open note capability. Again, faster, more convenient and uses less memory.
- A Ukrainian Translation.
- You can now stop Ctrl-F (ie Find) from toggling or closing the Find windows if you prefer.
- You can, optionally, allow the ESC key to close a note.
- A revised command line with better import capabilities, plain text, RTF and Markdown.
- Export (plain text, markdown and rtf) from the tools button on the Edit Window.
- Ctrl-Z (ie Undo) will now revert an errant Date Stamp
- A number of minor bug fixes.
- A number of speed up tricks that will help, particularly, users with very large note collections.
Sometimes this page also contains beta or testing packages, often full of slow debug statements or experimental code, care is needed.
NOTE: OpenSUSE users may need to download and install the new gpg key provided unless they have done so in last 12 months or so (the previous one having expired).
tomboy-ng Release V0.34
This page contains the downloadable files for a binary install on Linux, Windows and Mac
Unless you know exactly what you need, you are far better off downloading the same files from the Wiki Release Page
New in this release :
- Multilevel bullets
- Github Sync
- Better Notebook tools
- Configurable date stamp
Note : new in 0.34, tomboy-ng-0.34-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is an Arch Package, suitable for Arch Linux or Majaro.
Sometimes this page also contains beta or testing packages, often full of slow debug statements or experimental code, care is needed.
UPDATED 2022 November 2
Right now, this page has some version 0.34g packages, starting to look well tested. But care and experience needed. The 'a' through to 'f' versions had this to contribute
- Find, finding a particular term in one note, you can now prevent Ctrl-F from toggling.
- Revised command line interface, importing a note is now improved and a restart of an existing instance of tomboy-ng is not required.
- Inserting a Datestamp while text is selected overwrites that text, its now possible to undo this, ctrl-z.
- Several bug fixes.
- A revised Search While You Type when searching your note collection. Its faster and kinder on memory (especially for large note collections) and more convenient to use. Its is, however, demanding on compute capacity and some users may prefer to click options and disable it.
- A revised Find While You Type when searching one, open, note. It has what I consider a more intuitive user interface, please feel free to comment ! Its also faster and kinder on memory.
- Up to date ES, FR, NL and UK Translations (thanks Roy, François, Heimen and Andrij).
- A range of small bug fixes and performance tweaks.
And introduced a nasty bug that caused a failure to save automatically and caused an ignore of certain keystrokes. Version 0.34g fixes that bug and a few other, minor issues. Tweaked Spanish translation, revised Spelling GUI, ensures recent changes to a note are found in the search, corrects the background colours of links, fixed a Windows rename issue.
As is always the case, care is needed with beta releases, I do some testing and am, so far, happy, but, well, you know. In the last few days I found quite a lot of annoying little bugs (and one not so little). Please, report anything unexpected, if you don't tell me about a problem, how can I know ?
NOTE: OpenSUSE users will need to download and install the new gpg key provided (the previous one having expired).
This is not the most current version of tomboy-ng
Unless you know exactly what you need, you are far better off downloading the same files from the Wiki Release Page
New in this release :
- Undo (Ctr-Z) and Redo (Ctrl-Y) is now implemented. Each keypress is an event, the code to detect that a key is part of a sequence is too obtrusive. A setting allows disabling Undo if desired, I have not established clearly just what effect it has on performance.
- SysTray support for Linux systems using the Gnome Desktop, even Fedora ! Install gnome-shell-extension-appindicator package, restart. Please see the Systray Wiki page
- Substantially faster indexing at startup, will help users with large (>10K) notes and good hardware.
- The help note, "System Tray on Linux" now points to a solution for System Tray issues on Debian Bulleseye using Gnome Desktop.
- Improvements to in-note Find. It now responds to F3 or Ctrl-G for forward Finding, shift will go backwards. The Ctrl-Enter and Alt-Enter still works but I personally regret introducing it, sorry ! The new key bindings are far more widely used in other applications (Firefox, Thunderbird, MacOS ...).
- Improved Markdown exporting, Its now the better defined CommonMark variety of MarkDown, and its a slightly simpler process too. Blocks of fixed spacing font now looks better too.
- You can disable notifications.
- A slight change to the Calc function to make its operation easier to understand.
- Better Dark Theme support, especially for Windows, information on the Wiki for Qt5 and MacOS Dark Theme users.
- Windows users with high DPI screens will notice much sharper text.
- Notebooks are now listed alphabetically in dialogs such as where you select the notebook a note should be a member of.
- Bug Fixes - Restructured initial config; MacOS find messages; Ctrl-N not working if in Search panel; Notebook list in a note's Notebook edit screen; exporting MD from SingleNoteMode. A bug that misread an '@' symbol in some non English keyboards as an Exit command. Sorry about that !
Sometimes this page also contains beta or testing packages, often full of slow debug statements or experimental code, care is needed. Indeed, this page, until recently contained 0.33b packages as well and those packages did contain a bug that prevented creating your first note. Sorry !
Right now, you will also find version 0.33e here. It is a relatively untested beta that features two major features -
- Multilevel Bullets (one more level than the ill fated 0.33b) and a different selection of bullet characters.
- The ability to sync your notes via github. This not only provides a network sync facility but allows you to view and edit your notes from, perhaps, your phone or other mobile device. No app required (apart from a browser).
- Plus : On Windows, notifications now go through the proper Windows Notification system. Markdown handled a lot better. Minor bug fix in spell check.
Again, remember that 0.33e is a beta, lots of things could go wrong. Ensure you have backups !
Release v0.33
This page contains the downloadable files for a binary install on Linux, Windows and Mac
Unless you know exactly what you need, you are far better off downloading the same files from the Wiki Release Page
New in this release :
- Undo (Ctr-Z) and Redo (Ctrl-Y) is now implemented. Each keypress is an event, the code to detect that a key is part of a sequence is too obtrusive. A setting allows disabling Undo if desired, I have not established clearly just what effect it has on performance.
- SysTray support for Linux systems using the Gnome Desktop, even Fedora ! Install gnome-shell-extension-appindicator package, restart. Please see the Systray Wiki page
- Substantially faster indexing at startup, will help users with large (>10K) notes and good hardware.
- The help note, "System Tray on Linux" now points to a solution for System Tray issues on Debian Bulleseye using Gnome Desktop.
- Improvements to in-note Find. It now responds to F3 or Ctrl-G for forward Finding, shift will go backwards. The Ctrl-Enter and Alt-Enter still works but I personally regret introducing it, sorry ! The new key bindings are far more widely used in other applications (Firefox, Thunderbird, MacOS ...).
- Improved Markdown exporting, Its now the better defined CommonMark variety of MarkDown, and its a slightly simpler process too. Blocks of fixed spacing font now looks better too.
- You can disable notifications.
- A slight change to the Calc function to make its operation easier to understand.
- Better Dark Theme support, especially for Windows, information on the Wiki for Qt5 and MacOS Dark Theme users.
- Windows users with high DPI screens will notice much sharper text.
- Notebooks are now listed alphabetically in dialogs such as where you select the notebook a note should be a member of.
- Bug Fixes - Restructured initial config; MacOS find messages; Ctrl-N not working if in Search panel; Notebook list in a note's Notebook edit screen; exporting MD from SingleNoteMode. A bug that misread an '@' symbol in some non English keyboards as an Exit command. Sorry about that !
Sometimes this page contains beta or testing packages, often full of slow debug statements or experimental code, care is needed.
Release v0.32
This page contains the downloadable files for a binary install on Linux, Windows and Mac
Unless you know exactly what you need, you are far better off downloading the same files from the Wiki Release Page
This repository currently also contains some relatively untested release v0.32j packages, seen as possibly the last release candidates for v0.33. Features include :
- Undo/Redo driven by Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y
- Better SysTray experience for Gnome Desktop users
- Improved Markdown exporting, Its now the better defined CommonMark variety of MarkDown, and its a slightly simpler process too.
- A more "industry standard" Find, using (Ctrl-F to enter a search term) and then F3 (or Ctrl-G), to search, shift to reverse direction. If you land in a note as a result of searching from the Search Form, F3 will continue that search.
- Windows users with high DPI screens will notice much sharper text.
- A bug that misread an '@' symbol in some non English keyboards as an Exit command. Sorry about that !
- Notebooks are now listed alphabetically in dialogs such as where you select the notebook a note should be a member of.
- Yet another attempt to get a good Dark Theme on Windows, maybe even the Mac ?
- You can disable notifications.
- Some "behind the scene" restructuring to make code maintenance a bit easier.
If you use this release, please ensure you report anything that is "unexpected". I regard it as in "feature freeze" now, only bug fixes until release.
Sometimes this page contains beta or testing packages, often full of slow debug statements or experimental code, care is needed.
Release v0.31
This page contains the downloadable files for a binary install on Linux, Windows and Mac
Unless you know exactly what you need, you are far better off downloading the same files from the Wiki Release Page
WARNING This page contains a (probably final) release candidate, ( version 0.31h , updated 7th Feb ) of tomboy-ng for Linux and Windows (Mac version to follow shortly). It features -
- Linux Only. Connect to an Android device running Tomdroid using just a USB cable.
- An improved 'in note' search model, if you land in a note from search (from search window) the notes 'find' ability is primed, press Ctrl-Enter to find the next instance in the note of the search term, Alt-Enter for the previous. A separate Find dialog is no longer used, a Find field appears at the foot of the note when you press Ctrl-F. The Find keys, Ctrl-Enter and Alt-Enter are still usable when the Find panel is not visible.
- The note listing in Search Window can now be set to auto refresh if that what you prefer.
- The app now tries to determine if you are using a Desktop that cannot display the SysTray, advises of alternative use model. Note that Ubuntu Gnome is incorrectly detected as an offender here.
- I have removed code that showed the Search Window's note list in alternating colours, it caused a number of display problems. You can now see the selected note and move the section up and down with the cursor keys. I may revisit this in a future release.
- Some small bug fixes.
While you are welcome to download and test this version you must be aware that its new, you must have good backups and read the Tomdroid help note carefully if you plan to use the Tomdroid connection.
Sometimes this page contains beta or testing packages, often full of slow debug statements or experimental code, care is needed.
Release v0.30
This page contains the downloadable files for a binary install on Linux, Windows and Mac
Unless you know exactly what you need, you are far better off downloading the same files from the Wiki Release Page
Sometimes this page contains beta or testing packages, often full of slow debug statements or experimental code, care is needed.
Note that this directory currently also contains tomboy-ng version 0.30a, its almost identical to v0.30 but contains, in addition, a very experimental sync system to NextCloud notes. You are very welcome to download and try it out but on two conditions -
- You understand and keep good backups.
- You report what you find here.
Release v0.29
This page contains the downloadable files for a binary install on Linux, Windows and Mac
Unless you know exactly what you need, you are far better off downloading the same files from the Wiki Release Page
Sometimes this page contains beta or testing packages, often full of slow debug statements or experimental code, care is needed.