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1576 lines (911 loc) · 34.2 KB
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September 9, 2024

Package cli/arg

Routines for parsing command line arguments


bb_setprog "myprogram"
bb_addopt f:foo "Number of foos (default: 2)" 2
bb_addflag b:bar "Bar flag"
bb_setpositional "THINGS" "Things to process"
bb_parseargs "$@"
set -- "${BB_POSARGS[@]}" # $@ now only contains the positional arguments
bb_checkopt bar && echo "You gave the bar flag!"
bb_getopt -v fooval foo
[[ $fooval -gt 0 ]] || bb_errusage "foo val must be greater than 0"
echo "You set foo to $fooval"
for arg in "$@"; do
  echo "You have item $arg"


bb_setprog "copy"
bb_addflag "f:force" "force overwrite destination"
bb_addarg "src" "source file/directory"
bb_addarg "dst" "destination path"
bb_parseargs "$@"
bb_getopt -v src src || bb_errusage "missing required src argument"
bb_getopt -v dst fst || bb_errusage "missing required dst argument"
[[ -e "$dst" && ! bb_checkopt force ]] && bb_fatal "$dst exists"
cp "$src" "$dst"


Adds a command line option to be parsed


  • SHORTNAME: optional single character, e.g. "f" for an -f FOO option
  • LONGNAME: required long name, e.g. "foo" for a --foo FOO option
  • DESCRIPTION: description of the option used in help
  • DEFAULT: the default value of the option if not given in the command line


-h and --help are reserved for automatically-generated command usage and help


Adds a named argument


  • NAME: unique, one-word name of the argument
  • DESCRIPTION: description of the argument used in help
  • DEFAULT: default value if not given in the command line


Adds a command line flag to be parsed


  • SHORTNAME: optional single character, e.g. "f" for an -f flag
  • LONGNAME: required long name, e.g. "foo" for a --foo flag
  • DESCRIPTION: description of the option used in help


-h and --help are reserved for automatically-generated command usage and help


Print the command line usage string


Print the command line help


Includes the usage string and a list of flags and options with their descriptions.


Issues an error message, prints the command usage, and exits the shell


  • MESSAGE: error message to be printed
  • RETURNVAL: return code to exit with (defaults to 1)

bb_isflag LONGNAME

Check if LONGNAME is a registered flag (not an option)

Returns: 0 if LONGNAME is a flag, 1 otherwise (i.e. it is an option)

bb_setprog [PROGNAME]

Sets the name of the program for printing usage and help


  • PROGNAME: name of the program (defaults to current script name)

bb_setpositional NAME DESCRIPTION

Sets the name and description of the positional arguments


  • NAME: one-word name of the positional arguments (auto-capitalized)
  • DESCRIPTION: description of the positionals used in help

bb_parseargs ARGS

Parses command line arguments after registering valid flags and options


  • ARGS: the list of command line arguments, usually "$@"


  • Check flags with bb_checkopt LONGNAME
  • Get option setting values or named arguments with bb_getopt LONGNAME
  • Get positional arguments with ${BB_POSARGS[@]} array
  • If the last argument is a single dash (-), read remaining arguments from stdin


Parses arguments in $@ and modifies it in-place to only hold positional arguments


To use this in a script, you must do shopt -s expand_aliases

bb_getopt [-v VAR] LONGNAME

Gets the value of option or argument by name


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • LONGNAME: long name of the option (or named argument)

Returns: true if the result is nonempty

bb_checkopt LONGNAME

Returns the value of flag named LONGNAME


  • LONGNAME: long name of the flag

Returns: the flag value, either true or false


Undefined if used on an opt instead of a flag


Clears all registered argument parsing settings


Only one "command" can be registered for parsing at once so this can be used to clear the state of a previous command and start a new one

Package cli/color

Routines for printing text in color using ANSI escape codes

bb_colorize COLORSTR TEXT

Prints the given text in color if outputting to a terminal


  • COLORSTR: FGCOLOR[on[BGCOLOR]] (e.g. red, bright_red, white_on_blue)
  • TEXT: text to be printed in color

Returns: 0 if text was printed in color, 1 otherwise


Supported colors:

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • bright_gray (dark_white)
  • gray (bright_black)
  • bright_red
  • bright_green
  • bright_yellow
  • bright_blue
  • bright_magenta
  • bright_cyan
  • white (bright_white)

This does not print a new line at the end of TEXT

bb_rawcolor COLORSTR TEXT

Like colorize but always uses prints in color


  • COLORSTR: FGCOLOR[on[BGCOLOR]] (e.g. red, bright_red, white_on_blue)
  • TEXT: text to be printed in color


Use this instead of colorize if you need to still print in color even if not connected to a terminal, e.g. when saving the output to a variable. See colorize for supported colors

bb_colorstrip TEXT

Strips ANSI color codes from text colorized by colorize (or rawcolor)


  • TEXT: text possibly with color escape codes to be removed


This is only guaranteed to work on text generated by colorize and variants, not for any generic string with ANSI escape codes.

Package cli/input

Routines for handling user input

bb_getinput VAR PROMPT

Prompts for input and saves the response to VAR


  • VAR: variable to store response into (do not include $)
  • PROMPT: text displayed to the user

bb_yn PROMPT

Prompts user to confirm an action by pressing Y


  • PROMPT: text displayed to the user

Returns: 0 if yes, 1 otherwise


If you want the user to type "yes", use getinput and check their response

bb_pause PROMPT

Prompts user to press a key to continue


  • PROMPT: text displayed to the user Default: Press any key to continue

Package cli/msg

Messaging routines

bb_info MESSAGE

Prints an informational message to stderr


  • MESSAGE: message to be printed

bb_warn MESSAGE

Prints a warning message to stderr


  • MESSAGE: message to be printed

bb_error MESSAGE

Prints an error message to stderr


  • MESSAGE: message to be printed


Prints an error message to stderr and then exits the shell


  • MESSAGE: message to be printed
  • RETURNCODE: return code to exit with (defaults to 1)


Issues a fatal error if two given values are not equal


  • VAL1: value to check
  • VAL2: value to check against (golden answer)
  • MESSAGE: optional prefix to the error message
  • RETURNCODE: return code to exit with (defaults to 1)


Issues a fatal error if a given substring is not found in some given text


  • TEXT: text to check
  • PATTERN: substring to be found
  • MESSAGE: optional prefix to the error message
  • RETURNCODE: return code to exit with (defaults to 1)


Issues a fatal error if text does not match the given regular expression


  • TEXT: text to check
  • PATTERN: regular expression
  • MESSAGE: optional prefix to the error message
  • RETURNCODE: return code to exit with (defaults to 1)

bb_loglevel [LEVEL]

Sets the current log level


  • LEVEL: integer representing the current log verbosity level (default: 0)

bb_setloglevelname LEVEL NAME

Assigns a name to the given log level


  • LEVEL: integer representing the current log verbosity level
  • NAME: name to be assigned


Issues a message at a certain log level


  • LEVEL: minimum logging level required to print the message
  • MESSAGE: message to be printed


Set BB_LOG_TIMEFMT to a valid time format string to override the default

Package cli/progress

Text-based progress bar and checkpoint pass/fail status line generator


ping -c 1 &>/dev/null; bb_checkpoint "Pinging DNS"
for pct in {0..100}; do sleep 0.1s; bb_progressbar $pct "Downloading"; done; echo

bb_progressbar VALUE TEXT

Prints/updates a progress bar


  • VALUE: integer from 0 to 100; 100 meaning complete
  • TEXT: optional text to be displayed


Customize the start, end, and fill characters by setting environment variables BB_PROGRESS_START, BB_PROGRESS_END, and BB_PROGRESS_FILL. By default these are set to [, ], and .

bb_checkpoint TEXT [RESULT]

Prints a status line with pass/fail result based on RESULT


  • TEXT: text to be displayed
  • RESULT: 0 for pass, nonzero for fail; if not given, infers from $?


Customize the fill character and pass/fail text by setting environment variables BB_CHECKPOINT_FILL, BB_CHECKPOINT_PASS, and BB_CHECKPOINT_FAIL. By default these are set to space, OK, and FAIL.

Package core

Core routines

bb_load PKG ...

Loads a module or package


  • PKG: either a package (e.g. cli/arg) or a whole module (e.g. cli)


Each package only loads once; if you happen to load one twice, the second time has no effect

bb_isloaded PKG

Checks if a package is loaded already


  • PKG: package name in internal format, e.g. bb_cli_arg

Returns: 0 if loaded, 1 otherwise

bb_debug TEXT

Log text when debugging is enabled


  • TEXT: message to be logged in debug mode


Set environment variable BB_DEBUG to enable debug mode


Check if the script is being sourced

Returns: 0 if sourced, 1 otherwise


Print a stack trace to stderr


Clears all functions and variables defined by bash-boost

Package interactive/bookmark

Directory bookmarking system

bb_addbookmark [KEY] [DIR]

Adds a bookmark to the directory for quick recall


  • KEY: single character to assign bookmark to
  • DIR: directory to bookmark; defaults to current directory


If DIR is already bookmarked, this will clear the previously associated key If KEY is already used, this will overwrite the orevious assignment

bb_delbookmark [KEY]


  • KEY: bookmark key to delete; prompts if unspecified


Useful as a keyboard shortcut, e.g., Ctrl+X-B

bb_bookmark [KEY] [DIR]

Go to the directory bookmarked by KEY if it exists, otherwise create bookmark


  • KEY: single character to assign bookmark to; prompts if unspecified
  • DIR: directory to bookmark; defaults to current directory


If DIR is already bookmarked, this will clear the previously associated key. If KEY is already used but you wish to overwrite it, use bb_addbookmark or use bb_delbookmark KEY first Useful as a keyboard shortcut, e.g., Ctrl+B

bb_showbookmark [KEY]

Shows the current mapping of KEY, or all keys if KEY is unspecified


  • KEY: bookmark key to show

bb_getbookmark [DIR]

Prints bookmark key assigned to the given DIR if such a bookmark exists


  • DIR: directory to get assigned bookmark key of; defaults to current directory

bb_loadbookmark FILE

Loads bookmark assignments from FILE


  • FILE: a file containing bookmark assignments


FILE should be formatted with an assignment on each line, with each assignment being a letter followed by a path, separated by space

Package interactive/cmd

Miscellaneous interactive commands

bb_mcd DIR

Make director(ies) and change directory to the last one


  • DIR: usually a single directory to be made, but all arguments are passed to mkdir and the last argument is then passed to cd if mkdir is successful

bb_up [DIR]

Change directory up


  • DIR: go to this directory, otherwise defaults to .. if no DIR specified


Most useful with the associated command completion. After pressing TAB, the current working directory is populated, and with each further TAB, a directory is removed, moving you up the directory stack. Once you see the upward directory you want to go to, hit ENTER

bb_forkterm [ARGS ...]

Spawn a new terminal instance inheriting from this shell's environment


  • ARGS: arguments to be appended to the terminal launch command


  • Uses the BB_TERMINAL or TERMINAL environment variable as the command to launch the new terminal instance.
  • Sets the BB_FORKDIR variable for the spawned shell to read. In your shell init file, you can detect when this variable is set and change to this directory, if desired.
  • BB_TERMINAL can be a list with arguments, or a string which will be tokenized by space. If your arguments contain spaces, you will need to declare the variable as a list.

Package interactive/prompt

Routines for managing a dynamic shell prompt


Activates the registered dynamic prompt


Deactivates the registered dynamic prompt


This will restore the prompt to the state it was in when loadprompt was called

bb_setpromptleft FUNCTION ...

Sets the left prompt to the output of the list of given functions


  • FUNCTION: a function whose stdout output will be added to the prompt


The prompt areas are as follows:

  | left prompt               right prompt |
  | nextline prompt                        |

bb_setpromptright FUNCTION ...

Sets the right prompt to the output of the list of given functions


  • FUNCTION: a function whose stdout output will be added to the prompt

bb_setpromptnextline FUNCTION ...

Sets the next line prompt to the output of the list of given functions


  • FUNCTION: a function whose stdout output will be added to the prompt

bb_setwintitle FUNCTION

Sets the window title to the output of the list of given functions


  • FUNCTION: a function whose stdout output will used as the window title

bb_settabtitle FUNCTION

Sets the tab title to the output of the list of given functions


  • FUNCTION: a function whose stdout output will used as the tab title


Not all terminals support this

bb_promptcolor COLORSTR TEXT

Prints text in color, for use specifically in prompts


  • COLORSTR: valid color string, see bb_colorize
  • TEXT: text to be printed in color


This is like colorize but adds [ and ] around non-printing characters which are needed specifically in prompts

Package util/env

Routines for checking and setting environment variables

bb_checkset VAR

Check if an environment variable is set or empty


  • VAR: name of the variable to check (don't include $)

Returns: 1 if unset, 2 if set but empty, 0 otherwise

bb_iscmd COMMAND

Check if COMMAND is a valid command


  • COMMAND: name of command to check (e.g., ls)


This could be an executable in your PATH, or a function or bash builtin

bb_inpath VAR ITEM ...

Checks if items are in the colon-separated path variable VAR


  • VAR: path variable, e.g. PATH (do not use $)
  • ITEM: items to find in the path variable

Returns: 0 if all items are in the path, 1 otherwise

bb_prependpath VAR ITEM ...

Prepends items to the colon-separated path variable VAR


  • VAR: path variable, e.g. PATH (do not use $)
  • ITEM: items to add to the path variable

bb_appendpath VAR ITEM ...

Appends items to the colon-separated path variable VAR


  • VAR: path variable, e.g. PATH (do not use $)
  • ITEM: items to add to the path variable

bb_prependpathuniq VAR ITEM ...

Prepends unique items to the colon-separated path variable VAR


  • VAR: path variable, e.g. PATH (do not use $)
  • ITEM: items to add to the path variable


If an item is already in the path, it is not added twice

bb_appendpathuniq VAR ITEM ...

Appends unique items to the colon-separated path variable VAR


  • VAR: path variable, e.g. PATH (do not use $)
  • ITEM: items to add to the path variable


If an item is already in the path, it is not added twice

bb_removefrompath VAR ITEM ...

Removes items from the colon-separated path variable VAR


  • VAR: path variable, e.g. PATH (do not use $)
  • ITEM: items to remove from the path variable

Returns: 0 if any item was removed, 1 otherwise

bb_swapinpath VAR ITEM1 ITEM2

Swaps two items in a colon-separated path variable VAR


  • VAR: path variable, e.g. PATH (do not use $)
  • ITEM1: first item to swap
  • ITEM2: second item to swap

Returns: 0 if swap is successful, 1 if either ITEM1 or ITEM2 was not in the path 2 if insufficient arguments were supplied (less than 3) 3 for internal error

bb_printpath VAR [SEP]

Prints a path variable separated by SEP, one item per line


  • VAR: path variable, e.g. PATH (do not use $)
  • SEP: separator character, defaults to :

Package util/file

Routines for common file operations

bb_canonicalize [-v VAR] PATH

Resolves . and .. in a given absolute path


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • PATH: an absolute path

Returns: 1 if PATH is invalid, 0 otherwise

bb_abspath [-v VAR] TARGET [FROM]

Returns the absolute path from a relative one


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • TARGET: target relative path (can be file or directory)
  • FROM: the absolute directory path from which the absolute path is formed (Defaults to $PWD)

bb_relpath [-v VAR] TARGET [FROM]

Returns the relative path from a directory to the target


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • TARGET: target absolute path (can be file or directory)
  • FROM: the absolute directory path from which the relative path is formed (Defaults to $PWD)

Returns: 1 if either TARGET or FROM is invalid, 0 otherwise

bb_prettypath PATH

Prints a pretty version of the path


  • PATH: a path


Replaces home directory with ~

bb_countlines FILENAME ...

Counts the number of lines in a list of files


  • FILENAME: a valid filename

Returns: 1 if any of the filenames are invalid, 0 otherwise

bb_countmatches PATTERN FILENAME ...

Counts the number of matching lines in a list of files


  • PATTERN: a valid bash regular expression
  • FILENAME: a valid filename

Returns: 1 if any of the filenames are invalid, 0 otherwise

bb_extpush EXT FILENAME ...

Adds the file extension EXT to all given files


  • EXT: the file extension
  • FILENAME: a valid filename

bb_extpop FILENAME ...

Removes the last file extension from the given files


  • FILENAME: a valid filename

bb_hardcopy FILENAME ...

Replaces symbolic links with deep copies


  • FILENAME: a valid symbolic link

bb_scriptpath [-v VAR]

Returns the unresolved directory name of the current script


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)

Package util/kwargs

Routines for parsing keyword arg strings


talk() {
  bb_kwparse opts "$@"
  set -- "${BB_OTHERARGS[@]}" # $@ now only contains non-kwargs
  local verb="${opts[verb]:-have}"
  local item
  for item in "$@"; do
    echo "You $verb $item"
talk eggs milk bread
talk verb=ate eggs milk bread

bb_kwparse MAP KEY=VAL ... ARGS ...

Parses a list of KEY=VAL pairs and stores them into a dictionary


  • MAP: name of an associative array to be created
  • KEY=VAL: a key-value pair separated by =
  • ARGS: other arguments not in KEY=VAL format are ignored


Get non-keyword arguments with ${BB_OTHERARGS[@]}

Package util/list

Routines for common list operations

bb_join [-v VAR] SEP ITEM ...

Joins the list of items into a string with the given separator


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • SEP: separator
  • ITEM: a list item

bb_split [-V LISTVAR] SEP STR

Splits a string into a list based on a separator


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • SEP: separator
  • STR: string to split

bb_inlist TARGET LIST ...

Checks if a target item exists in a given list


  • TARGET: the search target
  • LIST: a list item

Returns: 0 if found, 1 otherwise

bb_push LISTVAR ITEM ...

Pushes an item to a list (stack)


  • LISTVAR: name of the list variable (do not include $)
  • ITEM: item to push

bb_pop LISTVAR

Pops an item from a list (stack)


  • LISTVAR: name of the list variable (do not include $)

bb_unshift LISTVAR ITEM ...

Unshifts an item from a list (stack)


  • LISTVAR: name of the list variable (do not include $)
  • ITEM: item to unshift

bb_shift LISTVAR

Shifts an item from a list (stack)


  • LISTVAR: name of the list variable (do not include $)

bb_sort [-V LISTVAR] ITEM ...

Sorts the items of a list in lexicographic ascending order


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • ITEM: a list item

bb_sortdesc [-V LISTVAR] ITEM ...

Sorts the items of a list in lexicographic descending order


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • ITEM: a list item

bb_sortnums [-V LISTVAR] ITEM ...

Sorts the items of a list in numerical ascending order


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • ITEM: a list item

bb_sortnumsdesc [-V LISTVAR] ITEM ...

Sorts the items of a list in numerical descending order


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • ITEM: a list item

bb_sorthuman [-V LISTVAR] ITEM ...

Sorts the items of a list in human-readable ascending order


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • ITEM: a list item


Human readable, e.g., 1K, 2M, 3G

bb_sorthumandesc [-V LISTVAR] ITEM ...

Sorts the items of a list in human-readable descending order


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • ITEM: a list item


Human readable, e.g., 1K, 2M, 3G

bb_uniq [-V LISTVAR] ITEM ...

Filters an unsorted list to include only unique items


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • ITEM: a list item

bb_uniqsorted [-V LISTVAR] ITEM ...

Filters an sorted list to include only unique items


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • ITEM: a list item


Faster than uniq, but requires the list to be pre-sorted

bb_islist LISTVAR

Checks if the variable with the given name is a list with >1 element


  • LISTVAR: name of a variable


This will return false if the variable is declared as a list but only has 1 element. In that case, you can treat the variable as a scalar anyway.

bb_rename ITEM ... -- NAME ...

Assigns new variable names to items


  • ITEM: a list item
  • NAME: a variable name


func() {
  bb_rename "$@" -- first second
  echo "The first argument is $first"
  echo "The second argument is $second"

bb_unpack LISTVAR NAME ...

Unpacks list items into named variables

Requires: bash 4.3 or later


  • LISTVAR: name of the list variable (do not include $)
  • NAME: a variable name to hold a list element


Maps a function over a list, modifying it in place

Requires: bash 4.3 or later


  • LISTVAR: name of the list variable (do not include $)
  • FUNCTION: a function or command to map a list element to a new value


Maps a function over a list of keys to generate an associative array

Requires: bash 4.3 or later


  • LISTVAR: name of an associative array variable (do not include $)
  • FUNCTION: a function or command to map keys to values
  • KEYS: keys which will be added to the associative array with mapped values

bb_reverselist [-V LISTVAR] ITEM ...

Returns a reversed version of the given list


  • LISTVAR: name of the returned reversed list variable (do not include $)
  • ITEM: list items to reverse

Package util/math

Routines for common math operations

bb_sum [-v VAR] NUM ...

Returns the sum of the given numbers


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • NUM: a valid number

bb_min [-v VAR] NUM ...

Returns the minimum of the given numbers


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • NUM: a valid number

bb_max [-v VAR] NUM ...

Returns the maximum of the given numbers


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • NUM: a valid number

bb_abs [-v VAR] NUM

Returns the absolute value of a given number


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • NUM: a valid number

bb_isint NUM ...

Checks if all the given numbers are valid integers


  • NUM: a number to check

Returns: 0 if all arguments are integers, 1 otherwise

bb_hex2dec [-V LISTVAR] NUM ...

Converts numbers from hexademical (base 16) to decimal (base 10)


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • NUM: a number to convert

Returns: 1 if any number is invalid hexadecimal, 0 otherwise

bb_dec2hex [-V LISTVAR] NUM ...

Converts numbers from decimal (base 10) to hexademical (base 16)


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • NUM: a number to convert

Returns: 1 if any number is invalid decimal, 0 otherwise

bb_oct2dec [-V LISTVAR] NUM ...

Converts numbers from octal (base 8) to decimal (base 10)


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • NUM: a number to convert

Returns: 1 if any number is invalid octal, 0 otherwise

bb_dec2oct [-V LISTVAR] NUM ...

Converts numbers from decimal (base 10) to octal (base 8)


  • LISTVAR: list variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • NUM: a number to convert

Returns: 1 if any number is invalid decimal, 0 otherwise

Package util/prof

Routines for runtime profiling of bash scripts

bb_startprof LOGFILE

Starts runtime profiling


  • LOGFILE: (optional) file use to log profiling data Default: TMPDIR/bbprof.PID.out


Use the bbprof-read utility script to parse and analyze profile data


Stops runtime profiling

Package util/rand

Routines for generating random sequences

bb_randint [-v VAR] MAX [MIN]

Returns a random non-negative integer between MIN and MAX


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • MAX: the largest possible returned value
  • MIN: the smallest possible returned value (defaults to zero)

bb_randstr [-v VAR] LENGTH [CHARSET]

Returns a random string of the given length


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • LENGTH: length of the returned string
  • CHARSET: string with all possible characters to use (defaults to all alphanumeric characters)

bb_loadworddict [FILENAME]

Loads a dictionary of words


  • FILENAME: file containing words, one per line


The dictionary file should contain one word per line

bb_randwords [-v VAR] COUNT [SEP]

Returns a string containing non-repeated random words from a loaded word dictionary


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • COUNT: number of returned words
  • SEP: separator to use between words (default is space)


You must load a word dictionary with bb_loadworddict before using this

Package util/string

Routines for common string operations

bb_lstrip [-v VAR] TEXT

Strips leading (left) whitespace from text


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • TEXT: text to strip whitespace from

bb_rstrip [-v VAR] TEXT

Strips trailing (right) whitespace from text


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • TEXT: text to strip whitespace from

bb_strip [-v VAR] TEXT

Strips leading and trailing whitespace from text


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • TEXT: text to strip whitespace from

bb_reversestr [-v VAR] TEXT

Reverses a string


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • TEXT: text to reverse

bb_ord [-v VAR] CHAR

Converts character to its ASCII decimal code


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • CHAR: a single character

bb_chr [-v VAR] CODE

Converts ASCII decimal code to character


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • CODE: an integer ASCII character code

bb_snake2camel [-v VAR] TEXT

Converts text from snake to camel case


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • TEXT: text in snake case


Leading underscores are preserved

bb_camel2snake [-v VAR] TEXT

Converts text from camel to snake case


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • TEXT: text in camel case

bb_titlecase [-v VAR] TEXT

Converts text into title case (every word capitalized)


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • TEXT: text to transform


This does not check the content of the words itself and may not respect grammatical rules, e.g. "And" will be capitalized

bb_sentcase [-v VAR] TEXT

Converts text into sentence case (every first word capitalized)


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • TEXT: text to transform

bb_urlencode [-v VAR] TEXT

Performs URL (percent) encoding on the given string


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • TEXT: text to be encoded

bb_urldecode [-v VAR] TEXT

Decodes URL-encoded text


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • TEXT: text to be decoded

Returns: 1 if the input URL encoding is malformed, 0 otherwise

bb_repeatstr [-v VAR] NUM TEXT

Repeat TEXT NUM times


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • NUM: repeat this many times (integer)
  • TEXT: text to repeat

bb_centerstr [-v VAR] WIDTH TEXT [FILL]

Pad and center TEXT with FILL character to have WIDTH width


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • WIDTH: width of the padded string result
  • TEXT: text to display
  • FILL: character used for padding (if not given, uses space)


If the text cannot be perfectly centered, it will be pushed closer to the left side. TEXT may contain color codes.

bb_cmpversion VER1 VER2 [DELIM]

Checks if VER1 is greater than or equal to VER2


  • VER1: a version string (containing only numerals and delimeters)
  • VER2: another version string, usually a reference point
  • DELIM: character(s) to delimit fields in the version string (default: .-_)

Returns: 0 if VER1 greater or equal to VER2, 1 otherwise


Numeric comparison is used, so alphabetical characters are not supported

Package util/time

Routines for common time and date operations


bb_timefmt "%F %T" # e.g., 2022-11-20 16:53:30
bb_timefmt "%F %T" $(bb_now +1h) # one hour from now
bb_timefmt "%F %T" $(bb_now ^h)  # end of the hour
bb_timefmt "%F %T" $(bb_now +1d) # one day from now
bb_timefmt "%F %T" $(bb_now ^d)  # end of the day
bb_timefmt "%F %T" $(bb_now +2w ^d) # after two weeks, at end of day

bb_now [-v VAR] [OFFSET ...]

Returns a timestamp relative to the current time (in seconds after epoch)


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • OFFSET: {+,-}N{s,m,h,d,w}[^] where N is an integer

Returns: 1 if any offset is invalid, 0 otherwise


s: seconds m: minutes h: hours d: days w: weeks Optional: trailing ^ rounds up; ^d is short for +0d^

bb_timefmt [-v VAR] FORMAT [TIMESTAMP]

Formats a timestamp into a desired date format


  • VAR: variable to store result (if not given, prints to stdout)
  • FORMAT: date format string, refer to man strftime
  • TIMESTAMP: epoch time, defaults to current time (now)

bb_timedeltafmt [-v VAR] FORMAT TIME1 [TIME2]

Formats a time delta into a desired format


  • VAR:
  • TIME1: if TIME1 not specified, this is interpreted as a duration in seconds
  • TIME2: if specified, TIME1 is the end timestamp and TIME2 is the start timestamp


Capital letters D, H, M, S represent the partial value Lowercase letters d, h, m, s represent the total value


bb_now -v start
sleep 120s
bb_now -v end
bb_timedeltafmt -v elapsed "%H:%M:%S" end start
bb_timedeltafmt -v total_seconds "%s" end start
echo "elapsed time $elapsed, $total_seconds total seconds"
# above should print "elapsed time 00:02:00, 120 total seconds"