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tracyone edited this page Feb 4, 2018 · 26 revisions

feature config

After installed vinux, you will find feature.vim in ~/.vim/.

Open feature.vim, following features can be configed:

let g:vinux_coding_style.cur_val='linux'
let g:feat_enable_writing=1
let g:feat_enable_airline=1
let g:vinux_plugin_dir.cur_val='/Users/tracyone/.vim/bundle/'
let g:feat_enable_frontend=1
let g:feat_enable_tools=1
let g:enable_auto_plugin_install.cur_val='on'
let g:feat_enable_vim=1
let g:git_plugin_name.cur_val='vim-fugitive'
let g:enable_powerline_fonts.cur_val='on'
let g:feat_enable_edit=1
let g:grepper_plugin.cur_val='neomake-multiprocess'
let g:feat_enable_c=1
let g:feat_enable_fun=1
let g:ctrlp_matcher_type.cur_val='cpsm'
let g:feat_enable_jump=1
let g:feat_enable_basic=1
let g:ctrlp_caching_type.cur_val='limit'
let g:enable_sexy_mode.cur_val='off'
let g:feat_enable_gui=1
let g:feat_enable_tmux=1
let g:fuzzysearcher_plugin_name.cur_val='ctrlp'
let g:complete_plugin_type.cur_val='YouCompleteMe'
let g:feat_enable_complete=1
let g:feat_enable_markdown=1
let g:feat_enable_zsh=1
let g:feat_enable_git=1
let g:feat_enable_help=1
let g:vinux_version='vinux V0.9.9 @8.0.1431'

There are two kind of variable:

  1. variables for enabling feature which prefix is g:feat_enable_
  2. variables for controlling some detail of feature or global settings which suffix is .cur_val

Following sections are the detail of these variables.

Enable & disable feature dynamically

You can edit feature.vim manually, but I am too lazy to do it


<SPC>fe: enable feature dynamically.

<SPC>fd: disable feature dynamically.

By default, vinux will use ctrlp to filter the features.


Writing feature

To enable this feature, just edit feature.vim and change following line:

let g:feat_enable_writing=1

After enable this feature, you can:

  1. You can focus your writing using junegunn/goyo.vim
  2. You can edit org file and manager your todo list

Tools feature

To enable this feature, just edit feature.vim and change following line:

let g:feat_enable_tools=1
  1. crunch.vim.A Calculator.
  2. vim-youdao-translater.
  3. DrawIt
  4. VimExplorer
  5. renamer.vim
  6. vinarise.vim
  7. vim-gtfo
  8. fencview
  9. dictionary.vim

Frontend feature

To enable this feature, just edit feature.vim and change following line:

let g:feat_enable_frontend=1
  1. mattn/emmet-vim
  2. hail2u/vim-css3-syntax
  3. cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim
  4. othree/html5.vim
  5. moll/vim-node
  6. maksimr/vim-jsbeautify
  7. tmhedberg/SimpylFold

Complete feature

Airline feature

screenshot for airlien

To enable this feature, just edit feature.vim and change following line:

let g:feat_enable_airline =1

To enable power line font:

let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1

Of course you need to install power line font:YaHei-Consolas-Hybrid-For-Powerline

Plugins auto install feature

Fun feature

Edit feature

Language C feature

Jump feature

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