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Hello world in three4g

This mini app adapts the rotating cube example from the page to GWT.

Setup in Eclipse

  • Install the GWT plugin in Eclipse:

    Since three4g requires GWT 2.9, but the plugin installer can only install 2.8.2, you need to download the GWT 2.9 separately and add the GWT runtime to your plugin:

    Eclipse setup

  • Clone the three4g repository

  • Import hello-three4g as project. Since hello-three4g is not a child module of three4g, you have to explicitly select the hello-three4g folder in the repositories view:

    Eclipse import

  • Since the project import does not automatically enable the project's GWT nature, you have to enable it manually. Open the GWT settings on the project and enable GWT:

    Eclipse enable GWT

  • Now you are able to build the project. Choose GWT/Compile from the project's menu.

  • If the compiler reports success, you have a new folder /hello-three4g/war/hello_three4g with the compilation results. You can now open /hello-three4g/war/hello-three4g.html in the browser and look at the cube rotating.

    Eclipse setup