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File metadata and controls

296 lines (186 loc) · 8.59 KB

Smart Ink Segmentation and Analysis

Timothy Truty

Updated 6 May 2019

Technical Details

Application Architecture

On overview of the navigation and controls inside the Smart Ink Tool application system

SmartInk Demo Video

Technology Used

Front End:

  • Java FX

Back End:


  • Java

  • JavaFX

  • Oracle Database

  • Pen Files (produced after docking Anoto Pen :Other project to produce files)

Tools Used

  • Java Eclipse

Revision History

Major Revision changes

Version No. Date Prepared by Significant changes

  • 1.0 11/15/2018 Tim Truty Initial proposal and mock up with Swing
  • 1.1 12/7/2018 Tim Truty Integration with JavaFX and inclusion of Cluster method to segment data

Digital Ink Studies Background


A common method to assess cognition is the use of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). This creates a global score of cognition and can show. The simplicity of the test and ease of administration make this a popular assessment tool for research and clinical use cases. The testing consists of about 10 questions asked verbally and two writing tasks. This project focuses on the writing task of the test. The MMSE writing task is two questions that are simple: “Write any complete sentence.”, and to copy a figure on a piece of paper. These tests are scored by a trained research assistant as to be correct (1) or incorrect (0). With the use of new technology, it is my hope that we can access more minute cognitive impairment and get at much greater detail in metrics instead of the binary score. This project examines the feasibility of using a digital pen to capture and score the previously analogue format into a digital representation. This is done with little change to administration of the test, the only difference in the digital format is the pen and paper given to the participant.


Digital collection of MMSE data is completed using an Anoto Live Pen 2 and printed paper with a special imperceptible dot pattern that the pen scans with a small camera near the tip. This then in translated into the coordinates of writing on the paper. Other metrics taken from the pen are force on the tip and time data.

Each administration of the MMSE tests results in one text file separated into strokes each stroke has many points that are basically 4 measures for *x, y, timestamp and force. *

Sample text files:

Pen id: AR6-AAN-XNP-SX

Number of pages: 1

Page address: 150.846.10.15\#0

Page bounds: 0 0 8127 8127

Number of strokes: 46

StrokeID: 1

Number of samples: 64

Color: 41 0 139

StartTime: 1512056527.467

674.8750 39.2500 0 0

674.8750 39.6250 13 0

675.0000 39.6250 13 2

675.0000 39.7500 14 6

675.1250 39.7500 13 10

675.2500 39.8750 13 12

Project Details:

Java Program

The core of the system is used to segment the pen data and store results. The system loads the file and uses a clustering algorithm to make the segmentation process easier for the user.:

Main Interactions

  • Login

  • Show segmentation tools

  • Add files to tool

  • Segment files into Sentence, Figure, RA data

    • Flag file

    • Remove file from tool (stays in work bin, logs)

    • Reset work done

  • Add meta-data

    • Project Id

    • Tester Id date

  • Save

Class Descriptions

Files Description Package

  • LoginController Controls the login view Controllers
  • LoginManager Validation of Login. Controllers
  • Main Sets up the root scene and stage for the application Controllers
  • MainViewController Controls for main view (where the bulk of interactions take place) Controllers
  • DBConnect Sets up the connection to the SQL database Dao
  • Cluster Creation of the cluster object Models
  • ClusterTableData Object for setting the cluster table view Models
  • DBScan Backend for the clustering algorithm Models
  • InkPoint Data and methods for individual sample point Models
  • InkStroke Data and methods for single stroke Models
  • Point Abstract for point Models
  • Stroke Abstract for stroke Models
  • ReadData Read the pen file to load strokes Models
  • StrokeTableData Object for setting the stroke table view Models
  • WriteCSV Output a csv after strokes are segmented Models
  • Login Fxml file to create login vielw Views
  • Mainview Fxml file to create main view and interactions in application Views


Login screen.

  1. The login details are retrieved from the SQL database connection

    a. Login detail located at Login Details


  2. Status label will alert user is username or password is incorrect image

Main View

Overview of main screen.


  1. Menu Bar for options.


File holds open file select that open file selection dialogue

This only will load files with txt extensions


If user loads a file that is a txt but not the correct file an alert will appear.


Login and file info

Shows the username, file time and file location of loaded file


User input for scored file

This takes the user input for the user to type in for the scoring file.


Upon save the input is validated



View Stroke Graphics

This pane will show the graphical representation of the stroke data


User Controls

Buttons for the user to rotate the drawing, cluster the strokes and save. Also hold controls for changing clustering


Table View

Tab view for viewing the stroke and cluster data, cluster is empty until the cluster button is pressed

Highlighting individual stroke


Cluster Button pressed to cluster strokes, the sliders in the control column can change the clustering. In order to increase the amount of strokes allowed in each cluster. The goal is to segment each sentence, pentagon and ra data into as few clusters as possible, but it just makes the segmentation easier.


This demonstrates the increasing min distance slider and re-clustering.


Selection of cluster will highlight all strokes in that cluster


Set the segmentation labels by clicking of the label cell in the cluster table view


Once complete press the SAVE BUTTON

If there is a missing label set the application will alert the use and not save.


Upon completion the User is alerted and asker to continue scoring or quit


The output is saved in a csv format. In the save directory as the loaded txt file and has same base filename with .csv extension.
