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Twilio AI Assistants is a Twilio Alpha project that is currently in Developer Preview.

Twilio AI Assistant Deployment Tool - Owl Shoes

A modular tool for deploying a Twilio AI Assistant with pre-configured tools and knowledge bases. This project provides a structured way to create and configure an AI Assistant for retail customer service.


  • Automated assistant creation with retail-focused personality
  • Pre-configured tools for common retail operations:
    • Customer lookup
    • Order management
    • Returns processing
    • Product recommendations
    • Customer surveys
  • Knowledge base integration for FAQs
  • Modular and maintainable codebase


  • Node.js (v14 or higher)
  • Twilio account with AI Assistant access (accept AI Assistants Terms & Conditions)
  • Twilio Account SID and Auth Token
  • Airtable account, App ID and API token

Project Structure

├──                                # Project documentation and setup instructions
├── LICENSE                                  # MIT license file
├── package.json                             # Project dependencies and scripts
├── .env.example                             # Template for environment variables
├── .twilioserverlessrc                      # Twilio Serverless configuration
├── functions/                               # Serverless function implementations
│   ├── channels/                            # Channel-specific handlers
│   │   ├── conversations/                   # Twilio Conversations handlers
│   │   │   ├── flex-webchat.protected.js    # Flex webchat integration
│   │   │   ├── messageAdded.protected.js    # Message handling
│   │   │   └── response.js                  # Response handling
│   │   ├── messaging/                       # SMS/WhatsApp handlers
│   │   │   ├── incoming.protected.js        # Incoming message handling
│   │   │   └── response.js                  # Response handling
│   │   └── voice/                           # Voice call handlers
│   │       └── incoming-call.js             # Incoming call handling
│   ├── front-end/                           # Front-end integration endpoints
│   │   ├── create-customer.js               # Customer creation endpoint
│   │   └── create-order.js                  # Order creation endpoint
│   └── tools/                               # Assistant tool implementations
│       ├── create-survey.js                 # CSAT survey creation
│       ├── customer-lookup.js               # Customer information lookup
│       ├── order-lookup.js                  # Order status lookup
│       ├── place-order.js                   # Order placement
│       ├── products.js                      # Product catalog access
│       ├── return-order.js                  # Return processing
│       └── send-to-flex.js                  # Flex transfer handler
├── prompts/                                 # Assistant configuration
│   └──                  # Core personality and behavior
└── src/                                     # Deployment and configuration
    ├── deploy.js                            # Main deployment script
    ├── config/                              # Configuration modules
    │   ├── assistant.js                     # Assistant settings
    │   ├── knowledge.js                     # Knowledge base config
    │   └── tools.js                         # Tool configurations
    └── lib/                                 # Core functionality
        ├── createAssistant.js               # Assistant creation
        ├── createKnowledge.js               # Knowledge base setup
        └── createTools.js                   # Tool creation and attachment

Quick Start

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd ai-assistant-demo-owl-shoes
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Configure Airtable:

    a. Copy the Airtable base using this link

    b. Once copied, you'll find the base ID in your Airtable URL (it looks like 'appXXXXXXXXXXXXX')

    c. Generate an Airtable access token:

    • Go to your Airtable account
    • Click "Create new token"
    • Give it a name and select the necessary scopes for your base
    • Copy the generated token

    The base includes tables for:

    • Customers: Customer information for personalization
    • Orders: Order history data
    • Inventory: Product catalog information
    • Surveys: CSAT surveys conducted by the Assistant
    • Returns: Returns proccessed by the Assistant

    Its recommend you add yourself and some additional data to the table for demo purposes.

  2. Configure environment variables:

cp .env.example .env
# Edit .env and add your credentials:
# TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=your_account_sid
# TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=your_auth_token
# AIRTABLE_API_KEY=your_airtable_api_key
# AIRTABLE_BASE_ID=your_airtable_base_id

⚠️ Ensure you accept the Terms and Conditions in the Twilio Console by visiting the AI Assistants page before running the script.

  1. Deploy the assistant:
npm run deploy

Connecting Channels

After deploying your functions and assistant, you'll need to connect various Twilio channels. Here's how to set up each channel:

Voice Channel

⚠️ Add your Assistant ID to the incoming-call function

Configure your Twilio voice number to use the AI Assistant:

Via Twilio CLI:

twilio phone_number <your-twilio-number> \

OR If Using Voice Intel.

twilio phone_number <your-twilio-number> \

Via Twilio Console:

  1. Open your voice-capable phone number
  2. Set the "When a call comes in" function to: https://<your-functions-domain> or https://<your-functions-domain>

Messaging Channels


Via Twilio CLI:

twilio phone_number <your-twilio-number> \

Via Twilio Console:

  1. Open your SMS-capable phone number or Messaging Service
  2. Set the "When a message comes in" webhook to: https://<your-functions-domain>


  1. Go to your WhatsApp Sandbox Settings in the Twilio Console
  2. Configure the "When a message comes in" function to: https://<your-functions-domain>

Note: To use the same webhook for multiple assistants, add the AssistantSid as a parameter:


Conversations Channel

Set up Twilio Conversations integration:

  1. Create a Conversations Service or use your default service
  2. Run this Twilio CLI command to configure the webhook:
twilio api:conversations:v1:services:configuration:webhooks:update \
    --post-webhook-url=https://<your-functions-domain> \
    --chat-service-sid=<your-conversations-service-sid> \
  1. Follow the Twilio Conversations documentation to connect your preferred channels

Tool Functions

The assistant uses several tool functions that need to be implemented:

  1. Customer Lookup (/tools/customer-lookup)

    • GET request
    • Looks up customer information
    • Returns customer details
  2. Order Lookup (/tools/order-lookup)

    • GET request
    • Retrieves order information
    • Validates order ID
    • Input schema:
        order_confirmation_digits: string; //Last 4 digits of customers order
  3. Create Survey (/tools/create-survey)

    • POST request
    • Creates customer satisfaction survey records
    • Captures rating and feedback
    • Requires customer identification via x-identity header
    • Input schema:
        rating: number,    // Required: 1-5 rating
        feedback: string   // Optional: customer feedback
  4. Order Return (/tools/return-order)

    • POST request
    • Initiates return process for delivered orders
    • Validates order status and existing returns
    • Creates return record and updates order
    • Input schema:
        order_id: string,      // Required: order identifier
        return_reason: string  // Required: reason for return
  5. Place Order (/tools/place-order)

    • POST request
    • Creates new orders using customer information
    • Handles product lookup and pricing
    • Calculates any applicable discounts
    • Input schema:
        product_id: string; // Required: product identifier
  6. Product Inventory (/tools/products)

    • GET request
    • Retrieves complete product catalog
    • Includes product details, pricing, and availability
    • Used for product recommendations
    • No input parameters required
  7. Product Inventory (/tools/send-to-flex)

    • POST request
    • Transfers conversation to a flex queue


Adding New Tools

  1. Create your function in the functions/tools directory
  2. Deploy the updated functions:
twilio serverless:deploy
  1. Add tool configuration to src/config/tools.js:
newTool: {
  name: "Tool Name",
  description: "Tool description and rules",
  type: "WEBHOOK",
  method: "GET",
  url: `https://${DOMAIN}/tools/your-new-tool`
  1. Redeploy the assistant:
npm run deploy

Modifying Assistant Behavior

  1. Update the prompt in prompts/
  2. Modify tool configurations as needed
  3. Redeploy the assistant

Local Development

  1. Create test credentials in Twilio
  2. Use test credentials in .env
  3. Deploy functions and assistant separately for easier debugging

Error Handling

The deployment script includes comprehensive error handling:

  • Environment variable validation
  • Creation failure handling
  • Detailed error logging


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Make your changes
  4. Submit a pull request
