Download MyBreeze.zip to test usage
Or create your own theme and use Clock10.qml or ClockHub.qml to replace the standard Clock.qml in the Breeze LnF theme.
- Lockscreen
- Select Clock Style
- System Settings - >Workspace Behavior - >Screen Locking ->Appearance ->Clock Style Config
- Win 10 or Hub Style
- Win 10 / Lower left side of display
- Clock10.qml within components folder
- Current time / date
- Calendar Events
- Current weather conditions
- Hub Style / Centered top of display
- ClockHub.qml
- Current time / date
- Calendar events
- Current weather conditions
- G-mail new messages
- Weather forecast
- NYSE Market indexes
- Favorite sports team scores
- NYSE market data from yahoo.finance.com
- Sports data from espn.com
- Weather data from dark sky
- G-Mail unread messages count
- Edit this file for weather, market data, sports teams, gmail
- Install python3 for your system / already installed most linux distros
python3 --version
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
- Must setup google OAuth to allow access to gmail mailbox
- Gmail Oauth
- Google APIs Client Library for Python
- Sample script to get unred messages
- Change to write output to file read by Clock10.qml / ClockHub.qml
- Events.qml within components folder
- Edit to add / change events for your needs
- Obtain key for Open Weather API
- Use systemd timer to update weather with curl
- Write json data to to local file, used in lockscreen Clock10.qml / ClockHub.qml