JavaScript SDK for interacting with the Symbol and NEM blockchains.
Most common functionality is grouped under facades so that the same programming paradigm can be used for interacting with both Symbol and NEM.
To send a transaction, first create a facade for the desired network:
import { PrivateKey } from 'symbol-sdk';
import { SymbolFacade, descriptors, models } from 'symbol-sdk/symbol';
const facade = new SymbolFacade('testnet');
import { PrivateKey } from 'symbol-sdk';
import { NemFacade, descriptors, models } from 'symbol-sdk/nem';
const facade = new NemFacade('testnet');
Second, describe the transaction using JavaScript object syntax. For example, a transfer transaction can be described as follows:
const transaction = facade.transactionFactory.create({
type: 'transfer_transaction_v1',
signerPublicKey: '87DA603E7BE5656C45692D5FC7F6D0EF8F24BB7A5C10ED5FDA8C5CFBC49FCBC8',
fee: 1000000n,
deadline: 41998024783n,
mosaics: [
{ mosaicId: 0x7CDF3B117A3C40CCn, amount: 1000000n }
const transaction = facade.transactionFactory.create({
type: 'transfer_transaction_v1',
signerPublicKey: 'A59277D56E9F4FA46854F5EFAAA253B09F8AE69A473565E01FD9E6A738E4AB74',
fee: 0x186A0n,
timestamp: 191205516,
deadline: 191291916,
amount: 5100000n
Alternatively, strongly typed transaction bindings are provided:
const typedDescriptor = new descriptors.TransferTransactionV1Descriptor(
new descriptors.UnresolvedMosaicDescriptor(new models.UnresolvedMosaicId(0x7CDF3B117A3C40CCn), new models.Amount(1000000n))
'hello symbol'
const transaction = facade.createTransactionFromTypedDescriptor(
new PublicKey('87DA603E7BE5656C45692D5FC7F6D0EF8F24BB7A5C10ED5FDA8C5CFBC49FCBC8'),
60 * 60
const typedDescriptor = new descriptors.TransferTransactionV1Descriptor(
new models.Amount(5100000n),
new descriptors.MessageDescriptor(models.MessageType.PLAIN, 'hello nem')
const transaction = facade.createTransactionFromTypedDescriptor(
new PublicKey('A59277D56E9F4FA46854F5EFAAA253B09F8AE69A473565E01FD9E6A738E4AB74'),
60 * 60
Third, sign the transaction and attach the signature:
const privateKey = new PrivateKey('EDB671EB741BD676969D8A035271D1EE5E75DF33278083D877F23615EB839FEC');
const signature = facade.signTransaction(new facade.static.KeyPair(privateKey), transaction);
const jsonPayload = facade.transactionFactory.static.attachSignature(transaction, signature);;
Finally, send the payload to the desired network using the specified node endpoint:
Symbol: PUT /transactions
NEM: POST /transaction/announce
Symbol-sdk is written node-first and published via npm, so simply install the package and import 'symbol-sdk':
npm install symbol-sdk
import { PrivateKey } from 'symbol-sdk';
import { KeyPair } from 'symbol-sdk/symbol';
const privateKey = new PrivateKey('EDB671EB741BD676969D8A035271D1EE5E75DF33278083D877F23615EB839FEC');
console.log(`Private Key: ${privateKey.toString()}`);
const keyPair = new KeyPair(privateKey);
console.log(`Public Key: ${keyPair.publicKey.toString()}`);
Symbol-sdk is alternatively published as a bundled file, which can be imported directly for browser usage:
<script type="module">
import { core, /* nem, */ symbol } from './node_modules/symbol-sdk/dist/bundle.web.js';
const { PrivateKey } = core;
const { KeyPair } = symbol;
const privateKey = new PrivateKey('EDB671EB741BD676969D8A035271D1EE5E75DF33278083D877F23615EB839FEC');
console.log(`Private Key: ${privateKey.toString()}`);
const keyPair = new KeyPair(privateKey);
console.log(`Public Key: ${keyPair.publicKey.toString()}`);
If you want to use symbol-sdk within a browser application and/or are using a bundler, additional configuration of the bundler is required.
For Webpack, the following configuration needs to be added:
export default {
// ...
plugins: [
// configure browser replacements for node process and Buffer libraries
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
process: 'process/browser',
Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer']
// use a browser-optimized wasm for Ed25519 crypto operrations
new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(
// configure browser polyfills for node crypto, path and stream libraries
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js'],
fallback: {
crypto: 'crypto-browserify',
path: 'path-browserify',
stream: 'stream-browserify'
experiments: {
// enable async loading of wasm files
asyncWebAssembly: true,
topLevelAwait: true
// ...
If everything is set up correctly, the same syntax as the Node example can be used.
JavaScript SDK uses node subpath exports for cleaner imports and depends on ES2020 functionality.
For TypeScript compatibility, the following minimum settings must be specified in tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "ES2020",
"module": "Node16",
"moduleResolution": "Node16"
In order to simplify the learning curve for NEM and Symbol usage, the SDK uses Symbol terminology for shared Symbol and NEM concepts. Where appropriate, NEM terminology is replaced with Symbol terminology, including the names of many of the NEM transactions. The mapping of NEM transactions to SDK descriptors can be found in the following table:
NEM name (used in docs) | SDK descriptor name |
ImportanceTransfer transaction | account_key_link_transaction_v1 |
MosaicDefinitionCreation transaction | mosaic_definition_transaction_v1 |
MosaicSupplyChange transaction | mosaic_supply_change_transaction_v1 |
MultisigAggregateModification transaction | multisig_account_modification_transaction_v1 multisig_account_modification_transaction_v2 |
MultisigSignature transaction or Cosignature transaction | cosignature_v1 |
Multisig transaction | multisig_transaction_v1 |
ProvisionNamespace transaction | namespace_registration_transaction_v1 |
Transfer transaction | transfer_transaction_v1 transfer_transaction_v2 |