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Python SDK for interacting with the Symbol and NEM blockchains.

Most common functionality is grouped under facades so that the same programming paradigm can be used for interacting with both Symbol and NEM.

Sending a Transaction

To send a transaction, first create a facade for the desired network:


from symbolchain.CryptoTypes import PrivateKey
from symbolchain.facade.SymbolFacade import SymbolFacade

facade = SymbolFacade('testnet')


from symbolchain.CryptoTypes import PrivateKey
from symbolchain.facade.SymbolFacade import SymbolFacade

facade = SymbolFacade('testnet')

Second, describe the transaction using a Python dictionary. For example, a transfer transaction can be described as follows:


transaction = facade.transaction_factory.create({
	'type': 'transfer_transaction_v1',
	'signer_public_key': '87DA603E7BE5656C45692D5FC7F6D0EF8F24BB7A5C10ED5FDA8C5CFBC49FCBC8',
	'fee': 1000000,
	'deadline': 41998024783,
	'recipient_address': 'TCHBDENCLKEBILBPWP3JPB2XNY64OE7PYHHE32I',
	'mosaics': [
		{'mosaic_id': 0x7CDF3B117A3C40CC, 'amount': 1000000}


transaction = facade.transaction_factory.create({
	'type': 'transfer_transaction_v1',
	'signer_public_key': 'A59277D56E9F4FA46854F5EFAAA253B09F8AE69A473565E01FD9E6A738E4AB74',
	'fee': 0x186A0,
	'timestamp': 191205516,
	'deadline': 191291916,
	'amount': 5100000

Third, sign the transaction and attach the signature:

private_key = PrivateKey('EDB671EB741BD676969D8A035271D1EE5E75DF33278083D877F23615EB839FEC')
signature = facade.sign_transaction(facade.KeyPair(private_key), transaction)

json_payload = facade.transactionFactory.attachSignature(transaction, signature)

Finally, send the payload to the desired network using the specified node endpoint:

Symbol: PUT /transactions
NEM: POST /transaction/announce

NEM Cheat Sheet

In order to simplify the learning curve for NEM and Symbol usage, the SDK uses Symbol terminology for shared Symbol and NEM concepts. Where appropriate, NEM terminology is replaced with Symbol terminology, including the names of many of the NEM transactions. The mapping of NEM transactions to SDK descriptors can be found in the following table:

NEM name (used in docs) SDK descriptor name
ImportanceTransfer transaction account_key_link_transaction_v1
MosaicDefinitionCreation transaction mosaic_definition_transaction_v1
MosaicSupplyChange transaction mosaic_supply_change_transaction_v1
MultisigAggregateModification transaction multisig_account_modification_transaction_v1
MultisigSignature transaction or Cosignature transaction cosignature_v1
Multisig transaction multisig_transaction_v1
ProvisionNamespace transaction namespace_registration_transaction_v1
Transfer transaction transfer_transaction_v1