This is a how-to guide on setting up checkbox on a 22.04 VM and executing manual tests with it. We ultimately would like to automate the checkbox test cases, with the use of other tools down the road.
Because a GitHub runner, running a workflow on ‘ubuntu-latest’, will be running 22.04, we will start with a fresh 22.04 VM.
The very first time checkbox is setup on a system for testing, you will need to do a small amount of one-time setup tasks
sudo apt install python3-pip python3-distutils-extra
sudo snap install checkbox22
sudo snap install checkbox --classic
mkdir -p /var/tmp/checkbox-providers && cd /var/tmp/checkbox-providers
checkbox.checkbox-cli startprovider --empty com.desktop-snaps:myprovider
This is most useful really for someone doing the initial setup of checkbox, including writing the very first project test plans.
mkdir com.desktop-snaps\:myprovider/units && cd com.desktop-snaps\:myprovider
vim units/gnome-calculator.pxu
plugin: manual
id: my-first-job
flags: simple
Check that gnome-calculator runs and works correctly
1. Launch gnome-calculator from the desktop icon
2. Make sure the theme is correct
3. Make sure 2+2=4
4. Make sure hamburger menu -> Help brings up the Calculator Help page
unit: test plan
id: gnome-calculator-tp
name: gnome-calculator test plan
include: my-first-job
$PROVIDERPATH is defined, so following provider sources are ignored ['/home/heather/.local/share/plainbox-providers-1', '/var/tmp/checkbox-providers-develop']
Using sideloaded provider: com.desktop-snaps:myprovider, version 1.0 from /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/com.desktop-snaps:myprovider
=========================[ Resume Incomplete Session ]==========================
There are 0 incomplete sessions that might be resumed
Reports will be saved to: /home/heather/.local/share/checkbox-ng
=========[ Running job 1 / 1. Estimated time left (at least): 0:00:00 ]=========
--------------------------------[ my-first-job ]--------------------------------
ID: com.desktop-snaps::my-first-job
Category: com.canonical.plainbox::uncategorised
Check that gnome-calculator runs and works correctly
1. Launch gnome-calculator from the desktop icon
2. Make sure the theme is correct
3. Make sure 2+2=4
4. Make sure hamburger menu -> Help brings up the Calculator Help page
Outcome: job needs verification
Please decide what to do next:
outcome: job needs verification
comments: none
Pick an action
c => add a comment
p => set outcome to pass
f => set outcome to fail
s => set outcome to skip
[cpfs]: p
WARNING:checkbox-ng.launcher.stages:Using side-loaded providers disabled the certification report
(green checkmark) : my-first-job
WARNING:plainbox.providers.__init__:Using sideloaded provider: com.desktop-snaps:myprovider, version 1.0 from /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/com.desktop-snaps:myprovider
WARNING:plainbox.providers.__init__:Using sideloaded provider: com.desktop-snaps:myprovider, version 1.0 from /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/com.desktop-snaps:myprovider
WARNING:plainbox.providers.__init__:Using sideloaded provider: com.desktop-snaps:myprovider, version 1.0 from /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/com.desktop-snaps:myprovider
The test plans live in the units/
directory and they are for the following snaps:
- cheese
- eog
- epiphany
- evince
- five-or-more
- gedit
- glade
- gnome-2048
- gnome-boxes
- gnome-calculator
- gnome-calendar
- gnome-characters
- gnome-chess
- gnome-clocks
- gnome-contacts
- gnome-dictionary
- gnome-font-viewer
- gnome-hitori
- gnome-klotski
- gnome-logs
- gnome-mahjongg
- gnome-mines
- gnome-recipes
- gnome-robots
- gnome-sudoku
- gnome-system-monitor
- gnome-taquin
- gnome-text-editor
- gnome-tetravex
- gnome-weather
- iagno
- lightsoff
- quadrapassel
- swell-foop
- tali
Run checkbox from the command line:
Search the database with the "/" character. Start typing the app for testing. For example, you can search for "calculator" to discover the gnome-calculator test plan.
Then arrow down to highlight the line; space bar to select it. Hit enter.
Hit T to begin testing.
Follow the same steps as for "Running one test" except search for "snap test" to find the test plan called "Run all desktop-snapers snap test plans".
The test plans are in the "units" directory. Feel free to create a pull request with any additions :)