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This is a how-to guide on setting up checkbox on a 22.04 VM and executing manual tests with it. We ultimately would like to automate the checkbox test cases, with the use of other tools down the road.

Because a GitHub runner, running a workflow on ‘ubuntu-latest’, will be running 22.04, we will start with a fresh 22.04 VM.

First time setup

The very first time checkbox is setup on a system for testing, you will need to do a small amount of one-time setup tasks

General tools needed

sudo apt install python3-pip python3-distutils-extra

Setting up checkbox

sudo snap install checkbox22
sudo snap install checkbox --classic

Create an empty side-loaded provider

mkdir -p /var/tmp/checkbox-providers && cd /var/tmp/checkbox-providers
checkbox.checkbox-cli startprovider --empty com.desktop-snaps:myprovider

Creating the first test plan for the provider

This is most useful really for someone doing the initial setup of checkbox, including writing the very first project test plans.

Create a test plan

mkdir com.desktop-snaps\:myprovider/units && cd com.desktop-snaps\:myprovider
vim units/gnome-calculator.pxu
plugin: manual
id: my-first-job
flags: simple
   	Check that gnome-calculator runs and works correctly
  	1. Launch gnome-calculator from the desktop icon
  	2. Make sure the theme is correct
  	3. Make sure 2+2=4
  	4. Make sure hamburger menu -> Help brings up the Calculator Help page

unit: test plan
id: gnome-calculator-tp
name: gnome-calculator test plan
include: my-first-job

Run the test plan

$PROVIDERPATH is defined, so following provider sources are ignored ['/home/heather/.local/share/plainbox-providers-1', '/var/tmp/checkbox-providers-develop']
Using sideloaded provider: com.desktop-snaps:myprovider, version 1.0 from /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/com.desktop-snaps:myprovider
=========================[ Resume Incomplete Session ]==========================
There are 0 incomplete sessions that might be resumed
Reports will be saved to: /home/heather/.local/share/checkbox-ng
=========[ Running job 1 / 1. Estimated time left (at least): 0:00:00 ]=========
--------------------------------[ my-first-job ]--------------------------------
ID: com.desktop-snaps::my-first-job
Category: com.canonical.plainbox::uncategorised
  	Check that gnome-calculator runs and works correctly
 	1. Launch gnome-calculator from the desktop icon
 	2. Make sure the theme is correct
 	3. Make sure 2+2=4
 	4. Make sure hamburger menu -> Help brings up the Calculator Help page
Outcome: job needs verification
Please decide what to do next:
  outcome: job needs verification
  comments: none
Pick an action
  c => add a comment
  p => set outcome to pass
  f => set outcome to fail
  s => set outcome to skip
[cpfs]: p
WARNING:checkbox-ng.launcher.stages:Using side-loaded providers disabled the certification report
 (green checkmark) : my-first-job
WARNING:plainbox.providers.__init__:Using sideloaded provider: com.desktop-snaps:myprovider, version 1.0 from /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/com.desktop-snaps:myprovider
WARNING:plainbox.providers.__init__:Using sideloaded provider: com.desktop-snaps:myprovider, version 1.0 from /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/com.desktop-snaps:myprovider
WARNING:plainbox.providers.__init__:Using sideloaded provider: com.desktop-snaps:myprovider, version 1.0 from /var/tmp/checkbox-providers/com.desktop-snaps:myprovider

Test Plans available

The test plans live in the units/ directory and they are for the following snaps:

  • cheese
  • eog
  • epiphany
  • evince
  • five-or-more
  • gedit
  • glade
  • gnome-2048
  • gnome-boxes
  • gnome-calculator
  • gnome-calendar
  • gnome-characters
  • gnome-chess
  • gnome-clocks
  • gnome-contacts
  • gnome-dictionary
  • gnome-font-viewer
  • gnome-hitori
  • gnome-klotski
  • gnome-logs
  • gnome-mahjongg
  • gnome-mines
  • gnome-recipes
  • gnome-robots
  • gnome-sudoku
  • gnome-system-monitor
  • gnome-taquin
  • gnome-text-editor
  • gnome-tetravex
  • gnome-weather
  • iagno
  • lightsoff
  • quadrapassel
  • swell-foop
  • tali

Running one test

Run checkbox from the command line:


Search the database with the "/" character. Start typing the app for testing. For example, you can search for "calculator" to discover the gnome-calculator test plan.


Then arrow down to highlight the line; space bar to select it. Hit enter.


Hit T to begin testing.


Running all tests

Follow the same steps as for "Running one test" except search for "snap test" to find the test plan called "Run all desktop-snapers snap test plans".


Updating a test plan

The test plans are in the "units" directory. Feel free to create a pull request with any additions :)