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a/docs/searchindex.js +++ b/docs/searchindex.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study": [[5, "aids-clinical-trials-group-study"]], "About Model Tuner": [[3, null]], "Acknowledgements": [[0, "acknowledgements"]], "Binary Classification": [[5, "binary-classification"]], "Binary Classification Examples": [[5, "binary-classification-examples"]], "Brier Score": [[5, "brier-score"]], "Calibration Curve": [[5, "calibration-curve"]], "California Housing with XGBoost": [[5, "california-housing-with-xgboost"]], "Caveats": [[5, "caveats"]], "Changelog": [[1, null]], "Citing Model Tuner": [[0, "citing-model-tuner"]], "Classification Report (Optional)": [[5, "classification-report-optional"]], "Column Stratification with Cross-Validation": [[5, "column-stratification-with-cross-validation"]], "Column Transformer Example": [[5, "column-transformer-example"]], "Cross-Validation and Stratification": [[5, "cross-validation-and-stratification"]], "Dependent Variable": [[5, "dependent-variable"]], "Effects on Model Training": [[5, "effects-on-model-training"]], "Example: Calibration in Logistic Regression": [[5, "example-calibration-in-logistic-regression"]], "Getting Started": [[3, null]], "GitHub Repository": [[0, null]], "Goal of Calibration": [[5, "goal-of-calibration"]], "Helper Functions": [[5, "helper-functions"]], "Input Parameters": [[5, "input-parameters"]], "Installation": [[2, "installation"]], "Isotonic Regression": [[5, "isotonic-regression"]], "Key Methods and Functionalities": [[5, "key-methods-and-functionalities"]], "Model Calibration": [[5, "model-calibration"]], "Model Tuner Documentation": [[3, null]], "Platt Scaling": [[5, "platt-scaling"]], "Prerequisites": [[2, "prerequisites"]], "References": [[4, null]], "Regression": [[5, "regression"]], "Regression Example": [[5, "regression-example"]], "Solution": [[5, "solution"]], "Step 10: Calibrate the Model (if needed)": [[5, "step-10-calibrate-the-model-if-needed"]], "Step 1: Import Necessary Libraries": [[5, "step-1-import-necessary-libraries"], [5, "id1"]], "Step 2: Load the Dataset": [[5, "step-2-load-the-dataset"]], "Step 2: Load the dataset, define X, y": [[5, "step-2-load-the-dataset-define-x-y"]], "Step 3: Check for zero-variance columns and drop accordingly": [[5, "step-3-check-for-zero-variance-columns-and-drop-accordingly"]], "Step 3: Create an Instance of the XGBClassifier": [[5, "step-3-create-an-instance-of-the-xgbclassifier"]], "Step 4: Create an Instance of the XGBClassifier": [[5, "step-4-create-an-instance-of-the-xgbclassifier"]], "Step 4: Define Hyperparameters for XGBoost": [[5, "step-4-define-hyperparameters-for-xgboost"]], "Step 5: Define Hyperparameters for XGBoost": [[5, "step-5-define-hyperparameters-for-xgboost"]], "Step 5: Initialize and Configure the Model": [[5, "step-5-initialize-and-configure-the-model"]], "Step 6: Fit the Model": [[5, "step-6-fit-the-model"]], "Step 6: Initialize and Configure the Model": [[5, "step-6-initialize-and-configure-the-model"]], "Step 7: Perform Grid Search Parameter Tuning": [[5, "step-7-perform-grid-search-parameter-tuning"]], "Step 8: Fit the Model": [[5, "step-8-fit-the-model"]], "Step 9: Return Metrics (Optional)": [[5, "step-9-return-metrics-optional"]], "Summary": [[5, "summary"]], "Target Variable Shape and Its Effects": [[5, "target-variable-shape-and-its-effects"]], "Usage Guide": [[3, null]], "Version 0.0.010a": [[1, "version-0-0-010a"]], "Version 0.0.011a": [[1, "version-0-0-011a"]], "Version 0.0.012a": [[1, "version-0-0-012a"]], "Version 0.0.013a": [[1, "version-0-0-013a"]], "Version 0.0.014a": [[1, "version-0-0-014a"]], "Version 0.0.02a": [[1, "version-0-0-02a"]], "Version 0.0.05a": [[1, "version-0-0-05a"]], "Version 0.0.06a": [[1, "version-0-0-06a"]], "Version 0.0.07a": [[1, "version-0-0-07a"]], "Version 0.0.08a": [[1, "version-0-0-08a"]], "Version 0.0.09a": [[1, "version-0-0-09a"]], "Version 0.0.15a": [[1, "version-0-0-15a"]], "Welcome to Model Tuner\u2019s Documentation!": [[2, null]], "What Does Model Tuner Offer?": [[2, "what-does-model-tuner-offer"]], "Zero Variance Columns": [[5, "zero-variance-columns"]], "iPython Notebooks": [[5, null]]}, "docnames": ["about", "changelog", "getting_started", "index", "references", "usage_guide"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 62, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx.ext.todo": 2, "sphinx.ext.viewcode": 1}, "filenames": ["about.rst", "changelog.rst", "getting_started.rst", "index.rst", "references.rst", "usage_guide.rst"], "indexentries": {}, "objects": {"": [[5, 0, 1, "", "Model"]]}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "class", "Python class"]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:class"}, "terms": {"": [1, 3, 5], "0": [0, 2, 3, 5], "00": 5, "01": 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"calibration-curve"]], "California Housing with XGBoost": [[5, "california-housing-with-xgboost"]], "Caveats": [[5, "caveats"]], "Changelog": [[1, null]], "Citing Model Tuner": [[0, "citing-model-tuner"]], "Classification Report (Optional)": [[5, "classification-report-optional"]], "Column Stratification with Cross-Validation": [[5, "column-stratification-with-cross-validation"]], "Column Transformer Example": [[5, "column-transformer-example"]], "Cross-Validation and Stratification": [[5, "cross-validation-and-stratification"]], "Dependent Variable": [[5, "dependent-variable"]], "Effects on Model Training": [[5, "effects-on-model-training"]], "Example: Calibration in Logistic Regression": [[5, "example-calibration-in-logistic-regression"]], "Getting Started": [[3, null]], "GitHub Repository": [[0, null]], "Goal of Calibration": [[5, "goal-of-calibration"]], "Helper Functions": [[5, "helper-functions"]], "Input Parameters": [[5, "input-parameters"]], "Installation": [[2, "installation"]], "Isotonic Regression": [[5, "isotonic-regression"]], "Key Methods and Functionalities": [[5, "key-methods-and-functionalities"]], "Model Calibration": [[5, "model-calibration"]], "Model Tuner Documentation": [[3, null]], "Platt Scaling": [[5, "platt-scaling"]], "Prerequisites": [[2, "prerequisites"]], "References": [[4, null]], "Regression": [[5, "regression"]], "Regression Example": [[5, "regression-example"]], "Solution": [[5, "solution"]], "Step 10: Calibrate the Model (if needed)": [[5, "step-10-calibrate-the-model-if-needed"]], "Step 1: Import Necessary Libraries": [[5, "step-1-import-necessary-libraries"], [5, "id1"]], "Step 2: Load the Dataset": [[5, "step-2-load-the-dataset"]], "Step 2: Load the dataset, define X, y": [[5, "step-2-load-the-dataset-define-x-y"]], "Step 3: Check for zero-variance columns and drop accordingly": [[5, "step-3-check-for-zero-variance-columns-and-drop-accordingly"]], "Step 3: Create an Instance of the XGBClassifier": [[5, "step-3-create-an-instance-of-the-xgbclassifier"]], "Step 4: Create an Instance of the XGBClassifier": [[5, "step-4-create-an-instance-of-the-xgbclassifier"]], "Step 4: Define Hyperparameters for XGBoost": [[5, "step-4-define-hyperparameters-for-xgboost"]], "Step 5: Define Hyperparameters for XGBoost": [[5, "step-5-define-hyperparameters-for-xgboost"]], "Step 5: Initialize and Configure the Model": [[5, "step-5-initialize-and-configure-the-model"]], "Step 6: Fit the Model": [[5, "step-6-fit-the-model"]], "Step 6: Initialize and Configure the Model": [[5, "step-6-initialize-and-configure-the-model"]], "Step 7: Perform Grid Search Parameter Tuning": [[5, "step-7-perform-grid-search-parameter-tuning"]], "Step 8: Fit the Model": [[5, "step-8-fit-the-model"]], "Step 9: Return Metrics (Optional)": [[5, "step-9-return-metrics-optional"]], "Summary": [[5, "summary"]], "Target Variable Shape and Its Effects": [[5, "target-variable-shape-and-its-effects"]], "Usage Guide": [[3, null]], "Version 0.0.010a": [[1, "version-0-0-010a"]], "Version 0.0.011a": [[1, "version-0-0-011a"]], "Version 0.0.012a": [[1, "version-0-0-012a"]], "Version 0.0.013a": [[1, "version-0-0-013a"]], "Version 0.0.014a": [[1, "version-0-0-014a"]], "Version 0.0.02a": [[1, "version-0-0-02a"]], "Version 0.0.05a": [[1, "version-0-0-05a"]], "Version 0.0.06a": [[1, "version-0-0-06a"]], "Version 0.0.07a": [[1, "version-0-0-07a"]], "Version 0.0.08a": [[1, "version-0-0-08a"]], "Version 0.0.09a": [[1, "version-0-0-09a"]], "Version 0.0.15a": [[1, "version-0-0-15a"]], "Welcome to Model Tuner\u2019s Documentation!": [[2, null]], "What Does Model Tuner Offer?": [[2, "what-does-model-tuner-offer"]], "Zero Variance Columns": [[5, "zero-variance-columns"]], "iPython Notebooks": [[5, null]]}, "docnames": ["about", "changelog", "getting_started", "index", "references", "usage_guide"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 62, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, 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