This was built for the students of schools/colleges that still use TurboC++ and it's archaic code samples, and asks them to do the same. In order to use this, you need a Linux/Unix based system that can run DosBox. You must have DosBox preinstalled on your system. It is not mandatory to run this script as a user with superuser privileges, but it is necessary for the user running the script to have access to the entirety of the required assets.
To get started, create a directory anywhere on your disk, which will be your workplace. Let's call it the workspace. Add the BIN folder from this repository into your workspace. Also, inside the workspace, create three directories :
- builds/ (this will contain the built EXE files)
- sources/ (this will contain the C/CPP source code)
- logs/ (this will contain the build and DosBox logs)
Now, set the complete location of the workspace, as such:
ucc --workspace /Users/udit/myProjects
These commands below will do the heavylifting for you. You can copy and paste them to your terminal directly. After executing them, your workspace will be ~/UCCRoot. You can obviously change it to whatever you want. :
sudo -s
cd /tmp && git clone
mkdir ~/UCCRoot && cd ~/UCCRoot
mkdir builds logs sources
cp -r /tmp/ucc/BIN .
mv /tmp/ucc/ucc /bin/ucc && chmod +x /bin/ucc
rm -r /tmp/ucc
ucc --workspace ~/UCCRoot
echo ""
Here is the script command usage:
-b/--build : Builds the file, and places a DOS executable in builds/.
-r/--run : Runs the filename (if present) from builds/.
NOTE: Filenames longer than 8 characters should have the first 6 characters and ~1 attached. If the filename is longer than 8 characters but there is a dot(.) before the eighth character, place a '~1' after the filename before the dot.
For Example, Q1.cpp.EXE is longer than 8 characters, and has a dot before the eighth character. Hence to run it, you need to type ucc --run Q1~1
THISISTEST.cpp.EXE is longer than 8 characters but does not have a dot before the eighth character. Hence to run it, you need to type ucc --run THISIS~1
In the words of Bob the Builder:
Happy Building!