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71 lines (46 loc) · 1.79 KB

File metadata and controls

71 lines (46 loc) · 1.79 KB

Charles Translator

This repository contains the frontend single-page web application for the Charles Translator - a Charles University natural language translator.

Development setup

You need to have node.js intalled. I recommend the Node version manager tool. You can install the latest node version, but it works for me with 14.17.2. If the project won't compile due to some strange internal exception, try upgrading node.

After cloning the repository:

npm ci # installs packages from package_lock.json at EXACT versions

Start the Parcel development server and you are ready to go:

npm run start

Before committing changes

# run linter and formatter
npm run lint
npm run prettier-write

# also try building for production,
# because parcel production is more strict and may fail
# even if development compiled fine:
npm run clean
npm run build

Using prettier to format code

# just see what files fail
npm run prettier-check

# format all files
npm run prettier-write

# or you can just format one file:
npx prettier src/MyFile.jsx --write

# or just see what the formatted file would look like
npx prettier src/MyFile.jsx

Prettier is configured in .prettierrc and it's empty ON PURPOSE! See the prettier philosophy. If you don't like it, don't change it. Go find medical help instead.

Building for production

After cloning the repository:

npm ci # installs packages from package_lock.json at EXACT versions

Build the website and run a static webserver:

npm run clean # remove build data
npm run build # build the website into dist folder
npm run serve -- -p 8080 # start a static webserver within the dist folder