All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added
- Added Coordinates as a location query parameter
- Added form input verification and corresponding test battery for site,state,and coordinate input
- inactive location parameter forms are now hidden
- added input form for hydrological unit codes
- added input form for up to 10 counties
- added longitude and latitude columns to data Schema
- updated time column in schema to use tableau's datetime format, and created a script to translate into tableau-compliant datetime format.
- added unit code column to the schema
- added about page
- added search menu for parameter codes
- Added input for selection of multiple site types by user
- Added support for semantic versioning into project
- will now allow users to automatically increment version numbers in package.json and add git tags to builds
- Added ability to filter by agency code in queries
- Added data flag column to schema generated for data returned
- Added Tableau Desktop Compatible alerts
- Added Tooltips to support usability when datalist is not supported
- Added options for Test and QA buckets as targets for Jenkins builds
- Added support for Ground Water Site Attributes
- Added support for National and Local Aquifer codes
- Added site status parameter
- Added watershed area query
- Added Altitude query params
- Added csv processing for quickly adding a lot codes in fields which accept and verify multiple codes
- Added various temporal query parameters
- Added metadata table to query schema
- Added columns to display site number, parameter code, statistic code, agency code, and method code in every row of a table in Tableau
- Added 404(lost bison) page
- Added badge to Readme to show if Travis testing succeeds
- Added badge to Readme to show code quality from Codacy
- Added check for value of -999999 and return null instead
- Changed styling so all elements are left justified
- separted sitelist from main.vue
- switched datetime library to momentjs from date-format
- separated sitelist from main.vue
- Users can specify which branch to build on Jenkins build page, the default branch is still master
- Jenkins builds will now check for an existing docker container and delete it if a previous build has failed to clean up
- changed dropdown input suggestions to be compatible with the Tableau inline browser
- added visual grouping of optional parameters
- reordered input fields to match expected use frequency
- updated allowed parameters to only include those valid with the USGS Instantaneous Values Service.
- Added parameter group selection
- changed Jenkins automatic version incrementing to tag with current version number on release then commit new version number
- Added support for queries containing more than 100 parameter codes
- Patched schema construction to allow repeated parameters from same site
- Changed tests to use mocked files instead of fetched values
- Changed Vue build process to generate relative file paths
- Jenkins will now copy files into /connector directory in S3 buckets
- code.json version number is now automatically updated
- changed schema so a table is returned for each parameter code
- removed limit of ten results for search display(We are no longer using anything of sufficient size to be a problem)